Kirkwall Grammar School Biology Biodiversity & Sampling Pupil Booklet Name ____________________ Class ____________________ Teacher____________________ (KGS N4N5) 1. What is a species? 1. Define the term species 2a) International Biodiversity 2a) What is meant by the term Biodiversity? 2b) Name the organisms in the International Biodiversity picture 2c) Why do you think Biodiversity is so important? 2b) Scottish Biodiversity 2d) Name the organisms in the Scottish Biodiversity picture 3a) What is a Biome? 3a) What is a Biome? 3b) Name 5 different kinds of Biomes 2 3b) What distinguishes a Biome? 3c) What is meant by the term flora? 3d) What is meant by the term fauna? 3e) What distinguishes a Biome? 3f) What determines the distribution of Biomes? 4) Ecosystems 4. Complete the table about the key words used in Ecosystems Key Word Ecosystem Meaning Habitat Community Population 5) Biotic Factors & Biodiversity 5a) What is a Biotic Factor? 5b) Give 3 examples of Biotic Factors? 5c) Give an example of how a Biotic Factor could affect Biodiversity 3 5b) Biotic Factors & Biodiversity - Competition 5a) What is Competition? 5b) Give 2 examples of what organisms compete for. 5c) Biotic Factors & Biodiversity - Predation 5g) What is predation? 5h) Explain the impact on Biodiversity of High, Moderate and Low levels of Predation 5d) Biotic Factors & Biodiversity - Parasitism 5i) What is parasitism? 5j) Give 4 examples of parasites? 5k) Why do parasites not usually kill their hosts? 5e) Biotic Factors & Biodiversity - Grazing 5l) What is grazing and give an example? 5n) Explain the impact on Biodiversity of High, Moderate and Low levels of Grazing 4 6a) Abiotic Factors & Biodiversity 6a) What is an Abiotic Factor? 6b) Give 3 examples of Abiotic Factors? 6c) Why does light intensity affect the number of daisies growing in a field? 6d) Why does temperature affect the number of daisies growing in a field? 6e) Why does carbon dioxide levels affect the number of daisies growing in a field? 9a) Sampling Techniques 9a) Why do scientists have to take samples when investigating an ecosystem? 9b) How do scientists ensure that they have reliable results? 9c) State the relationship between sample site size and sample number? 9d) Calculate the number of daises in the field example 5 9b) Quadrats 9e) What type of organisms would be counted using quadrats? 9f) How do you use a quadrat? 9g) How do you prevent errors when using a quadrat? 9c) Pitfall Trap 9h) What type of organisms would be counted using a pitfall trap? 9i) How do you decrease errors when using a pitfall trap? 9d) Pooters 9j) What type of organisms would be counted using a pooter? 9k) How do you decrease errors when using a pooter? 6 9e) Kick Sampling 9l) What type of organisms would be counted using a kick net? 9m) How do you decrease errors when using a kick net? 10a) Biological Keys 10a) What are Biological Keys used for? 10b) State the 2 different types of Biological keys 10b) Branching Keys 10c) Use the Branching Key to identify the organisms Organism Name A B C D E F G 7 10c) Paired Statement Key 10d) Use the Paired Statement Key to identify the organisms Organism Name A B C D E F G H 8 11) Sampling Abiotic Factors 11. Complete the table about the different types of abiotic sampling methods and possible errors Abiotic Factor Sampling Technique Possible Error Ways to minimise error Challenge Activities * Keys Booklet * Biome Homework * Apprentice Task * Question Booklet * Field Trip Booklet 9