DRAFT 7/25/06 A Reflective Process for IEP Goals & Objectives 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485 ctserc.org SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 Assessments Aligned with General Education Curriculum Purpose: The intent of an IEP is to provide students with access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) and IEP goals & objectives should support the student’s participation and progress in general education curriculum. The assessment process can assist by providing a clear understanding of how the student currently performs in the general education curriculum. IDEA, 2004 For the same domain selected in the previous activity, locate the assessments listed in the IEP used to assess the student’s present level of performance. Select one assessment tool to examine more closely. Identify the concepts and application of skills measured by this assessment tool that relate to the selected domain. Locate the concepts and skills in the general education curriculum that align with those specified in the assessment tool. o What general education concepts does this tool assess? Concepts are the ideas and knowledge the student must be able to understand o What skills expected to be applied in the general education curriculum does this tool assess? Skills are the applications the student are able to perform o What is the expected level of performance according to the general education curriculum? This tool assesses… The general education curriculum expects all students to know and be able to do… -2- How does this assessment align with general education curriculum? SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 Effective Baseline Purpose: To establish a goal, it is important to determine the specific gap between the student’s present level of performance and the expected performance in general education. Baseline data will determine the student’s starting point and later assist in measuring student growth/progress. For the same domain in the previous activities, locate the student’s present level of performance. o What does the student know about the general education content? o What general education skills can the student apply? o What concepts and skills are expected of all students in the general education curriculum? What is the expected level of performance according to the general education curriculum? o What is the gap between what the student currently knows and is able to do and the general education expectations? o How does this gap affect the student’s ability to participate or progress in general education curriculum? What is the student’s current level of knowledge and/or skills? What is the specific that indicates a need for specialized instruction? List the specific assessment data List the specific assessment data -3- How does the concern specifically impact the student’s participation or progress in general education curriculum? SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 GOALS & OBJECTIVES AND THEIR ALIGNMENT TO GENERAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM The Anatomy Purpose: A well constructed goal/objective has three main components: the conditions for learning (the context, task, or setting demands); the demonstration of learning (what the student will do as a result of learning); and the performance criteria (how the student’s growth or mastery will be measured). For the same IEP goals & objectives used in the previous activities, highlight each of the three components. Yellow – the condition for the learning (e.g. Given a third grade level reading passage) Green – the demonstration of learning (e.g. The student will state the main idea and two details) Pink – the performance criteria (e.g. To a score of 2 out 5 on a retelling rubric each time) Conditions for Learning Purpose: The goals & objectives should specify the conditions for the learning. The conditions define the instructional methods, tasks or materials used or the environmental conditions/setting demands for the learning. For each goal and objective, list the condition stated. o Are the materials or tasks the same as those that non-disabled, age-appropriate peers are using? o Are the setting demands or the instructional methods the same as for non-disabled, age-appropriate peers? What is the same as non-disabled peers? (Check all that apply) Setting Instructional Materials Task demands Methods List the condition(s) Goal: Objective(s): -4- SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 Demonstration of Learning Purpose: Goals & objectives should clearly define what the student will do in order to demonstrate new learning. The concepts and skills should be defined in observable and measurable terms that directly align with the general education content and performance standards. For the same IEP goals & objectives used in the previous activities, identify what the student will know and be able to do by: Circling the verbs/verb phrases (skills) Underlining the nouns/noun phrases (concepts) Center for Performance Assessment For Example: The student will state the main idea and two details Identify the general education content and performance standard(s) that align with the IEP goals & objectives Content standards are the broad curriculum goals or big ideas. Nolet & McLaughlin, 2000 Performance standards are defined levels of mastery that must be met at each grade level Nolet & McLaughlin, 2000 E.g. Students read, comprehend and respond in individual, literal, critical and evaluative ways to literary, informational and persuasive texts in multimedia formats. E.g. Students will identify and discuss the underlying theme or main idea in texts. Determine if each goal/objective… Is observable (able to be seen or heard) and measurable (able to be counted by frequency or duration) Aligns with general education content and performance standards Is a critical life skill (must be performed by another person if the student cannot do it for him/herself) Hunt, et. al, 1994 Represents a holistic approach to learning (essential understandings, concepts, and/or skill vs. discrete and distinct subskills) Generalizes across environments and content areas -5- SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 Demonstration of Learning List the general education content and performance standard(s) List what the student will know or be able to do according to the IEP goal/objective Circle the verbs/skills Underline the nouns/concepts Are these objectives… Observable (seen/heard) and measurable (able to be counted)? Content Standard: Performance Standard(s): -6- Aligned with the general education content and performance standards? A critical life skill? Representative of a holistic approach to learning? Able to be generalized across environments and content areas? SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 Performance Criteria for Mastery Purpose: In order to determine whether the student has mastered the goals & objectives, specific criteria for measurement should be set. This allows for close monitoring of student learning and growth. For the same IEP goals & objectives used in the previous activities, identify how student growth will be measured. o What is the level of accuracy expected? o How frequently or for what length of time will the student demonstrate the learning accurately? o What assessment process will be used to prove the student has achieved mastery? Determine how this performance criterion compares to the expected performance standard in the general education curriculum? o Is the level of mastery the same as non-disabled peers? o Is the assessment process the same as non-disabled peers? To what degree will the student perform this learning? List the general education performance standard/criteria Accuracy: Frequency or duration: How will we prove the student achieved mastery? -7- Are the performance criteria… The same standard Assessed the same as non-disabled way as non-disabled peers? peers? SERC DRAFT 7-25-06 Summary of Reflection Using Data to Drive Goals & Objectives Area Strengths Needs for Improvement Alignment between assessment and goals & objectives Assessments aligned with general education curriculum Effective baseline Goals & Objectives and their Alignment to General Education Curriculum Area Strengths Conditions for learning Demonstration of learning Performance criteria -8- Needs for Improvement