Reasons for breeding in cattle
 Increase level of production
 Improve quality of livestock products
 To develop animals with high growth rate
 To develop animals with high heat tolerance
 To develop animals that mature early
(2 marks)
( 4 x ½ ) = 2 marks
Effects of tse-tse fly on cattle
(2 marks)
 Tse-tse fly transmit Trypanosomioasis
 Sucks out large volumes of blood from animal causing aneamia
 Bite causes damage on the skin and hide and makes wounds which act as routes for secondary
infection by pathogens
Four methods of administering vaccines
 By injections
 Orally through mouth/drinking water
 Through cholera
 By inhalation through the nostrils
Characteristics of clean, high quality milk
 Free from disease causing organisms
 Has no hair, dirt or dust
 Has high keeping quality
 Its chemical composition is within the expected standards
Four products of milk
 Butter
 Ghee
 Skim milk
 Cream
 Card
 Cheese
 Ice cream
 Yoghurt
Nakuru District Sec. Schools Trial Examination @ 2015 Marking scheme Agr. Paper 2
(4 x ½ = 2 marks)
(2 marks)
( 4 x ½ = 2 marks)
(2 marks)
(any 4 x ½ = 2 marks)
Page 1
four breeds of dairy goats
 Saaren
 Toggen burg
 British alphine
 Angle nubiam
 Jam napari
(2 marks)
(i) Drenching gun
(ii) Steel float
Reasons for flushing in sheep management
 Facilitates zygote implantation’
 Increases lambing percentage
 Increase chances of multiple births
Four parts of cattle preferred by two- host ticks
 Earlobes/deep in the ear
 Anus
 Vulva
 Under the tail
(1 mark)
(4 x ½ = 2 marks)
Four construction features necessary in a fish pond.
 Fence to keep off predators and other unwanted persons
 An inlet for fresh water supply
 An outlet to drain off water
 A spillway channel to take away excess water
 A screen to prevent escaping of fish/entry of unwanted objects/fish
 Dykes/wall/dam wall
Four functions of lubrication system
 Prevents metal engine parts from rusting
 Promotes free movement of engine parts by reducing friction.
 Traps foreign materials e.g. soot, dirt and dust.
 Lowers engine temperature by conducting away excess heat.
 Helps in sealing compression between t he piston and cylinder
( 4 x ½ = 2 marks)
(Any 4 x ½ = 2 marks)
( 4 x = 2marks)
Four maintenance practices carried out on the water cooling system of a tractor
 Keep radiator fins free from rubbish and dirt
 Ensure that the fan belt is tightly fitted/proper tension
 All pipes should be fitted tightly to avoid leakages
 Top-up the level of water in the radiator before using tractor
 Repair any worn out parts e.g. lid, fan belt
 Repair any broken/leaking parts
 Lubricate water pump regularly/weekly
 Tighten loose bolt & nuts
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Factors leading to failure to conceive in sows
 Poor nutrition
 infertility
 poor timing of service
( 1 mark)
(½ x 2)
Two predisposing factors of foot- rot in sheep
 Filthy surroundings e.g. wet and damp
 cracking of the hooves caused by overgrowth
( 2 x ½ =1 mark)
Methods of extracting honey from the combs
 Using heat to melt the honey
 Crushing and straining
 Using a centrifugal extractor
(any 2 x ½ = 1mark)
Causes of soft-shelled eggs
 Lack of calcium in the feed
 Disease attack such as Newcastle
(½ x 2)
Characteristics of roughage livestock feeds
 High fibre content
 High moisture content
 Low protein content
 High carbohydrate content
( 2 x ½ = 1 mark)
Predisposing factors of livestock diseases
 Species of the animal
 Breed of the animal
 Age of the animal
 Sex of the animal
 Colour of the animal
(any 4 x ½ = 2 marks)
19 (a) A – crop
B – proventriculus
C – gizzard
D – ceacum
( ½ x 4 = 2 marks)
(b) (i) C - has got muscles and grit which together makes it possible to crush and grind food.
(ii) D - absorption of water
- digestion of cellulose
(2 marks)
20 (a) (i)
less active
less moist
Pale in colour/pigmented
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(1/2 x 2 = 1 mark)
Page 3
(ii) - shrunken/shriveled/small
 Pale in colour/dull
 Cold to feel
 Dry /scaly
(iii) - smooth/preened/clean
 Glossy/shinning
(iv) - Hard/stiff
 Small/shrunken/cannot accommodate 3-4 fingers
 Sometimes full
(b) (i) F - adjusted eye loop halter/halter
(ii) Uses –restraining & leading the animal
(i) J – barbed wire fence
(ii) S – barbed wire
T – dropper
U – braces/wire brace/ties
(iii) T – stop wire from lagging/maintain tension
U – give support/make firm/strengthen the fence.
(b) (i) Docking
(ii) To avoid incidences of blow fly
 To enable even, fast distribution in the body/marbling
 To make mating easy
(½ x 2 = 1 mark)
(½ x 2 = 1 mark)
(1 mark)
½ x 1 = 1mark)
(½ x 2 = 1 mark)
(½ mark)
(½ x 3 = 1½ mark)
(2 marks)
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(iii) Uses of rubber ring
 Cutting with a knife
(1 mark)
(iv) Foot trimming/hoof trimming
(1 mark)
(v) There would be a high incidence of foot rot or lameness.
(1 mark)
(a) Functions of the gear box
 Helps the driver to select forwards or reverse gear
 Adjusts speed of the drive from the engine crankshaft to the drive shaft
 Helps to alter the speed ratio
 Enables the power from the engine to be more easily applied to the work done by the
 Enables the driver to stop the tractor movement without stopping the engine or without
foot pressing on the clutch all the time.
4 x 2 = 8 marks
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(b) Advantages of farm mechanization
 Farm operations can be achieved on time
 Large areas can be covered within a short time.
 Reduce drudgery/makes work easy and enjoyable
 Better job is done mechanically than human labour /increase efficiency
 High yields are obtained because farm operations are carried out on time.
 Pest and diseases outbreak can be controlled relatively in a short time
 Tends to encourage farmers to consolidate their land.
 Farmers benefit from economies of scale
 Use less labour.
( 8 x 1 = 8 marks)
(c) Reasons for maintaining tools
 To increase durability – properly maintained and well cared for tools last longer.
 To reduce the replacement cost- if well taken care of they last longer and the farmer does
not spend capital replacing them.
 Increased efficiency – well maintained tools work better and more efficiently to give a
clean, well finished piece of work.
 To avoid injury to the user – if well maintained, the tools become safe to use
 To avoid damage to the tool – a tool that is poorly maintained ends up getting damaged
due to the force used in working with it.
( 4 x 1)
23 (a ) Milk fever
(i) Cause – low calcium levels in the blood
(ii) Symptoms
 Dullness
 Muscular twitching causing the animal to tremble
 Staggering as the animal moves
 Animal falls down and becomes unconscious
 The animal lies down on its side and the whole body stiffens
 Body functions such as urination, defecation and milk secretion stop
 Sudden death if the animal is not treated immediately.
 Stomach contents are drawn into the mouth which later cause lung fever when breathing
 Complete loss of appetite i.e the animal does not eat at all.
(5 x 1 )
(iii) Prevention
 Give feeds rich in minerals e.g. calcium starting from the last two months of
gestation/steaming up.
 Give vitamin D injection a week before parturition
 Avoid milking the cow completely or to the last drop during the first week of lactation
( 2 x 1)
(b) Why bees swarm
 Shortage of food and water in their surroundings
 Outbreak of disease and parasite
 Damage of brood combs
 Lack of adequate ventilation
 Dampness and bad smells
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Sick or infertile queen
(c) External parasites
 Overcrowding
 Bright light
 Prolapse
 Mineral deficiency
 Introduction of new bird in a flock
24 (a) Procedure of erecting wooden posts
 Clear the site to be fenced
 Using a string to layout the fence line
 Determine t he positions of fence posts using tape measure or pegs.
 Using hole digger, make the holes for the posts.
 Use a rule or marked stick to determine the correct hole depth
 Obtain the right length of posts using a tape measure.
 Using a hand saw, cut the pests to the required length.
 Put some concrete at the bottom of the hole before placing posts
 Place the posts in holes at right angles
 Fill up the hole with soil/concrete
 Firm the soil/concrete around the post/ram using ramming rod.
 Heap soil/concrete around the base of the post
(6 x 1)
(6 x 1)
(10 x 1)
Advantages of artificial insemination
 Control breeding diseases/parasites
 Controls breeding
 It is a quicker method of obtaining a proven bull
 It is easy and cheap to transport semen to far areas
 Semen from superior bull can be used to serve many cows;
 Farmers who cannot afford to buy a superior bull can access the service at a low cost
 Bull that cannot serve naturally due to physical injuries/defects can be utilized.
 prevents injuries to cows by heavy bulls
 Danger of injury/damage by aggressive bulls is eliminated
 Semen can be stored for a long period even after the death of bull
 Saves the cost of rearing a bull
 Controls in breeding
 It is a useful research tool.
(4 x 1)
Use of various parts of a Zero-grazing unit in dairy farming
 Milking stall- restraining cows during milking
 Calf pen – rearing calf upto weaning
 Sleeping cubicles – provide shelter and warmth
 Loafing area/walking area – dunging, feeding, exercise and sunning
 Feed and water troughs – feeding and watering the animals.
 Feed preparation room- preparing feed rations and chopping fodder.
 Store – storing/keeping dairy equipment/feeds
 Manure storage area – for storing manure
 Milk record room – for weighing and recording milk.
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