Goal 9-4: Introduce Turning Fundamentals

Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Unit: Asia
Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the geographic, historical, economic, political and social
characteristics of the Asian region through the study of culture, conflict and change in the region
Big Idea (s):
 Demographic data is a useful tool in analyzing culture, conflict and change.
 Geography, natural resources, technology and history have contributed to cultural diversity of the
region and impacted the governments and economies of the region. Countries of this region have
varying levels of stability and prosperity.
 Traditions and religions shape culture, and can unify people as well as cause conflicts.
 Groups and societies meet human needs and concerns in unique and diverse ways which are
reflected in the cultures of Asia.
 Areas of global concern that challenge Asia and the world today include issues such as the role
and status of women, basic human rights, and competition for limited resources.
Essential Question (s):
 How can you use demographic data? How can demographic data help people make informed
decisions on global issues?
 How have the geography, natural resources, technology and history impacted the Asian region?
 How do the predominant belief systems of Asia impact the lives of the people?
 How have the different economic systems of Asia impacted the standard of living and stability of
the region?
 What are some issues of global concern that challenge Asia and the world today?
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
As evidenced by written, oral and/or performance:
Literacy 1. Define and apply key
vocabulary/concepts: urbanization, energy,
population growth, Buddhism, Hinduism,
Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, ancestor
veneration, filial piety
 Paraphrase/summarize
 Compare/contrast
 Classify
 Categorize
 Discuss/explain
 Illustrate
 Demonstrate
 Reflect/relate
 Infer
9.6 Explain how the characteristics of a region
influence how people live and analyze how a
region’s characteristics impact its relations with
the rest of the world.
 Geographic
 Historical
Vocabulary journals
Narrative descriptions
2-3 Column Notes (i.e.
Visual representation (i.e concept diagram/map,
graph, chart, drawing, poster, comic strip,
Oral presentation
Short answer
Comparison chart of geographic, economic, political
and social characteristics.
Synthesis of different ways people live:
Interpretations and evaluations of oral, written,
and visual texts
Charts, maps and/or graphs of the region.
(H) Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over the trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Analysis of region’s role in world
Summary of historical and contemporary cultural
influences on daily life.
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
9.7 Compare similarities and differences in the
ways groups, societies and cultures meet human
needs and concerns.
Cultural Features
Material possessions
 Family life
Role of Women
Ancestor veneration
Filial piety
 Socioeconomic levels & social classes
 Economies
 Literature, Arts, & Architecture
9.8 Use and analyze maps, diagrams and charts
to interpret physical and human characteristics:
 Identify and locate the major political
and physical features of the region
(country focus- China).
 Identify and analyze the demographics
of the region:
o Population
o Language
o Literacy (Education)
o GDP (Economy)
o Ethnic Groups
o Religion
o Government
o Life expectancy
9.9 Describe and analyze current issue in the
region. Choose one or more:
 The role and status of women in Pakistan
 Child labor in Bangladesh
 Street Children in Mongolia
As evidenced by written, oral and/or performance:
A compare and contrast chart of two or more Asian:
 Cultures
 Countries
 Economies
Photo Analysis using Material World and text
vignette analysis using Global Eyewitness My World
(Bilal, Turkey; Askar, Kyrgyzstan; Nancy, India;
Xiao, China; Hanan, Saudi Arabia and Ridwan,
(H) 1-2 page written comparison of two or more
Asian countries and their cultures and economies.
Create and revise mental maps about people, places
and environments.
Evaluation of various pictures, maps, charts and/or
Chart data to
 Classify and categorize
 Compare and contrast
 Evaluate
 Formulate descriptions
Persuasive essay taking and supporting a position on
issue or audio/visual presentation on the issue.
Use and synthesize a variety of print and visual
(H) Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over the trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Landmines in Cambodia
Girls’ education in India
Make critical judgments
Identify comparison and contrast.
9.10 Identify the major religions of the area,
their evolution and impact on the world:
 Origins and basic tenets and current
influences and challenges
1. Buddhism
2. Hinduism
3. Confucianism
4. Daoism
5. Legalism
9.13 Identify and recognize the importance of
individuals who have influenced culture and
history i.e.: Confucius, Gandhi, Laozi, Mao
Zedong, Chiang Kai-Shek, Indira Gandhi, Kim
Jong 11, Ho Chi Minh.
Compare and contrast chart on religions.
Character Collage of Buddha, Confucius and Laozi
Summary and Group presentation on pre-assigned
9.14 Summarize the efforts underway to protect
human rights in today’s world.
Summary explaining human rights issues and efforts in
the region to protect human rights.
(H) Written comparison of 2 major Asian religions
and impact on a particular region.
News article/ feature article, role-play or Collage/poster
highlighting impact or significance of famous individuals
in Asian culture and history.
 Form questions
 Research multiple sources,
 Develop and defend an opinion
 Support with evidence
World Cultures: A Global Mosaic, Prentice Hall:
 Global Connections: Champions of Nonviolence Pgs. 242- 243;
 People and Geography ancillary – Population lesson plan p. 42-46
DK Global Eyewitness My World, Prentice Hall
Contemporary World Cultures, Teachers’ Curriculum Institute:
 Activity 2- Designing Character Collages
 Activity 3 & 4- Encountering Ancient Traditions in Modern Chinese Family Life and Writing
Journals about Life in a Chinese Village
Building Bridges, National Geographic Education Foundation
Material World, Peter Menzel
Literature From Around the World, Scott Foresman
Nystrom World Atlas, Nystrom Publishing
Compact World Atlas, Dorling Kindersley Publishing
Brief Review in Global History, Prentice Hall
What’s Going On Video/DVD Series, Social Studies Services:
 Street Children in Mongolia
 Landmines in Cambodia
 Girls education in India
Global Concerns Project- http://www.concernusa.org/globalproject/teachingresources
(H) Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over the trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
East Asian resources at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) in NYC -“virtual tours” within the
classroom http://www.metmuseum.org/Works_of_Art/department.asp?dep=6 ; students can complete a
webquest or scavenger hunt or analyze specific works.
Extension Activity:
Contemporary World Cultures, History Alive – Activity 1 - China and Japan; Create & analyze relief maps of
China & Japan to analyze affect on human settlement and culture.
Teacher(s) Designed Assessment(s)
District-wide Trimester Assessment(s)
 School team based.
(H) Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over the trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Students need to know about:
Students need to be able to do:
Key vocabulary and concepts: urbanization,
energy, population growth, Buddhism,
Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism,
ancestor veneration, filial piety.
Define and apply, paraphrase/summarize,
compare/contrast, classify, categorize, discuss/explain,
illustrate, demonstrate, reflect/relate, infer (key
vocabulary and concepts in journals, narratives, notes,
visual representations, discussion, oral presentation,
short answer, essay)
Describe (geographic, historical, economic, political and
social characteristics of the region and analyze how people
live in the region.
9.6 Characteristics of the region impact how
people live in the region.
9.7. Similarities and differences in the ways
groups, societies and cultures meet human
needs and concerns.
Compare (similarities and differences in the ways groups,
societies and cultures meet human needs and concerns)
Family structure
Socioeconomic levels
Material possessions
9.8 Maps, diagrams and charts to interpret
physical and human characteristics:
 The major political and physical
features of the region.
 The demographics of the region:
o Population
o Language
o Literacy (Education)
o GDP (Economy)
o Ethnic Groups
o Religion
o Government
o Life expectancy
9.9 Describe and analyze current issue(s) in
 The role and status of women in
Use and analyze (maps, diagrams and charts to interpret
physical and human characteristics:
 Identify and locate (major political and physical
features of the region).
 Identify and analyze (demographics of the region).
Describe and analyze ( current issue in region).
 Use and synthesize (a variety of print and visual
sources )
(H) Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over the trade assignment.
Connecticut Technical High School System
Global Studies 11/2/2010
Child labor in Bangladesh
Energy resources
9.10 The major religions of the area, their
evolution and impact on the world:
 Buddhism
 Hinduism
 Confucianism
 Daoism
 Legalism
9.13 Identify and recognize the importance of
individuals who have influenced culture and
history : Confucius, Gandhi, Mao Zedong,
Chiang Kai-Shek, Indira Gandhi, Kim Jong 11,
Ho Chi Minh
9.14 Human rights in today’s world.
Make critical judgments
Compare and contrast.
Identify (major religions of the area, their evolution and
impact on the world)
Identify and recognize (importance of individuals who have
influenced culture and history).
 Form questions
 Research multiple sources,
 Develop and defend an opinion
 Support with evidence
9.14 Summarize( the efforts underway to protect human
rights in today’s world).
(H) Honors. Honors students will complete a cross cycle/over the trade assignment.