Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy

Kettlebrook Short Stay School
Exam Policy
The exam policy
Exam Series and timetables
Entries, entry details and late entries
Exams fees
Disability Discrimination Act & Access arrangements
Estimated grades
Internal assessments, moderation and appeals
Stepping Forward Together – Caring, sharing & Aspiring
Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
The exam policy
Exam responsibilities
Teachers are responsible for:
Notification of access arrangements requirements (as soon as possible
after the start of the course).
Submission of candidates' names to lead subject teachers.
Lead invigilator/invigilators are responsible for:
Collection of exam papers and other material from the exams office
before the start of the exam.
Collection of all exam papers in the correct order at the end of the
exam and their return to the exams office.
Candidates are responsible for:
Confirmation and signing of entries.
Understanding coursework regulations and signing a declaration that
authenticates the coursework as their own.
The policy purpose
The purpose of this exam policy is:
To ensure the planning and management of exams is conducted
efficiently and in the best interest of candidates.
To ensure the operation of an efficient exam system with clear
guidelines for all relevant staff.
It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the centre's exam processes to read,
understand and implement this policy.
The exam policy will be reviewed annually by the Exams officer and Headteacher
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Qualifications offered
The qualifications offered at this centre are decided by the Headteacher and Lead
The qualifications offered are GCSE and Entry level / equivalents.
If there has been a change of syllabus from the previous year, the exams office must
be informed by 2nd Oct of that academic year.
Informing the exams office of changes to a syllabus is the responsibility of the Lead
Decisions on whether a candidate should be entered for a particular subject will be
taken in consultation with the Candidates, Parents/Carers, SENCO and Subject
Exam series and timetables
Exam seasons
Internal exams and assessments are scheduled on demand.
External exams and assessments are currently scheduled in November, January
and June.
The Headteacher and Lead Teacher decide which exam series are used at
Kettlebrook Short Stay School.
On-demand tests are to be scheduled in agreement with the EO and Headteacher.
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SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Once confirmed, the exams officer will circulate the exam timetable for External
Entries, entry details and late entries
Entries, entry details and late entries
Subject teachers are responsible for informing the EO of any exams/qualifications
they want to enter a student for.
Entries should be submitted to the EO by the published internal deadline dates. This
will reduce the costs incurred by late entries.
Candidates are selected for their exam entries by the Lead Teacher.
Candidates or parents/carers can request a subject entry, change of level or
The centre doesn't accept entries from external candidates and does not act as an
exam centre for other organisations.
Entry deadlines are circulated to heads of department via Email, Notice board and
Briefing meeting.
Late entries are authorised by Headteacher and Exams officer only.
Retake decisions will be made in consultation with Exams officer and Headteacher.
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Exam fees
Exam fees
Registration and exam fees (invigilation costs pending) are paid by the home
school/Kettlebrook Short Stay School depending on registration status of the
Fee reimbursements will be sought from candidates who decide to sit an exam after
the late entry/withdrawal deadline/fail to sit an exam/do not meet the necessary
coursework requirements without medical evidence or evidence of other mitigating
Disability Discrimination Act
Disability Discrimination Act
Kettlebrook Short Stay School’s staff must ensure that meet the requirements of the
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA), extended in 2005, and the Disability
Equality Duty (DED), introduced in 2006.
The DDA introduced measures aimed at eliminating the discrimination often faced by
disabled people. The main provisions of the Act give protection to disabled people in
the areas of employment and education.
'A person has a disability for the purposes of the DDA if s/he has a physical or
mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on her/his
ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
'To find out more about exactly how your centre can satisfy the requirements of the
DDA visit the DDA information page on the QCDA website.
Kettlebrook Short Stay School will meet the requirements of the DDA by ensuring
that the exams centre is accessible and improving candidate experience. This is the
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
responsibility of the Headteacher, Deputy Head, Lead Teacher, Exams officer and
Access arrangements
The SENCO will inform subject teachers of candidates with special educational
needs who are embarking on a course leading to an exam, and the date of that
exam. The SENCO can then inform individual staff of any special arrangements that
individual candidates can be granted during the course and in the exam.
A candidate's access arrangements requirement is determined by the SENCO and
Educational psychologist/Specialist teacher.
Subject teachers are required to gather evidence to support candidate’s applications
for access arrangements. (This should prove “normal way working”)
Making access arrangements, for candidates to take exams, inc submitting
applications online, is the responsibility of both the SENCO and Exams officer.
Rooming for access arrangement candidates will be arranged by the SENCO with
the exams officer.
Invigilation and support for access arrangement candidates will be organised by the
SENCO with the Exams Officer.
Contingency planning
Contingency planning for exams administration is the responsibility of the exams
Private candidates
KSSS do not currently accept private candidates. Managing private candidate is the
responsibility of the Headteacher.
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SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Estimated grades
Estimated grades
Lead Teachers are responsible for submitting estimated grades to the exams officer
when requested by the exams officer.
Managing invigilators
The Exams office is responsible for investigating suspected malpractice. The Exams
Officer will inform the Headteacher as soon as possible to discuss the investigation
and further action.
Exam days
The exams officer will oversee organisation of exam rooms after liaison with other
users and make the question papers, other exam stationery and materials available
for the invigilator.
The lead invigilator will start all exams in accordance with JCQ guidelines.
Subject staff may be present at the start of the exam to assist with identification of
candidates but must not advise on which questions or sections are to be attempted.
In practical exams subject teachers may be on hand in case of any technical
Staff can read the rubric on the front of an exam paper to all students at the start of
an exam paper. They cannot read any other part of the exam paper to a candidate.
If a member of staff does read any of the questions on the paper, they must remain
in the room for an hour after the published starting time.
Exam papers must not be removed from the exam room .Papers will be distributed to
subject teachers at the end of the exam session.
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SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Kettlebrook Short Stay School’s published rules on acceptable dress, behaviour and
candidates' use of mobile phones and other electronic devices apply at all times.
Disruptive candidates are dealt with in accordance with JCQ guidelines. Candidates
are expected to stay for the full exam time at the discretion of the exams officer or
senior invigilator.
Candidates may only leave the exam room for a genuine purpose and are required
to return immediately to the exam room. They will be accompanied by a member of
staff at all times.
The Exams officer is responsible for handling late or absent candidates on exam day
or subsequently.
For clash candidates, the supervision of escorts, identifying a secure venue and
arranging overnight supervision is the responsibility of the Exams officer.
Should a candidate be ill before an exam, suffer bereavement or other trauma, be
taken ill during the exam itself or otherwise disadvantaged or disturbed during an
exam, then it is the candidate's responsibility to alert the centre, the exams officer, or
the exam invigilator, to that effect.
The candidate must support any special consideration claim with appropriate
evidence within three days of the exam, for example by providing a letter from the
candidate's doctor. The exams officer will then forward a completed special
consideration form to the relevant awarding body within seven days of the exam.
Internal assessments, Moderation and appeals
Internal assessment replaces the largely discontinued term
The exams officer will provide Lead Teachers with the deadlines for moderation.
Lead teachers are responsible for the marking of all internal assessments. Lead
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
teachers must complete all documentation needed for the moderation and ensure
this is with the exams officer by the deadline set. (Please see exams notice board)
It is the duty of Lead Teachers to ensure that all internal assessment is ready for
despatch at the correct time. The exams officer will assist by keeping a record of
each despatch, including the recipient details and the date and time sent.
Marks and appeals
Marks for all internally assessed work and estimated grades are provided to the
exams office by the Lead Teacher.
Appeals against internal assessments
The process for managing appeals against internal assessments is detailed in
Appendix 1.
External appeals to Summer exam results follow the JCQ exam board protocols.
Results, enquiries about results (EARs) and access to scripts
Candidates will receive individual results sat at KSSS on results day by text or phone
call by KSSS staff
The provision of staff on results days is the responsibility of the Headteacher
EARs may be requested by Kettlebrook Short Stay School staff or candidates if there
are reasonable grounds for believing there has been an error in marking. The
candidates consent is required before any EAR is requested.
If a result is queried, the exams officer, teaching staff and head of centre will
investigate the feasibility of asking for a re-mark at the centre's expense.
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SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
When Kettlebrook Short Stay School does not support a candidate’s or parent’s
request for an EAR, a candidate may apply to have an enquiry carried out. If a
candidate requires this against the advice of subject staff, they will be charged.
After the release of results, candidates may ask subject staff to request the return of
papers within three days' scrutiny of the results.
Kettlebrook Short Stay School staff may also request scripts for investigation or for
teaching purposes. For the latter, the consent of candidates must be obtained.
GCSE re-marks cannot be applied for once a script has been returned.
Certificates are Collected and signed for.
Certificates can be collected on behalf of a candidate by third parties, provided they
have been authorised to do so by the candidate in writing and identifications is
Kettlebrook Short Stay School retains certificates for Two years after the exam
season is finished.
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Appendix 1
Internal Appeals Policy
Often a candidate does not agree with the coursework marks awarded by a teacher. If the
disagreement cannot be resolved by discussion between the teacher and candidate
concerned then the candidate may appeal to the exams officer, who will put into action the
agreed appeals process. This will be the final stage in the normal process of considering and
resolving disputes. It is expected that it will be used only in exceptional circumstances.
1. The exams officer is in overall charge of managing appeals relating to internal
2. If a student wishes to appeal about his/her internal assessment marks then
the following procedures should be followed:
 The appeal should be made in writing to the exams officer stating the details of
the complaint and the reasons for the appeal
 The appeal must be submitted before the end of the first week in May of the
year in which the written examinations are taken
3. The teacher(s) concerned in marking the assessment which is the subject of the
appeal will respond to the appeal in writing to the exams officer; a copy will be given
to the candidate.
4. If the candidate is not happy with the written response they have received
then they can request a personal hearing before an appeals panel.
 The appeals panel will consist of the exams officer and two of the following the Deputy Headtacher, Headteacher, member of the Management
 The request for a personal hearing must be made within two days of receipt of
the written reply to the initial appeal
 The candidate will be given at least two days notice of the hearing date
 A breakdown of the marks awarded will be given to the candidate in advance of
the appeal
 The candidate may bring a parent/guardian to the hearing
 The teacher(s) involved will be present at the hearing
 The exams officer will convey the outcome of an appeal and the reasons for
that outcome in writing to the candidate
 The school will maintain a written record of all appeals
 The school will inform the awarding bodies (examining boards) of any change
to an internally assessed mark as a result of an appeal
5. In the event of any appeals, the Headteacher will be informed at the start and will
monitor the appeals procedure that the exams officer undertakes
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
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Kettlebrook Short Stay School: Exam Policy
Written by LB
SLT sanctioned
MC ratified Feb 2013
Review date June 2016
Page 12