Year: 2007/2008 Course Title Course Number Prerequisite Instructor Office Location Office Phone Office Hours Email Teaching Assistant Jordan University of Science and Technology Faculty of Computer & Information Technology Department of Computer Science Semester: 1st semester (Fall) Course Information Artificial Intelligence CS 362 (3C=3H+0L) CS 213 (Advanced Data Structures) + CS 284 (Algorithms) Dr. Hassan Najadat Ph4 L0 7201000 Ext. 23405 Sun, Tue,Thu 10:15 – 11:15 or by appointment TBA Catalog Description Introduction to the types of problems and techniques in Artificial Intelligence. Problem-Solving methods. Major structures used in Artificial Intelligence programs. Study of knowledge representation techniques such as predicate logic, non-monotonic logic, and probabilistic reasoning. Application areas of AI such as game playing, expert systems, natural languages understanding and robotics. Project assignments in one of the AI programming languages. Title Author(s) Publishers Year Edition Book Website LISP Language References Text Book Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig Prentice Hall 2003 2nd edition 1. Artificial Intelligence: structures and strategies for complex problem solving (2 nd ed), by George F. Luger and William A. Stubblefield, Addison Wesley, 1998. 2. Common Lisp: The Language; Steele, G. L.; 2nd edition, Bedford MA, Digital Press 1990. 3. Essentials of Artificial Intelligence, by Matt Ginsberg, Morgan Kaufmann Assessment Type First Exam Second Exam Final Exam Quizzes and Homeworks Total Assessment Policy Expected Due Date TBA TBA TBA TBA Weight 20% 20% 40% 20% 100% Course Objectives 1) Gain a historical perspective of AI and its foundations and establish the cultural background against which it has developed. 2) Know characteristics of programs that can be considered "intelligent". 3) Provide a thorough understanding of the types of problems solved using AI techniques and understand the different strategies for state space search. 4) Write LISP programs to solve AI problems. 5) Know a thorough treatment of the different types of heuristic search 6) Explore constraint satisfaction problems whose states and goal test conform to a standard, structured, and very simple representation. 7) Know classical examples of artificial intelligence such as game playing. 8) Provide a thorough treatment of the knowledge representation languages, which includes propositional calculus, predicate calculus, and first order logic. 9) The specification of different architectures for AI problem solving and inductive learning. Weights (5 %) (5 %) (15 %) (10 %) (15 %) (10 %) (10 %) (20 %) (10%) Teaching & Learning Methods Class lectures, lecture notes, homework assignments, and projects are designed to achieve the course objectives. You should read the assigned chapters before class, complete assignments on time, participate in class among other things to understand the material. You should ask questions, whether in class or during office hours. You are responsible for all material covered in class. If you have any concerns, please communicate them to me in class, or by phone or email. Related Objective 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 8.1 8.2 Learning Outcomes The expected achieved outcome Know the definition of AI, the foundation of AI, and the different application. Ability to define the rational agents and its environment Distinguish the characteristics and structure of each intelligent agent environment. Know how to describe goal-based agent Define the main elements of that constitute a problem and its solution with different examples Provide search techniques that use search tree and blind search tools Ability to provide search techniques under partial information with ability to avoid repeated states Ability to write intelligent agent programs using LISP Provide informed search strategy that uses problem specific knowledge such as best first search, greedy best first search, A* search and others. Examine the nature of heuristics in 8-puzzle and explore local search algorithms Explore search spaces systematically and optimization problems in both discrete and continues spaces using online and offline searches Know the main features of CSP and apply backtracking search for CSP Apply the local search for CSP Apply the constraint graph using connected components and tree decomposition Explain the state of games and defining the different optimal decisions strategies such as minimax algorithm. Use pruning search strategies to reach the goal quickly such as Alpha-Beta pruning. Provide an overview of all the fundamental concepts of logical representation and reasoning. Provide the concepts of propositional logic PL and its semantics with depth reasoning patterns in PL Reference 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 2.1, 2.2 2.3, 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3, 3.4 3.5 , 3.4 Lisp notes 4.1 4.2, 4.3 4.4, 4.5 5.1, 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 , 6.2 6.3, 6.4, .5,.6 7.1-7.3 7.4 -7.7 8.3 Examine the syntax of the first-order logic and its semantics to represent a good deal of knowledge. Introduce inference rules for quantifiers and shows how to reduce first order inference to propositional inference Examine the forward chaining and backward chaining and its resolutions. Define different areas in learning from observations. 8.4 8.5 9.1 Week 1 2 3-6 7/8 8/9 9 10 11 12 13/14 14/15 Homeworks Exams Cheating Attendance Course Content Topics Introduction Intelligent Agents Problem Solving LISP programming Informed search methods Constraint Satisfaction Problems Adversial Search Logical Agents First-Order Logic Inference in First-Order Logic Knowledge Representation Learning from Observations 8.1- 8.4 9.1-9.2 9.3-9.5, 10. 18. Chapter in Text 1 2 3 Lisp Notes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 Additional Notes Homeworks are due at the beginning of class Late homeworks will not be accepted All work has to be done independently Submit a hardcopy of your homework with your name, ID# and homework# clearly written E-mail submissions will not be allowed under any circumstances Students handing in similar homeworks will receive a grade of 0 (ZERO) and face possible disciplinary actions There will be NO MAKEUP assignments or quizzes Cheating is illegal at JUST, and any student caught cheating will be dealt with according to the rules and regulations of the university. Students are expected to attend all classes If a student misses 10% of the classes without an acceptable reason, the student will be assigned a grade of 35, according to the rules of JUST.