Course Description - University of Hawaii at Hilo

Introduction to Business
Business 100
University of Hawai`i at Hilo
Class Times:
Fall 2006
9:00 – 9:50 am MWF
UCB 114
Dr. Kimberly Furumo
K-243, 974-7672
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 9:30am -12:30pm and 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Text: Introduction to Business
Author: Gareth Jones
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: October 2006
Publisher: McGraw-Hill College
ISBN: 0073224367
Course Description:
This course involves the study of business functions, methods of business operation, types of business
ownership, and the role of business organizations in contemporary society. The intended student
learning outcomes are:
Demonstrate qualitative understanding of the impact of external factors on business
decisions relative to the accomplishment of the mission and objectives of an
Demonstrate qualitative understanding of various forms of ownership to determine their
appropriateness relative to an organization’s resources, goals, and objectives.
Demonstrate qualitative understanding of various business functions and practices and
their impact on the successful operation of a business.
Demon qualitative understanding of the impact of business decisions on the external
Course Expectations and Grading:
The course grade will be based on the following:
10 Unit Quizzes (12 quizzes will be given and the 2 lowest scores will be dropped) = 40%
Midterm Exam = 25%
Final Exam = 25%
Participation and Attendance = 10%
The following grading scale is used for this course. It is firm!
92% - 100%
90% - 91.99%
88% - 89.99%
82% - 87.99%
80% - 81.99%
78% - 79.99%
72% - 77.99%
70% - 71.99%
60% - 69.99%
Below 60%
Closed-book chapter quizzes will be given each Friday and will cover material from the book and
lectures for the chapter covered during the week. Quizzes may consist of multiple choice, true/false, or
fill-in-the-blank questions. To accommodate illnesses and emergencies, students may drop the two (2)
lowest scores obtained on the quizzes. No makeup quizzes will be given.
The midterm and final exams are closed-book and will cover material from the book, lectures, and
group exercises. The final exam is comprehensive. Exams may consist of multiple choice, true/false,
fill-in-the-blank, short answer, or essay questions.
Participation grades will be based on attendance and participation in small group discussions. Students
are expected to read the textbook chapters prior to class so they can actively participate in discussions.
On most Fridays, groups will meet to discuss a case or work on exercises.
Course Policies:
1. Academic Dishonesty Policy - Academic dishonesty includes representing the work of another
as one’s own or cheating by any means. Academic dishonesty also includes aiding, abetting,
concealing, or attempting such activity. The usual penalty is an F in the course and disciplinary
action by the University.
2. Grade Appeals Policy – It is the students’ responsibility to keep all graded materials that have
been returned. Grades will be assumed to be accurate unless you can prove otherwise. Any
student wishing to appeal a grade must submit a written appeal indicating the specific section
the student is requesting a re-grade of and a complete explanation (rationale) of why the student
feels they deserve a different grade.
3. Open Door Policy – I have an open office door policy. I encourage students to come to my
office with any questions or concerns. I do not mind if students stop by without an appointment.
If my doors open, come on in. Students who are having difficulty understanding the course
material should visit me for additional help in the course.
4. Email – I check my email everyday. If you need to contact me this is often times the best way
to do so. I try to respond to email very quickly.
Planned Schedule
Week starting
Aug 21
Chapter 1 What Is Business?
Quiz 1 – ch 1
Friday, Aug 25
Aug 28
Chapter 2 The Evolution of Business
Quiz 2 – ch 2
Friday, Sept 1
Sept. 4
Chapter 3 Entrepreneurs, Managers,
(Mon. Labor Day) and Employees
Quiz 3 – ch 3
Friday, Sept 8
Sept. 11
Chapter 4 Multinationals and the
Global Environment of Business
Quiz 4 – ch 4
Friday, Sept 15
Sept. 18
Chapter 5 Business Ethics and the
Legal Environment of Business
Quiz 5 – ch 5
Friday, Sept 22
Sept. 25
Chapter 6 Leadership, Influence, and
Communication in Business
Quiz 6 – ch 6
Friday, Sept 29
Oct. 2
Chapter 7 Motivating and Managing
People and Groups in Business
Quiz 7 – ch 7
Friday, Oct 6
Oct. 9
Chapter 8 The Structure and Culture of
a Business Organization
Midterm Exam
(Chapters 1 – 8)
Friday, Oct 13
Oct. 16
Chapter 9 Information Technology and
E-Commerce: Managing Information,
Knowledge, and Business
Quiz 8 – ch 9
Friday, Oct 20
Oct. 23
Chapter 10 Marketing and Product
Development: Creating and Positioning
Goods and Services
Quiz 9 – ch 10
Friday, Oct 27
Week starting
Oct. 30
Chapter 11 Sales, Distribution, and
Customer Relationship Management:
Reaching and Satisfying Customers
Nov. 6
(Friday – off for
Veterans Day)
Chapter 12 Operations and Materials
Management: Managing the Production
and Flow of Goods and Services
Nov. 13
Chapter 13 Human Resource
Management: Acquiring and Building
Employees’ Skills and Capabilities
Nov. 20
(Friday – off for
Chapter 14 Accounting: Measuring
How Efficiently and Effectively
Resources Are Creating Value and
No Quiz
Nov. 27
Chapter 15 Finance: Balancing Risk
and Return
Quiz 12 – ch 14
& 15
Friday, Dec 1
Dec. 4
Wrap up Class
Review for final
Classes end on
Wed, Dec. 7
Quiz 10 – ch 11
Friday, Nov 3
No Quiz
Quiz 11 – ch 12
& 13
Friday, Nov 17
Wednesday December 13th – Final Exam (Covering Chapters 1 – 15)