e-Life 13 04 10 - Anglican Life Anglican Life

From the Word…
…"Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and
might and honor and glory and blessing!" Then I heard every creature in heaven and on
earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing, "To the one
seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever
and ever!"
(Revelation 5:12–13)
At Synod our Bishop called us to a year of prayer and study:
“Therefore I stand before you today to call for a year of prayer and study so that we might
better understand and receive the healing God offers, and furthermore be better equipped
to offer God’s wholeness to others…”
If you have any news or events to go in Anglican e-Life, please email them to communications@anglicanlife.org.nz.
100 words or less preferred.
Please note: For the sake of space you may have to resend items if you wish to have them re-listed.
Submissions received by Wednesday, 12 noon are included in the publication that day.
ALSO, this document will be uploaded to www.anglicanlife.org.nz at the same time that the email is distributed. We
hope that this will make it easier for some people to access the information that occasionally becomes garbled in the
translation from one computer system to another.
Anglican News & Events – 10 April 2013
Public Forum on the ChristChurch Cathedral options
Wednesday, 10 April 7.30pm, Westpac Business & Community Hub (conference space),
55 Jack Hinton Dr, Addington (next to the CBS Canterbury Arena)
The forum, which will be moderated by The Press editor, Joanna Norris, features a panel
comprising representatives of the Diocese, architects Warren and Mahoney, and project
managers RCP.
A second forum will be held on Wednesday, 24 April, 7.30pm at the same location.
April Synod reminders
Friday 12 & Saturday 13
St Christopher’s Anglican Church, Avonhead
A reminder to all of those who are attending Synod to please bring all relevant papers, pen
and paper and your name tag. It is important that you do not forget your name tag as this
will allow us to discern who has voting and/or speaking rights and admission to the prepaid meals.
Country Gospel Music service
Sunday, 14 April, 7.00pm, St Andrews North New Brighton (105 Marriotts Road,
There is a shared meal together at 5.30pm also, for those who wish to partake.
Clergy Conference Registrations
Clergy Conference registrations are due in to the Diocesan Office by Friday 19 April.
Please post or email your form to Jo Barrett (dioadmin@anglicanlife.org.nz) as soon as
Rangiora Markets and Car Boot Sale
1 Saturday monthly, 8.00am–12.00 noon, St John's, Rangiora (353 High Street,
This all-weather market on the first Saturday of each month has inside and outside stalls,
and car spaces. The stalls include farmers produce, white elephant, household goods,
craft, knitting, kids stuff, clothes recycled and new, plants, flowers, books, cafe and
sausage sizzle.
Set up is at 7.30. Charges are $15.00 for a space inside or out, and $5 table hire. (There is
no stall fee for Anglican churches in Christchurch and just beyond who want a space, but
table-hire charge applies, and if the stall does well, a donation would be expected.)
Contact email: rangioramarkets@gmail.com or phone convenor Trisha on 03-3131-059.
TRIBUTE TO AVONSIDE – Photography Exhibition
Perhaps you were unable to attend the Thanksgiving service and opening of the
outdoor photography exhibition at Most Holy Trinity Avonside on Easter Day. The images
pay tribute to life in Avonside through the decades.
The images are still able to be viewed and they will remain in the graveyard area for at
least another few months.
If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish office on 03-3896948.
Anglican Women’s Studies Newsletter
March 2013
Towards the end of last year, the Council for the Anglican Women’s Studies undertook a
Gender Representation Survey across the province. The Council invited each Diocese and
Hui Amorangi, via their Standing Committee representative, to provide statistics on what
committees, commissions or boards they have and the gender makeup of each group. It
was pleasing that the majority of Diocese and Hui Amorangi responded to the invitation
along with the General Synod Office
Read the results and analysis of the survey at www.anglican.org.nz/Women-s-StudiesNews
Also in the same issue: “Woman, Why Are You Weeping?” by Archdeacon Carole Hughes
“We are told in St John’s Gospel that women over two thousand years ago came to the
grave of Jesus on that first Easter morning. They were no doubt absolutely exhausted,
emotionally drained, deeply lost and hurt, and probably a little afraid and disappointed;
they were devastated. And I am sure many women in the church experience such emotion
on a regular basis! But such exhaustion and emotion did not hold the women back from
witnessing resurrection….
“So let us not hold back from our roles. We are to take on the responsibilities of carrying
the pain and the joy of our faith journey, telling our stories as witnesses of the faith, and
celebrating resurrection and our relationship with Jesus.”
Transforming People, Cities, Nations
Turning Fallen Blocks into Stepping Stones en Route to Rebuilding and Transforming
our City
Thursday 2 May, 12.20-2.30pm – South City Christian Centre
Understanding Core Principles for Transformation
Friday 3 May, 7.30-9.30pm – Riccarton Baptist Church
Building the Foundations for Enduring Transformation of our Community/City/Nation.
Saturday 4 May, 9.30am - 4.30pm – Riccarton Baptist
Many of us wonder - How do we break through for the Kingdom when everything around
us is breaking down? For answers to this question and others (and more questions!) come
along to the Alistair Petrie seminars in Christchurch.
Alistair has had considerable experience in researching, writing about and, most
importantly, engaging with transformation of communities, cities, and nations. He brings a
wealth of experience and knowledge in this area, but always remains mindful of the need
stay connected to God's purposes via the Holy Spirit, no matter how much we know! Much
of his experience is described in his books - "Releasing Heaven on Earth", "Transformed"
and "God's Design for Challenging Times" (for more information about Alistair and
Partnership Ministries see http://www.partnershipministries.org/)
Do you enjoy entertaining and helping older people, and hearing their stories?
Homeshare Christchurch/North Canterbury is planning to open a new homeshare base at
St. Andrews Church, New Brighton, during April. A base currently operates at St. Ambrose
Church very successfully, but more volunteers and drivers are desperately needed to help
as more bases are opened in the City.
Presbyterian Support is looking for warm and friendly people to help look after our elders in
the community. Good training and support, fun and a sense of well-being with our elders
Contact: Catriona Baker, Regional Coordinator
Homeshare Christchurch/North Canterbury
Ngawi Thompson Centre, 258 High Street, Rangiora
Tel: 03-3138-588 Cell: 0274-132-296
Te Raranga, The Weaving
The Churches Forum (or the Canterbury Post-EQ Churches Forum) has been a
remarkable context to share information and resources with a wide team including
Anglicans, Catholics, Baptists, Adventists, Pentecostals, Methodists, Presbyterians,
Quakers, Independents, etc. The Forum has collaborated with the City Council, the
Ministry of Social Development, and still has regular meetings with the CERA pastoral care
In conversation with Maori leaders in Christchurch, it was felt that the name Te Raranga,
The Weaving, was an appropriate name for this sharing of information and resources, as
well as helping churches rise to the challenge: whether to revert to how we were doing
church before the quakes, or to see the possibility of God-given opportunities before us.
As part of a Tuesday, 19 March meeting in Christchurch Te Raranga shared about
emerging networks of ministries across Christchurch. The work of Te Raranga can be
followed at www.raranga.org.nz .
A valuable resource that was distributed at the meeting is “Tear Fund Psychosocial Support
Post-Disaster: A Resource Kit for NZ Churches”, which can be read or downloaded from
11. Communications and Media Officer, Diocese of Christchurch
Application deadline: Friday, 19 April 2013
The Anglican Centre is an umbrella organisation which includes:
• The Diocese of Christchurch including 69 parishes with 200 churches, a number of
Anglican schools and other institutions
• Anglican Care, the Social Services Council of the Diocese of Christchurch and a member
of a national network which is the largest NGO in New Zealand
• Church Property Trustees (CPT) which holds in trust the property and assets of the
The Communications & Media Officer’s role includes overall responsibility, in consultation
with the Bishop and/or senior staff, for media/risk management, website, print
management and internal communications for the three entities listed above.
The ideal candidate will have skills in key areas including understanding the mission of the
Church; writing and photographic skills; competency in public relations especially media
releases, understanding of branding; well-developed IT and graphic skills and the ability to
establish and maintain excellent internal and external communications.
He/she will have ability to write original material, edit and produce print and electronic
publications and record key events in the life of the Church. He/she will be responsible for
the continuing development of an effective Communications Strategy.
He/she will work with the senior management of the three entities and as time permits
assist and advise on parish communication issues. The position is full-time. Some flexibility
in work hours will be required.
A job description and application form is available from:
The Diocesan Manager
Anglican Centre
PO Box 4438
Christchurch 8140
phone 03-348-6960 or e-mail: diomanager@anglicanlife.org.nz
website: www.anglicanlife.org.nz
DEAN of the ChristChurch Cathedral, Diocese of Christchurch, NZ
Expressions of interest are invited, and a Cathedral Profile will be available in late February.
Application Deadline: Monday 15 April 2013
ChristChurch Cathedral has attracted world attention in recent years and is now looking for a
mission-focused and visionary leader.
Excellence in communication skills and particularly the proclamation of the word are priorities. The
ability to direct and inspire the mission of the Cathedral for the next decade and beyond will be
essential, as is the ability to form a relationship with the local and global community, as the
ChristChurch Cathedral continues to work towards re-establishing herself in Cathedral Square.
The new Dean will preside in the post-earthquake Transitional Cathedral (opening Easter 2013)
for up to ten years, and will possess a comprehensive knowledge of, and commitment to, Anglican
liturgy and church music. Strong people skills and a love for the Gospel are of top importance.
The Cathedral anticipates the new Dean will begin the appointment in the latter part of 2013.
Interested inquirers should read the Cathedral webpages found at
www.christchurchcathedral.co.nz and cardboardcathedral.org.nz .
Expressions of interest and request for further details should be sent to:
Bishop Victoria Matthews,
Anglican Diocese of Christchurch,
Anglican Centre,
PO Box 4438,
Christchurch, New Zealand 8140
email: bishopspa@anglicanlife.org.nz or ring 03-348-6960
Upcoming Events
13. Public Forum on the ChristChurch Cathedral options
Wednesday,10 April, 7.30pm, Westpac Business & Community Hub (conference space),
55 Jack Hinton Dr, Addington (next to the CBS Canterbury Arena)
The forum, which will be moderated by The Press editor, Joanna Norris, features a panel
comprising representatives of the Diocese, architects Warren and Mahoney, and project
managers RCP.
A second forum will be held on Wednesday, 24 April, 7.30pm at the same location.
14. Te Waiora Programmes for 2013
Thursday, 11 April: Windows on Discipleship
“Listening for Life”: (20–21 April)
Women’s Weekend: “Hope & Renewal in Times of Change” (17–19 May)
“A Healed Church is the only basis for a Healed Community” (15 June)
Sensitive Issues: the Potential & the Pitfalls of Pastoral Care (20 July)
An Introduction to the Practice of Christian Healing (17 August)
Men’s Retreat (20 - 22 September)
For more information contact: Debbie & Andrew on 03-318-0789 or
021-0251-5716 or e-mail: tewaiora7@gmail.com .
Their website is www.tewaiora.com
15. Diocesan Synod
Friday, 12 April, 1.30pm start
Saturday, 13 April, all day
St Christopher’s Church, 244 Avonhead Rd, Christchurch
16. Invitation to Feed The Kids National Symposium
Saturday 13 April 2013, 9.00am–3.00pm, Papa o Te Aroha Marae, Tokoroa
The Feed The Kids symposium will attempt to answer these 3 questions:
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to get to?
- How are we going to get there?
Child poverty has doubled in NZ over the last 30 years. In 2013:
- An estimated 270,000 (25%) of New Zealand children live in poverty
- 20% of families with school-age children can’t afford to buy sufficient food
In December 2011 the final report of the Children’s Commissioner’s Expert Advisory Group
on Solutions to Child Poverty recommended the introduction of a nationalised,
government-funded food programme in low-decile schools as an immediate, cost-effective,
and practical way to help address child poverty in New Zealand.
We hope you will give urgent attention to this invitation.
Register online at: mana.net.nz/2013/03/manas-national-agm-and-symposium-registrationform/
For all registration enquiries contact:
Andrew on 07-9299-139 or Priscilla on 021-172-6020 or email regoftk@gmail.com
17. Day of Reflection: With Thomas Merton during Easter
Saturday, 13 April 2013,10.00am–3.30pm, Mary Potter Centre, 442 Durham St North,
Presenter: Fr Michael Dooley of Dunedin
Organised by the Christchurch Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society
Cost: $20.00 (pay on the day)
Bring your own lunch; tea & coffee provided.
For more information or to register contact Fr Ray Schmack on 03-339-0349 or 03-3424312 or email rjschmack@xtra.co.nz
18. Dedication of New Rakaia Parish Lounge
Sunday, 14 April, 5.00pm (alongside St Mark's Church, Elizabeth Avenue, Rakaia)
The new parish lounge will be dedicated by Bishop Victoria Matthews. The service will
begin in the church and proceed to the lounge for the dedication and a shared meal.
Do come and help us celebrate!
19. ECAN Winter Air Briefing
Tuesday, 16 April 2013, 2.30pm, Malcolm Fraser House, 5 Sir William Pickering Drive,
Environment Canterbury is committed to working with the community to improve
Christchurch’s winter air quality. Each winter our activities in this area cause a lot of
community interest and so, as the weather cools, we would like an opportunity to discuss
with you the work we have planned.
We look forward to sharing our priorities and planned activities with you. We would also
value any feedback you provide. If you are unable to attend or know of other people who
would be interested in coming along, please extend this invitation to them.
Please RSVP to Kristi Gray, kristi.gray@ecan.govt.nz
Chair of Commissioners: Dame Margaret Bazley ONZ,DNZM, Hon DLit
Commissioner: David Bedford