CONNECTION FLOATING SUPPORT VOLUNTEER POLICY Connection FS recognises the valuable support of its dedicated volunteers in delivering its service and the added value, skills and quality of service this brings to our service users. Connection Floating Support aims to deliver a high quality, best value, specialist floating support service for vulnerable adults across all need groups. We do this by: Employing highly qualified and experienced staff Operating under comprehensive diversity policies for staff and service users, and volunteers Prioritising, caring and being understanding of people’s situations and difficulties Helping people achieve independence Client-Focused support Involving people in communities Investing in our volunteers At Connection Floating Support we firmly believe that by combining genuine care with a professional and dedicated attitude we can successfully engage with people to help themselves. PRINCIPLES The volunteer policy is guided by the following principles: • Connection Floating Support and its volunteers will follow this policy. • All volunteers will sign to confirm their understanding of the volunteer agreement. • The volunteer's role with be clearly explained and mutually agreed. • Connection FS will provide induction, information, training and support to its volunteers appropriate to their volunteer role. • Connection FS will, whenever possible, give volunteers work that is satisfying and appropriate to their interest. • Volunteers have the right to express their views to their designated line manager. • Volunteers and staff will work together within the Connection FS policies and procedures. • Volunteers and staff will treat each other with respect and courtesy. • Connection FS is committed to equal opportunities in relation to the recruitment, selection and involvement of volunteers. PRACTICE GUIDELINES Connection FS is committed to good practice when supporting its volunteers. For more detailed information on how the organisation supports volunteers, see the Volunteer Induction Pack. Connection FS will make ongoing efforts to recruit volunteers who match appropriate needs. This selection process will be based on the skills and interest of the volunteer and the current needs of the organization and its service users. VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT All volunteers will be asked to sign their understanding of a volunteer agreement outlining the commitment and expectations of Connection and the role or specific tasks that the volunteer has offered to undertake. A Senior Manager of Connection FS and the direct supervisor will also sign this agreement. The agreement is not a formal contract of employment; it is simply a guideline to help the volunteer feel supported and to understand their responsibilities. Volunteers will also receive a copy of the Volunteer Induction Pack to keep and refer to when necessary. INDUCTION, INFORMATION AND TRAINING Volunteers will receive an appropriate induction, which will include information on the aims, background and organisational framework of Connection FS. Additional information will be provided to help the volunteer in their work. Connection FS will strive to make the information and induction sessions accessible and relevant to local needs. Opportunities to develop knowledge and skills will also be provided as appropriate. SUPPORT Volunteers will be supported by the Volunteer Co-ordinator or another designated person i.e. Senior Support worker, who will also act as a mentor. This person will provide the volunteer with support on their work, the opportunity to discuss future work and a chance to discuss any issues that may arise. The duties of the volunteer and who they will be managed by will be covered in their induction and included in their volunteer agreement. HEALTH AND SAFETY Connection FS will make every effort to care for the health, safety and welfare of its volunteers. Volunteers will be provided with copies of relevant health and safety procedures and receive appropriate guidance. Health and Safety is the responsibility of everyone. EXPENSES Volunteers will be reimbursed reasonable travel and subsistence in accordance with Connection FS expenses procedure and in equal parity to paid members of the organisation. All receipts must be retained and travel arrangements agreed up front with the volunteer co-ordinator. HAVING A VOICE Volunteers will be given opportunities to express their views about issues concerning the organisation and its work through regular meetings with the volunteers’ coordinator . Volunteers will be invited to attend meetings and offered training as appropriate to their role. INSURANCE Volunteers will be covered by the organisation's insurance policy while engaged in voluntary duties. Volunteers whose role requires them to drive their own vehicle must ensure that they have Business Use on their insurance. If an additional cost will be incurred for the volunteer to change their policy to Business use, Connection FS will look to cover this additional cost. This must be discussed and agreed with the Volunteer coordinator prior to taking out the cover, and a copy of the quote supplied to Connection FS. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY OPPORTUNITIES Connection FS is actively committed to encouraging and promoting the richness brought to the organisation by the diversity of our staff and service users and volunteers. Connection will ensure that this is reflected in all its practices, policies and services. All volunteers are required to make a commitment to Connection’s equal opportunities policy. Volunteers will be provided with a copy of Connection FS equal opportunities policy as part of their induction and will be supported in its practice. CONFIDENTIALITY All volunteers will be issued with Connection FS confidentiality policy and guided as to how this affects the work they will be doing .Volunteers who, due to the nature of their work, have access to data on will be asked to sign a copy of the confidentiality policy. If at any time a volunteer feels the conduct of any individual is not appropriate they should bring it to the attention of their manager. RESOLVING CONCERNS Connection FS has a resolving concerns procedure designed specifically for volunteers. Connection will seek resolutions to complaints or concerns as soon as they are raised. Where the actions of a volunteer warrant serious concern, the Disciplinary Procedure may be used and appropriate action taken. Copies of all these procedures can be found in the Volunteer Induction Pack. CODE OF CONDUCT Connection is committed to excellent, safe and reliable practice and a positive organisational culture. Our service users, staff, volunteers, funders and stakeholders of Connection FS are entitled to expect that we all maintain appropriate standards of integrity and behaviour. For more information these procedures can be found in the Volunteer Induction Pack. REFERENCES AND CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECK References will be taken up for all volunteers and due to the nature of Connection’s work then all volunteers will need to have an Enhanced Criminal Records check as in line with all other staff employed by the organisation.