[FACULTY] [DEPARTMENT] RESEARCH DEGREE PROGRAMME SUBMISSION READINESS PROGRESS REVIEW SECTION 1: For completion by the candidate (to be submitted at 30 months full time/ or 54 Months part time) Candidate’s First Name: Candidate’s Surname/Family Name: Principal Supervisor Second Supervisor Third Supervisor Type of Programme: tick as appropriate PhD MPhil Professional Doctorate For Professional Doctorate candidates only Name of programme: In the case of a PhD which is practice-led, will the procedure for final examination require the examiners to view an exhibition of the candidate’s artistic work in addition to the written submission? [*delete as appropriate] Mode of Study: tick as appropriate FT PT Yes / No* Current working title of the research degree programme: Research Start Date Standard Duration Date SECTION 2: For completion by the candidate The candidate must provide brief details of the remaining activities and timescale for completion of the thesis / portfolio (with dates) The following is the culmination of the candidate’s Professional Development and Research Training Programme and is in-line with Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework. Confirm attendance at compulsory training sessions: The Graduate School’s ‘Induction’ (within three months of enrolment) Submission Readiness Form Page 1 of 4 Date: Faculty ‘Induction’ (within one month of enrolment) The Graduate School’s ‘Annual Progression’ The Graduate School’s ‘Preparing for the viva: the end is in sight!’ (final year) Date: Date: Date: Completed Professional Development and Research Training Programme (give brief details of activities with dates): Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities This domain relates to the knowledge and intellectual abilities needed to be able to carry out excellent research. Domain B: Personal effectiveness This domain contains the personal qualities, career and self-management skills required to take ownership for and engage in professional development. Domain C: Research governance and organisation This domain relates to the knowledge of the standards, requirements and professional conduct that are needed for the effective management of research. Domain D: Engagement, influence and impact This domain relates to the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage with, influence and impact on the academic, social, cultural, economic and broader context. It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand the following documentation*: Regulations and Procedures Relating to Cheating, Plagiarism and other forms of Academic Misconduct Guidance for Students & Supervisors on Submitting for Examination. * All documentation is available via the Graduate School website: http://www.northumbria.ac.uk/researchandconsultancy/graduateschool/documents/ Statement by candidate I, the candidate, have completed Sections 1 and 2 and acknowledge responsibility: for my research degree programme to date including the identified Professional Development and Research Training Programme that has been completed; that I have read and understood the Regulations and Procedures Relating to Cheating, Plagiarism and other forms of Academic Misconduct; and that I have read and understood the Guidance for Students & Supervisors on Submitting for Examination. Signature of candidate: Submission Readiness Form Date: Page 2 of 4 SECTION 3: For completion by the Principal Supervisor Please comment on the remaining timescale for completion. Is it comprehensive and realistic? What measures have you put in place to ensure submission of the thesis by the Standard Duration date? Yes No Will the candidate submit their thesis by the standard duration date? If yes, can you confirm that the active research phase will be completed by the Standard Duration date? Please tick the appropriate box If no, how much more time is required, beyond Standard Duration, before the active research phase will be completed (give the timescale): Please complete each box What is the timeframe for nomination of examiners? Give dates and comment Have the candidate’s examiners been identified? YES NO If no, when will this be done (date): Who will conduct the mock viva? Date of ‘mock’ viva, if known at this stage: Which University Research Degrees Committee will the Nominate Examiners form be submitted to: (month / year) Statement by the Principal Supervisor I, the Principal Supervisor, have completed Section 3 and I endorse the progress outlined in this document. Signature of Principal Supervisor: Submission Readiness Form Date: Page 3 of 4 Important: A signed paper copy of the Submission Readiness form, together with an electronic copy by e-mail, should be submitted by the Principal Supervisor to the Faculty PGR Co-ordinator. SECTION 4: For completion by the Chair of the Faculty Research Degrees Sub-Committee Yes Please tick the appropriate box No Having considered the information in SECTIONS 1 to 3 are you confident the Thesis / Portfolio will be submitted by the Standard Duration date? If no, give reasons and action required by whom and by when: Are you confident that the candidate has completed an appropriate level of Professional Development and Research Training Programme, in-line with Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework? If no, give reasons and action required by whom and by when: I confirm that the candidate has completed ‘Submission Readiness’ and all procedures relating to the Research Degree Programme are in place and that a timely submission to University Research Degrees Committee is expected. If no, give reasons and action required by whom and by when: SECTION 5: Recommendation by the Chair of the Faculty Research Degrees Sub-Committee Please tick the appropriate box I recommend that the candidate is ready to submit their thesis / portfolio. I recommend that the candidate submits for Annual Progression and an extension is approved / not approved*. [* delete as appropriate] If no, what action is required by whom and by when: Chair of Faculty Research Degrees Sub-Committee Name (in full): Date: Signature: ………………………………………………………………………….. The candidate should receive formal notification on the outcome of this application from the Faculty Research Degrees Sub-committee within one month of the Submission Readiness meeting taking place. Submission Readiness Form Page 4 of 4