S2 The Environmental Economic Assessment of the Animal Protein Production and Consumption Chain and the Alternative Options. MSc Xueqin Zhu ( xueqin.zhu@alg.shhk.wau ) March 2000 – March 2004 Supervisors: Prof. E. van Ierland and Dr. J. Wesseler Introduction This study focuses on the description of the economic and environmental aspects relevant to the protein chains. It will investigate the effects on the economy and environment of the shift from animal protein to plant protein foods by general equilibrium modeling. Conceptual Framework The whole chain consists of several economic activities such as agriculture production, processing, transport, waste treatment and consumption. The environmental impacts occur at the different input and output levels of the chain. Namely: 1) Resource uses: land, water and other inputs use occur in the whole chain. 2) Emissions from the economic activities of the chain to the environment. Products Products Households (Consumption) in EU goods goods Imports factors Exports intermediate inputs Industries (Production) in ROW products intermediate inputs factors products Industries (Production) in EU Households (Consumption) in ROW Figure The commodity flows of the two-region AGE model The theoretical framework for economic modeling has been determined (see figure). A simplified two-region environmental-economic model (applied general equilibrium model) has been developed, which includes both the economic and environmental issues (e.g. air quality). The model is applied to a numerical example, showing the mechanism of how environment and production interact with each other. The modeling shows that applied general equilibrium approach can capture some economic and environmental implications in the light of a partial transition from pork to NPFs. Future approach The environmental-economic AGE model will be expand to include more details of the pork and NPFs chain. The expansion includes the different environmental issues such as water use, water pollution according to the environmental analysis. The model will be calibrated by the empirical data. Some scenarios will be developed, to which the model will be applied. The results of the scenario studies by the model can shed some light on the consequences of a shift from animal protein (e.g. pork) to plant protein (e.g. NPFs) on the economy and the environment of European Union and the rest of the world. Publications 1. Xueqin Zhu & Ekko van Ierland, (2001) Effects of the Enlargement of EU on Trade and the Environment, Feem working paper (NOTA DILAVORO 54.2001)