Wessex Facial Nerve Centre Referral form To allow us to ensure your patient is seen as quickly as possible by a member of the multidisciplinary team, your referral will be triaged using the information you give us. Further investigations may be requested prior to your patient’s appointment. Patient name: Date of birth: GP Name and phone number NHS number Patient Address: Referring Consultant name and address: Other teams already involved – Please circle - Maxillo Facial, Ophthalmic, Oculoplastic, ENT, Otolaryngology, Neuro/Skull base surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Neurophysiologists Facial Rehabilitation Therapists, Audiology Other – please specify Brief history of presenting condition: Ear, nose and throat and Otolaryngology Surgeons Neuro/Skull base surgeons Plastic Surgeons Neurophysiologists Previous Facial/Eye operations, nerve repairs Facial Rehabilitation Therapists Skull Base, ENT, Ophthalmology Please attach relevant examination findings including previous radiological investigations such as X ray, MRI and orthopaedic interventions with dates and where performed: Past medical history (including if have pacemaker, internal hearing device, intracranial vessel clips, metallic implants, history of metal/foreign objects in eye or pregnant): List of current medication: Wessex Facial Nerve Centre, Mailpoint 101, Wessex Neurological Centre, Tremona Road, Southampton, SO16 6YD Fax:02381204148, Email: WFNC@uhs.nhs.uk