2007 Major Events

Major Events in 2007
Launch meeting of NSFC-JST international cooperation project & Seminar on water
environment pollution remediation and resource/energy integrative technology was
The Spring Festival Tea Party for Academicians at Beijing from the Department of
Mr. Jarni, Deputy Minister of Italian Ministry for Economic Development, visited the
Sino-Italian Environment and Energy Building (SIEEB) and Tsinghua University (THU).
Comprehensive Cooperation on Environment Protection between THU and Shanxi
Province was launched. A Tsinghua delegation headed by vice president Prof. CHEN
Jining visited the Environment Protection Bureau of Shanxi Province.
Mr. Jens Stoltenberg visited THU and delivered a speech entitled "International
Cooperation and Climate Change".
The opening issue of Frontiers of Environment Science & Engineering in China was
published jointly by Higher Education Press and Springer, and its online version is
An agreement on academic exchange and cooperation was signed between the
Department of Environment Science and Engineering(DESE), THU and the Institute of
Environment Science, Tohoku University.
Project of "Emergent restoration technology for contaminated pipes in the Songhuajing
contamination incident" has passed the examination of the Ministry of Science and
Technology (MOST).
Mr. XIE Zhenhua, Deputy Director of National Development and Reform Commission,
visited SIEEB.
Mr. Tomas, Minister of Italian Economics and Finance Ministry, visited SIEEB and
Ms. Donata Rugarabamu, senior legal officer for Basel Convention secretariat of
UNEO, visited DESE.
Tsinghua Global Environment Research Center was established. Director:
Academician HAO Jiming .
Prof. YU Gang, Dean of DESE, attended the 3rd Conference of POPs Pact Contracting
Party with Chinese government delegation.
DESE won "3 Group Champion" again at the 50th Ma Yuehan Cup Track and field
Sports, and gained champion of the year.
Chairman of municipal council and Mayor of Wuxi City wrote to THU, expressing their
gratitudes to Prof. ZHANG Xiaojian, faculty member of DESE, for his significant
technical support in solving the alga bloom water supply incident.
"New Theory and Technology on Water Safety and Purification", a key project funded
by National Nature Scientific Fund, has passed the examination and appraisal.
DESE hosted 2007 Senior International Workshop on Drinking Water Ultraviolet
Disinfection Technology.
SIEEB was formally put into use as the education and research building of DESE.
Departmental leadership reshuffle took place. Dean: Prof. YUGang, Deputy Dean: Prof.
HU Hongying, Prof. WANG Chenwen and Prof. DUAN Lei; as Chairman of Department
Council: Prof. DU Pengfei, Deputy Chairman of Department Council: Prof. SHI
Hanchang, Prof. JIANG Jianguo.
A Cooperative Intent Letter was signed between DESE and Environment Protection
Bureau of Dalian.
Prof. CHEN Jining was appointed as the Environmental Consultant of Dalian.
Prof. SHEN Guofang, a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, was appointed
as Double-appointe- professor of DESE.
Research on Chinese Circular Economy Legislation Framework, managed by Prof.
ZHANG Tianzhu, faculty member of DESE, has passed the evaluation.
DESE hosted the International Seminar on Environment Monitoring and Sensor
DESE hosted the 4th Sino-Japan Workshop on Environment Management.
Mr. LI Xueyong, Deputy Minister of MOST, inspected DESE and visited SIEEB.
DESE hosted the 2nd International Conference on Solid Waste Management and
Dr. Heidelore Fiedler, senior technical official for UNEP, visited DESE.
Academician QIAN Yi won the 3rd National Renowned Teacher Award.
DESE hosted the 1st Sina- Korea seminar on POPs .
Mr. QU Geping, Chairman of the Fund Council of Chinese Environment Protection,
visited SIEEB.
Prof. ZHANG Xiaojian, faculty member of DESE, was awarded "Meng Erdong Excellent
Teacher" in Beijing.
"Environment Monitoring" was selected as 2007 Beijing Fine Course.
Weekly "Environment Academic Salon" was launched by the Academic Affairs
Committee of DESE.
Evaluation Group for undergraduate education from Ministry of Education inspected
and evaluated the work at DESE.
Academician HAO Jiming. was appointed as the Vice-President of the 9th Degree
Assessment Committee of THU.
SIEEB Monument Unveiling Ceremony was held. Mr. SHANG Yong, Deputy Minister of
MOST, Mr. H.E. Riccardo Sessa, Ambassador of Italy, Prof. CHEN Xi, Chairman of
University Council, and Mr. Corrado Clini, Director General of IMELS, attended the
ceremony and addressed respectively.
DESE hosted Sino-Italian Seminar on Climate Change. Mr. XIE Zhenhua, Deputy
Director of National Development and Reform Commission, Mr. H.E. Riccardo Sessa,
Ambassador of Italy, attended the Opening Ceremony and addressed the audience.
1st National Ph.D.Candidates Academic Conference was held at SIEEB.
DESE hosted 3rd Sino-Japan Workshop on Environment catalyses and Ecological
Dr. DENG Shubo was selected into 2007 New Century Talent Support Program, MOE.
"Undergraduates Nurturing Program in accordance of their aptitudes" was kicked off.
Academician HAO Jiming.was appointed as the Director of Environment Education
Committee of Chinese Environment Science Association.
Prof. Max Dohmann from Aachen Technical University was appointed as the Guest
Professor of THU.
"Tsinghua Environment Forum" was kicked off.
A Ph.D degree thesis by Dr. Fengkui Duan was selected into 2007 National Excellent
Ph.D Degree thesis.
The League Committee of DESE was granted the "2007 Tsinghua Social Practice
Example Committee" Award.
Prof. CHEN Jining was appointed by the MOE as Administrative Vice President of
Tsinghua University.
Prof. HUANG Xia, faculty member of DESE, gained 2007 National Science Fund for
Distinguished Youth Scholar.
Prof. ZHANG Xiaojian, faculty member of DESE, was awarded the "2007 Green China
Prof. LIU Wenjun, faculty member of DESE, was appointed as the Directive Member of
the National Ultraviolet Disinfection Standard Technology Committee.
"Environment Engineering" was approved as National Key Program by MOE.
Cooperation Framework Agreement on Environment Protection among Tsinghua
University, Foxconn Group, the Government of He Bei Province and Beijing Oriental
Environment Institute was signed. Prof. CHEN Xi, Chairman of University Council, Prof.
CHEN Jining, Administrative Vice-President of THU and Prof. DU Pengfei, Chairman of
DESE Council, attended the signing ceremony.
DESE hosted the 1st National Seminar of Construction of Environment Subject.
Graduate Union of DESE won "2006-2007 Tsinghua Excellent Sub-Graduate Union"
and "Outstanding Physical Education Job Award".