July 1, 2009 River Systems (formerly Large Rivers, Supplement to Archiv für Hydrobiologie) ISSN 1868-5749 Instructions to Authors 1. River Systems is an international journal that integrates landscape, catchment and human perspectives into a holistic view of river systems. It is dedicated to promoting innovative basic research results and their application in management and con-servation. Interdisciplinary research on rivers from the catchment and landscape perspectives is particularly welcome. “River Systems” thus bridges the gap between inter- and transdisciplinary research and highlights management applications and science implementation at multiple temporal and spatial scales. An innovation of “River Systems” will be the inclusion of relevant science education cooperations. The language of the journal is English. The journal “River Systems” is a relaunch of the “Large Rivers, Supplement to Archiv für Hydrobiologie”. Standard papers: Should be as concise as possible, less than 15 printed pages. Longer manuscripts will be accepted for publication in exceptional cases only. Shorter submissions take precedence when space is limited. Notes: These should be structured like standard papers and contain short original contributions presenting new methods or other results of general interest. Comments: Very short papers (max. 2 pages) containing opinions, contributions to current scientific debate or responses to published articles. Invited reviews: Articles summarizing the state of the art of particular topics of general interest. Authors planning a review article must contact the editors before preparing the manuscript. The manuscripts are subject to peer review. 2. Manuscripts shall be submitted through the Schweizerbart Electronic Manuscript Management System. This platform is under construction and will go online in due course. Please visit www.schweizerbart.de and follow the links to River Systems. The new website of River Systems will also be activated in the very near future. Until the launch of this system, please send first submissions as pdf file via riversystems@schweizerbart.de to the Chief Editor Thomas Hein. Once your manuscript has been accepted, please send original files on CD along with one printout by regular mail to the publishers. Please submit manuscripts and any accompanying illustrations (in duplicate) to the most convenient of the following address: The Chief Editor: Doz. Dr. Thomas Hein WasserKluster Lunz - biologische Station GmbH Dr. Carl-Kupelwieser-Prom. 5 3293 Lunz/See or Doz. Dr. Thomas Hein Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Institut für Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement Max Emanuelstr. 17 1180 Wien Manuscripts must be submitted ready for printing; i.e. produced by a word processing system (preferably Word for Windows). To avoid confusion with spacing, right-hand justification should be switched off. Do not use style sheets or templates. Manuscripts must be written in English. Following the author’s name please indicate the institution where your contribution was produced. The full address of the institution should be quoted at the end of the title page as a footnote. A short English Abstract without paragraphs should be given on the first page of the work, following the English title. An English summary may be given before the references at the end of more comprehensive works. The references should include references to the relating pages respectively tables or figures which contain the supporting material for the results attained. All manuscripts are subject to peer review. Originals of illustrations must only be submitted on the editors request. In order to reduce the considerable costs of postage, word-processor generated manuscripts will not be returned unless requested by the author. The final version of the manuscript on disk or CD, prepared preferably using Microsoft Word for Windows, should be sent to the editor on his request. The data file must correspond completely to the printout submitted with that diskette. Please indicate the name and version of the word processor used (e.g. Word for Windows 2000). Originals of illustrations, (if available as .eps or .tiff files) must only be submitted on the editor’s request. Submission of a manuscript to one of the editors for publication in River Systems is considered binding assurance that this work has not been and will not be published elsewhere in this form and length. Corrections in proof: only corrections of typesetting errors are accepted. All other changes to ms. can only be made at the expense of the author. With acceptance and publication of a manuscript the exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publishers. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, electronic versions, microfilm or any other reproductions and translations. Accentuation Typefaces: Word-processor generated manuscripts should only use boldface and italics. Please do not use capitals for titles and headlines. Units: Use the International System of Units (SI). When one unit appears in the denominator, use the solidus e.g., mg/m3); use negative exponents (e.g., mg l–l h–h) for two or more units in a denominator. 3. Illustrations: All illustrations must be labelled with the authors’ names and the figure numbers. They must be numbered consecutively as they are referred to in the paper. Labelling should be done using the font “Times” or “Helvetica (Arial)” and must be large enough to allow necessary reductions in size. The font of the illustrations has to be consistent throughout the paper. Digital halftone figures should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (.tif, .eps, .jpeg), digital line drawings (only .tif or .eps!) should have a resolution of at least 600 dpi, preferably 1200 dpi. The final version of your manuscript should include high quality printouts of all digital illustrations. Figure legends are to be submitted together on (a) separate sheet(s). 4. Literature References: When abbreviating journal titles, we request that the author uses the Serials Source List for the Biological Sciences, used by Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS, see http://www.csa.com/ids70/serials_source_list.php?db=aquclust-set-c Thus, references should appear as follows: Cumchal, M. M. & Drenner, R. W., 2004: Interrelationship between phosphorus loading and common carp in the regulation of phytoplankton. – Arch. Hydrobiol. 161: 147–158. Dumont, H. J. & Negrea, S., 1996: Introduction of the class Branchiopoda. – In: Dumont, H. J. (ed.): Guides to the Identification of the Continental Waters of the World 19. – Backhuys, Leiden, pp. 1–398. 6. 25 reprints or alternatively a pdf-file for personal use free of charge will be supplied of each published paper; additional reprints may be ordered at cost. The Editor and Publishers, July 2009