Rock Deformation, Folds and Faults Rock Behavior Elastic Brittle Ductile Stress and Strain Stress = Force/Area Strain = change in shape or volume that is the result of stress Know something about the stress and strain relationships for the different types of behavior (elastic, brittle, ductile) Folds ANTICLINES SYNCLINES MONOCLINES Fold Axis Axial Plane Limbs Strike and Dip-know how to distinguish these folds based on the age relations of the beds and the dip of the beds Structural Domes and Basins Faults Hanging wall and Footwall Dip Slip Normal (tensional stress, hangingwall moves down) Reverse (compressional stress, footwall moves down relative to headwall) Thrust (low angle reverse fault) Strike Slip (shear stress) movement along the strike (horizontal)