Geology 1121K

Geology 1121K
Introductory Geosciences I
Weekly Study Guide
Lab 9
The following list of topics is intended to guide the student during their studying of the topics introduced in the lab.
Not all topics in each chapter will be tested; however, any topics introduced in the laboratory by the instructor should
be considered information that will be tested. This list is meant only to guide the student as they study each chapter for
the exams. As you read through each chapter, pay particular attention to the words marked in bold and italics.
Lab 9
 Chapter 10 – Geologic Structures, Maps, and Block diagrams
o Structural Geology
 What is a geologic map? How does it differ from a topographic
 What are members, formations, and contacts?
 What is a geologic cross section?
 What is a geologic block diagram?
o Measuring Attitude
 What is attitude and how is it measured?
 What is the strike, dip direction and dip angle? Be able to identify
all three and give the attitude of a unit from reading map symbols
and vice versa.
o Unconformities
 What are unconformities? (a gap in the geologic record)
 What are the three types? Be able to identify each.
o Faults
 What are faults?
 What causes them?
 What are the headwall and footwall and how do they relate to the
three fault types?
 What are the three fault types? Be able to identify each on a
geologic map, cross section or block diagram
o Folds
 What are the various types of folds? What is the difference
between a _____cline and a _____form?
 Be able to identify the various folds on a geologic map, cross
section or block diagram from reading map symbols and vice versa
as done on the exercises in the text. This includes the plunging
folds, domes, etc. Also be able to properly name a fold based on
its structure and age relationships.