College Selection Review - Williams Memorial CME Church

College Selection Review
Materials: Student profiles, sample college information sheets, summer camp info with blanks,
summer camp information sheets
1. (20 minutes) Divide students into 4 groups have them discuss what colleges they researched and which
one they chose and why.
2. (20 minutes) Give students a profile of imaginary HS students that includes their SAT score, GPA, Career
interest, EC activities, personality traits etc. and have students decide which college is best for each
student based on student profile using everyone's homework at the table.
3. (20 minutes) SEE SUMMER CAMP FILE
Identify the best college for each student to attend, and give an explanation of your answer.
* The average SAT score on the new SAT is 1572 and the highest score is 2400.
Geovanny Marcus
SAT SCORE: 1590 Math/Verbal: 1000
GPA: 2.75
Career Interest: Graphic Designer
Extra Curricular: Art Club, Outdoor Club, Church Youth Group, HLI
Personality Traits: Doesn’t like large crowds, hangs with a group of close knit friends, needs a little push to
motivate him, likes nature
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Kyla Mapp
SAT score: 1900 Math/Verbal: 1200
GPA: 3.254
Career Interest: Nurse
Extra Curricular: Medical Careers Club, Marching Band Auxiliary, Ladies of the Distinction Club, Church Choir,
Personality Traits: Very sociable, likes to party, excellent time management skills, like to stay busy, highly
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Jaquon Davis
SAT Score: 2200 Math/Verbal: 1400
Career Interest: Electrical Engineer
GPA: 4.345
Extra Curricular: SGA President, Math Club, SECME, IT Committee @ Church, HLI, Intramurals
Personality Traits: very family oriented, natural leader, doesn’t mind large crowds or small groups, loves to
watch sports, plays sports casually
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Stephanie Smith
SAT Score: hasn’t take the SAT yet, and it is the end of her Sr. year
GPA: 2.25
Career Interest: Undecided
Extra Curricular: Marching Band, Fashion Club, Church Youth Group, HLI
Personality Traits: very flashy, loves being around people, loves having a good time, unfocused on school
work, needs a push to stay motivated.
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Ashley Taylor
SAT SCORE: 1300 Math/Verbal: 800
GPA: 2.45
Career Interest: Early Childhood Education
Extra Curricular: Softball Team, Volunteer at children’s church, Future Teachers of America
Personality Traits: Doesn’t like large crowds, needs to have someone to reassure her that she is doing well,
likes the beach
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
William Happs
SAT score: 1500
Math/Verbal: 900
GPA: 2.956
Career Interest: Electronics Technician
Extra Curricular: Electronics Club, Basketball Team, Audio/Visual Team at church
Personality Traits: Very focused when not around his friends, loves hands on learning, has to have physical
activity to relieve stress
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Asaki Habib
SAT Score: 2000
Math/Verbal: 1000
GPA: 3.989
Career Interest: Meteorologist
Extra Curricular: Science Club, Soccer, Chess Club, Church Youth Choir
Personality Traits: loves to watch sports, loves to travel, loves mild weather, very outgoing, loves giving
presentations in front of groups
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Stephanie Smith
SAT Score: 1000
Math/Verbal: 600
GPA: 2.0
Career Interest: Undecided
Extra Curricular: Cheerleader, Church Youth Group, HLI
Personality Traits: inconsistent study habits, struggles in math, very outgoing,
Recommended College: ___________________________________________________
Explanation: ____________________________________________________________
Summer Camp: __________________________________________________________
Higher Learning Institution Information Sheet
Name of Institution: _______________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________
Majors offered which interest you: ____________________________
Tuition (In-State & Out of State): _____________________________
Admissions Requirements (GPA, SAT/ACT, Courses): _____________
Extracurricular Activities (religious, social, athletic, academic, and African
American organizations): _____________________________
Population Makeup
Total # of Undergraduates: _____________________________
Gender Percentages: __________________________________
Racial Percentages: ___________________________________
Reasons for wanting to attend: ______________________________
Additional Information: _____________________________________