How we learned to stop worrying and love philosophy of science: “physics envy” revisited Andrew E. Forbes†1, Anthony R. Ives1, Bradley J. Cardinale1,2, Chad T. Harvey1, Matthew R. Helmus1, Kelley J. Tilmon1,4 and Christopher K. Williams1,3 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Zoology 430 Lincoln Dr. Madison, WI 53706 Present Address: 2University of California-Santa Barbara, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 3University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, Newark, DE 19716 4South Dakota State University, Plant Science Department, Brookings, SD 57007-1096 †Corresponding Author e-mail: phone: (608)-262-9226 Abstract: If one chooses to believe the strict definitions of some philosophers, over eighty percent of what ecologists publish is not actually “science.” As practicing ecologists interested in justifying our salaries, we beg to differ. The concept of ecology as a “less scientific” science has manifested itself in the last several decades as “physics envy.” Here, we argue that the premises underlying such jealousy are false, and that debating ecology’s scientific merit is a misuse of our collective energy. Instead, ecologists need to begin more productive dialogues about their philosophies of science. Ruminations on physics envy are based in part on false assumptions about physicists’ activities. They are also rooted in attempts to compare two disciplines that not only differ in very concrete ways, but are also each internally diverse well beyond any simple stereotypes. We feel that the perceived inadequacy of ecology that underlies physics envy – the notion that our discipline has been unsuccessful and unscientific– is unfounded. Here, we offer our opinion of physics envy, along with results of an informal survey, in hopes of putting this term to rest. Background “Physics envy” is best described as the desire of some ecologists to make explanations of ecological phenomena conform to the supposedly more straightforward standards of the physical sciences. This concept is evident in some ecological texts: “There is a widespread belief that ecology is different from physics because (1) it lacks general laws, and (2) it is not a predictive (and, therefore, not a “hard”) science.” (Turchin 2003, p. 18) Thus, the relative quantitative rigor, predictive power, and generalizability of ecological research are concerns for those ecologists suffering from this malady. The argument for changing ecologists’ methodologies to make them more scientific dates to at least the seminar paper by Platt (1964). Platt argued that scientists needed to adopt “strong inference,” a scientific method superior to all others. This involves: “1) Devising alternative hypotheses 2) Devising a crucial experiment (or several of them), with alternative possible outcomes, each of which will, as nearly possible, exclude one or more of the hypotheses; 3) Carrying out the experiment so as to get a clean result [and] 1’) Recycling the procedure, making subhypotheses or sequential hypotheses to refine the possibilities that remain” (Platt 1964) Platt’s paper was successful in so far as many scientists refer to this scheme as THE scientific method. This is not the only legacy of Platt’s paper. In holding up molecular biology and nuclear physics as examples of “healthy” sciences (those using his preferred methodology) while stating that many other disciplines “are sick by comparison,” he set the stage for major introspection among ecologists. His denigration of collecting extensive data sets (Platt mentions “surveys” and “detailed studies” as if they were dirty words) furthered some ecologists’ sense of unease and tendency towards navel-gazing. The discussion set in motion by Platt is ongoing (MacFadyen 1975, Simberloff 1983 and Simberloff 2004). Some ecologists have bemoaned our discipline’s preference towards exploring system-specific details and eccentricities over seeking unifying themes (Murray Jr. 1992). Others point out that these generalities do exist in ecology, regardless of the importance that our professional community does or does not ascribe to them (Turchin 2001). Our Opinion Like most debates requiring introspection, we feel there are nuggets of wisdom to be gleaned from discussions of physics envy. Three previous ideas stemming from the debate have been positive developments for scientists. First, Platt’s (1964) method of “strong inference” is a powerful way to address some, although certainly not all, scientific questions. This explains its prevalence in high school textbooks (Balzer et al. 1983, Alexander et al. 1986, Kaskel et al. 1988). Second, in order to maintain healthy research programs, it is important for scientists to consider the efficacy of their approaches, something this debate encourages. Third, regardless of what any ecology-bashers argue, generalizations really do exist in ecology, and encouraging scientists to uncover them will inevitably lead to progress. However, the larger discussion appears to us simplified to the point of being cartoonish. Most (if not all) scientists use multiple approaches in their research. Ecology is a prime example of this. Discussions (particularly among science educators) of the need to adopt THE scientific method are potentially damaging if they hinder our ability to instill future generations with the creativity necessary to be successful ecologists. Furthermore, the gap that some scientists perceive between ecology and physics is meaningless in light of the diversity of each discipline. While numerous physicists strive to produce generalizable results (or “laws”), there are ecologists doing the same. Likewise, not all research in either discipline consists solely of making generalizations or of using any specific methodology. Thus, while we acknowledge the value of asking how we do science, we agree with Weiner (1995) that this is best done without comparison to physics, or any other discipline. A Survey Methodology To examine ecologists’ philosophies of science, we designed a short, informal survey, unapologetically violating Platt’s stricture of good science. The survey involved polling 80 physicists and 66 ecologists at the University of WisconsinMadison on: (1) their own work and (2) their perceptions of physicists and ecologists in general. This allowed us to compare the methodologies of stereotypical scientists to reality. The survey focused on three areas related to the issue of physics envy: (1) the degree to which research programs are quantitatively driven, (2) the importance placed on generalizability (or “laws”), and (3) the reliance on mutually exclusive alternative hypotheses. Results-Survey Questions Our survey indicated clear differences in the way “average” physicists and ecologists conduct research. Physicists and ecologists agreed that physics is the more mathematically rigorous (as opposed to qualitative) discipline. Scientists also largely agreed that physicists are more likely than ecologists to use laws to explain phenomena; this was supported by scientists’ reports on their own activities (Fig. 1). However, misperceptions do exist. Concerning the concept of “strong inference” (i.e. alternative hypotheses), there was agreement among ecologists and physicists; 45% of respondents, be they ecologists or physicists, agreed that ecologists routinely used this scientific method. Just under 70% felt that physicists did so. Being good scientists, we did a proper statistical analysis and found that in reality, there’s no significant difference in the practice of the two groups. Roughly 40% of scientists from both disciplines surveyed said they routinely formulate alternative hypotheses as a way of conducting science (Fig. 2). Results-Written Comments When we sent out this survey, we were interested in gut responses, and so we asked provocative questions without giving much preamble as to our objectives. We allowed room for open-ended responses, and not surprisingly received some rather thorough and often irritated comments. A lot of participants, particularly physicists, commented on our use of the term “law.” Several of them chastised us, or offered their own definitions or amendments in their responses. This is what we expected; a friendly physicist had warned us about this beforehand. Here are some of the responses we received: “I find the ‘pigeon-holing’ inherent in this survey hard to deal with, as I do the use of the term ‘law’.” “I don’t like the choice of the word ‘law’.” “What is this ‘LAW’ that you are talking about?” We decided to determine who was commenting on our usage of “law” and found that physicists were more likely than ecologists to mention laws in the open-ended response section of our survey, 15% to 9% (t-test, p<0.03). This difference likely stems from many ecologists’ discussions of whether their science has “laws,” leading to a greater familiarity with such informal use of the term. We also noticed that some participants often appeared annoyed with our survey: “In a word idiotic… I regret taking it.” “Seems a bit silly. Hard to comment on.” “Lacking a quantitative definition of qualitative, I’m rather at a loss.” In order to test whether there was any pattern in which participants showed irritation with us, we developed an index to quantify the “snarkiness” of respondents. We deployed four panelists to review the survey responses (without knowing the identity of the participants) and for each of the responses, they decided whether or not they detected sarcasm in participants’ responses. When we did a pairwise t-test on the snarkiness indices each panelist generated, we found that physicists did appear to be more likely than ecologists to take umbrage at our survey (p=0.063). The explanation for this nearly significant pattern may be that physicists, unlike ecologists, do not spend much time trying to compare themselves to researchers in other fields. This would explain why they were confused by the concept of this survey. Ecologists, on the other hand, due to their self-conscious nature may not have found our study as bizarre. Discussion It seems clear from our survey that we are not alone in our frustration with attempts to compare ecology to other sciences. However, the prerequisites for physics envy still exist; some scientists hold on to the false assumption that physicists are more likely than ecologists to engage in what has been described as the “correct” scientific method. Two clear remedies to this situation exist: (1) pointing out the invalidity of this belief, and (2) removing the value judgment attached to particular methodologies. There are many modes of scientific inquiry, each capable of generating progress in certain situations. There is no best way to do science. Ultimately, we would like a better philosophical paradigm for ecologists. The best start for such a philosophy is to focus on asking the obvious questions most of us already do: What am I attempting to learn and how can I best reach a satisfactory level of certainty in my conclusions? Clearly, this can be expanded upon. But, rather than leaving this to philosophers trading in technical and absolutist terms too abstract for most practicing ecologists to bother with, we suggest this is something best left to each ecologist individually. This will lead to something far more useful than trying to impose our understanding of others’ philosophies of science to our work, and might make us feel better about ourselves as well. References Alexander, P., M. J. Bahret, J. Chaves, G. Courts, N. S. D’Alessio. 1986. Biology. Silver Burdett Company, Morristown, NJ. Balzer, L., P. L. Goodson, I. L. Slesnick, L. Lauer, A. Collins, G. M. Alexander. 1983. Life Science. Scott Foresman and Company, Glenview, IL. Kaskel, L., P. J. Hummer Jr., L. Daniel. 1988. Biology: An everyday experience. Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus, OH. MacFayden, A. 1975. Some thoughts on the behaviour of ecologists. Journal of Animal Ecology 44: 351-363. Murray, B. G. 1992. Research methods in physics and biology. Oikos 64:594596. Platt, J. R. 1964. Strong Inference. Science 146:347-353. Simberloff, D. 1983. Competition theory, hypothesis-testing, and other community ecology buzzwords. American Naturalist 122: 622-635. Simberloff, D. 2004. Community ecology: Is it time to move on? American Naturalist 163: 787-799. Turchin, P. 2001. Does population ecology have general laws? Oikos 94:17-26. Turchin, P. 2003. Complex Population Dynamics: A Theoretical/Empirical Synthesis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Weiner, J. 1995. On the practice of ecology. Journal of Ecology 83: 153-158. Figure Captions Figure 1: (a) Ecologists’ and physicists’ responses to the statement: “My research is more concerned with qualitatively describing the properties of a system than in making quantitative predictions about it.” (b) The same scientists’ responses to the statement: “In my research, I routinely apply ‘laws’ from my discipline in order to understand natural phenomena.” Clearly, physicists are more likely to use laws and be quantitatively oriented than ecologists. Figure 2. The top two rows show scientists’ responses to the statement “Scientists in [ecology or physics] mainly explain phenomena by testing mutually exclusive alternative hypotheses.” By comparing the left column (responses about ecology) to the right column (responses about physics), we see that scientists generally perceive physicists as being more likely than ecologists to use “strong inference” in their research. The bottom row shows responses to: “My work centers on explaining phenomena by testing mutually exclusive alternative hypotheses.” Notice that there is no statistical difference between the actual behavior of ecologists in physicists, in contrast to the perceived gap in methodology. Fig 1. Fig 2.