THE LIGHT OF DAY OCTOBER, 2013 MCLAREN NURSE FUTURE WAGES/BENEFITS/NURSING ENVIRONMENT RN STAFF COUNCIL-OPEIU, Local 40 is sending this The Light of Day by mail instead of email blast. The reason being is that every nurse should print a hard copy and afford this vital document the appropriate amount of time to thoroughly read and DIGEST its content—YOUR PROFESSIONAL FUTURE depends on it. Mr. O’Halla’s gouging demands for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract) reveals the extreme contempt in which he holds McLaren nurses. For those of us with long tenure at McLaren, we are overly familiar with his contempt. Your Bargaining Committee has surveyed nurses at McLaren Bay Region, McLaren Lapeer and McLaren Flint. Almost to a nurse, the contempt for their employers is beyond measure. Every McLaren employee is enslaved by Paragon while McLaren drastically cuts staffing and loads more and more impossible expectations on every employee. Patient care is considered an expense to be reduced to the least common denominator. Mr. Incarnati is far more interested in selling his health care insurance to his thousands of captive employees than serving patient needs—there’s far more money in Health Insurance than Hospital Administration! Mr. Incarnati’s representative at McLaren Macomb, Mark O’Halla has made his dutiful rounds to the nurses he decimates poor-mouthing this Hospital. Many of our nurses actually give this nonsense a measure of credibility! FACT: Not making as much money as you did last year is NOT A LOSS. It’s less of a GAIN, NOT A LOSS. Even beyond that fact, Michigan Medicare Expansion legislation just passed in Lansing will provide McLaren huge future revenue gains. Did he forget to mention this? So……..the ability of McLaren to offer reasonable gains in every Union Collective Bargaining Agreement is never in question. Because most of McLaren Health Care facilities are Union-supported, the only barrier between McLaren Health Care Corp. Chairman Philip Incarnati’s destruction of safe, patient cares IS THE UNIONS. Every nurse at each of McLaren’s Union Hospital SUCCEEDED in achieving GAINS in their most current Collective Bargaining Agreements FROM MCLAREN by giving all their verbal and visual support to their Unions. NOW IT’S OUR TURN Q: Why does McLaren initially low-ball every nursing Contract? A: Because they think you are divided, frightened and passive! Are you under the desk or standing UP Union Proud for the dignity and professionalism of NURSING? Q: What changes McLaren’s mind in finally offering a reasonable Collective Bargaining Agreement at the end? A: BECAUSE A STRIKE OR EVEN A THREAT OF A STRIKE BY NURSES COSTS MILLIONS AND MLLIONS MORE THAN TO SETTLE A DECENT CONTRACT. Business 101: NEVER LOSE MONEY YOU DONT HAVE TO. After the 2004 Strike, it took over five years for this Hospital to bring back up census to near normal levels and their standing in the community they serve was very badly damaged. You will soon be offered an insulting, best and final offer from Mr. O”Halla. Simply VOTE NO. Vote NO 100% FACT: A NO vote DOES NOT constitute a Strike vote. Should a strike vote be called for, a separate, future vote will be held. Enclosed in this mailing you will find a UNION BUTTON, showing YOUR Union Support to ALL OF MANAGEMENT. THIS BUTTON IS YOUR PERSONAL VOICE. WEAR IT EVERY DAY FOR YOURSELF AND FOR EVERY ONE OF YOUR PROFESSIONAL NURSE COLLEAGUES! TO ALL OUR NEW UNION MEMBERS: Be not faint of heart! This ugly negotiation dance is old and happens ALWAYS as we fight for our new Collective Bargaining Agreement. WE SUCCEED EVERY TIME BECAUSE YOU SUPPORT YOUR UNION. Without your support, WE/YOU LOSE EVERYTHING. SUMMARY In closing, your Union needs to advise you all of the McLaren’s proposed severe Disciplinary Rule Changes which put all nurses at greater risk for disciplinary action, suspensions, and terminations. Since the Collective Bargaining Agreement expired last February, Local 40 has seen a huge increase in unprecedentedly high and overly harsh disciplines, suspensions and terminations of even very highseniority nurses. This should give notice to all about the necessity and value of Union job protections. As always, your experienced and fully supported Bargaining Committee is committed and determined to bring our fine nurses the well-deserved Collective Bargaining Agreement gains. Our intelligent, savvy, proactive membership makes us PROUD TO REPRESENT YOU ALL. THANK YOU ALL IN SOLIDARITY – BARGAINING COMMITTEE