East Asia SG

East Asia (Chapters 27-28)
A. China is the world’ third largest country; mountains cover more than ________ of land area
1. ___________________ separate China from the Indian subcontinent
a. Kunlun Shan, ________________, and Altay Shan north of Himalayas
b. Greater Khingan Range northeast
2. Plateau of ___________ is the highest plateau in the world (16,000 feet)
a. ___________________: between Kunlan and Tian Shan
b. Turpan Depression lowest point in China (________ feet below sea level)
c. Narrow coastal plains and river valleys of the southeast densely populated
3. Three major river systems; ___________ (Yellow) because of the yellow silt it carries
a. ___________ (Yangtze) longest river in China; ________ (West River)
4. Mongolia north of China; mostly Mongolian ___________; 3,000-5,000 feet
a. _____________________: means “waterless place”; mostly bare rock or gravel
5. Island of ___________: steep mountains; western part of the island is flatter
a. located near tectonic plate boundary; subject to severe ___________________
B. Asian _____________ system influences the climate of China
1. Cold, dry interior winds during winter; warm, moist ocean air brings summer rain and __________
2. Southeast China and Taiwan: __________________________; northern China humid continental
a. Western China and Plateau of ___________ cold and dry
b. ___________________ Desert in Tarim Basin; created by rain shadow
c. North central China and Mongolia: ________________ and ________; Gobi Desert
d. Mongolia; extreme temperatures; high elevation; interior location; ________ °F in winter
3. ______________ landforms and climates; many plant and animal species
a. dry northwest: ___________ grassland; drought resistant plants
b. humid southeast: ________________ swamps, tropical rainforest
c. Wild horses, bears, camels, wolves, giant ___________, Chinese alligator and paddlefish
C. Huge energy and mineral resources; world's leading producer of ________, lead, tin, and tungsten
1. Abundant ___________________ lessens dependence on coal and reduces pollution
2. Three Gorges Dam on the ___________ River
a. Advantages: hydroelectric power; create a reservoir; control flooding; increase river traffic
b. Disadvantages: disrupt ___________________; flood towns and historical sites; cost overruns
D. About ________ of land is arable; Chang River important farming region
1. Paddy fields: wet lands where ________ is grown
a. ________________ agriculture: uses a great deal of human labor
b. ________________ cropping: two crops are harvested each year from the same plot of land
c. rice, citrus fruit, ________, sugarcane, wheat, sorghum, millet, soybeans
2. China has rich ________________ resources; both ocean and freshwater
a. ___________________: raising and harvesting fish in ponds or other bodies of water
b. helps protect against taking too many fish from ___________ and ________
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3. China's silk industry depends on raising ___________________ in controlled conditions
a. silkworms feed on ________________ leaves; their cocoons are unwound for the fiber
b. China produces more ________________ that any other country
4. Population growth and expansion of agriculture and industry strain ___________ resources
A. Chinese have the world's longest known continuous history
1. Farming along Chang River as early as ________ B.C.
a. small farming villages along the Huang by ________ B.C.
2. ___________ Dynasty (1700s-1100s B.C.); water buffalo tamed; irrigation systems dug
a. ___________ casting; shell money, fairly accurate ________________, chopsticks, musical
3. 200s B.C. – first emperor of China (________ or Ch’in); first imperial dynasty
a. ordered connection of ancient walls to create the ________________
b. term ___________ comes from the Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty
4. ________ Dynasty; military power grew; Chinese culture spread; art and architecture flourished
a. today, Chinese call themselves ________ after this great era
b. after the Han, ________________ divided China; unity restored about A.D. 618
c. China most advanced country in the world during T’ang and Sung dynasties
5. Mongol invaders led by _____________________ overthrew Sung; by 1279 ruled China
a. Chinese eventually regained control; rulers forbade foreign trade
B. For centuries China's contact with the outside world was through overland trade routes
1. __________________ extended from China through Central Asia to the Black Sea
2. 1557 - Portuguese set up a trading colony at ___________; other European followed
a. Chinese leaders believed they were superior; foreigners no threat
b. 19th century – ___________________, Japan, and U.S. gained control of much of China
3. 1912 - rebels led by __________________ overthrew the last emperor; formed Republic of China
a. after Sun Yat-sen's death, Chiang Kai-shek led the ___________________ Party
b. faced opposition from warlords and the Chinese ___________________ Party
4. 1930s: Japan invaded ___________________; set up a puppet government
a. ______________ government: a government controlled by outside forces
b. Japanese controlled much of eastern China until the end of ___________________
5. 1949: Communists led by ___________________ defeated the Nationalists
a. Nationalists fled to Taiwan; call their island the
C. Communists seized all private land and created ________________ farms
1. Forcibly relocated farm families; lost ________________ and freedoms
a. replaced traditional family structure with equality for women; families limited to ________ child
2. Great Leap Forward was to speed up ___________________ (1958)
a. backyard blast furnaces to make steel; organized collective farms into larger ______________
b. poor ________________ led to creation of inefficient industries
c. overemphasis on industry hurt ___________________ and led to famine
d. ___________________ and massive erosion
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3. ________________ Revolution (1966-1976); Mao's followers tried to rid China of anyone
considered his enemies or critics
a. anyone with an ________________ was suspect, particularly intellectuals and scientists
b. ________________ and ___________________ were closed
c. many old people and scholars attacked, sent to work in the country, or ______________
4. Mao's successor, _______________________, realized Great Leap Forward and Cultural
Revolution were mistakes
moved the country toward a ________________ economy
many farmers grow and sell their own ___________ and build their own homes
China is self-sufficient in ___________; greater variety; improved diet
town village enterprises (TVEs) produce ________________ and other export goods
industry has attracted investment from ___________________ and Taiwan
5. China is still poor by Western standards; serious ________________ of air and water
a. government in favor of economic freedoms but not ________________ reforms
b. ___________________ Square: 1989 government killed peaceful demonstrators in Beijing
D. ________ billion people; majority are Han; ________ speak Mandarin; official language
1. Written Chinese uses more than ___________ symbols called characters
a. some are called ___________________: simple pictures of the ideas they represent
b. ___________________: artistic handwriting or lettering evolved from Chinese styles
2. ___________________ and ______________ are the major religions
a. ________________: believe there is a natural order to the universe called the Tao (Dow); live a
simple life in harmony with nature
b. ___________________: code of ethics; centers around family life, loyalty, duty, and education
c. China's ___________________ government discourages religious practice
d. religious freedom for some groups but not Christians or Tibetan __________________
3. ________ minority ethnic groups; mostly along the borders and in the west
4. About ________ of the population lives in the eastern part of the country
a. migration from rural to urban areas; many women work in factories; send money home
5. Rice, noodles, ________ (soybean curd) vegetables such as cabbage are common food
A. Southern China most productive region
1. ___________ deposits along Chang River and Delta; region fertile for more than 4,000 years
a. region called China's ___________________; farmers grow two crops a year
b. Chang River valley a major ________________ -growing area; most populated and
industrialized area
c. ________________ country's largest city; industrial center; major sea and river port
2. ___________________ (Canton) famous trading center at the mouth of the Xi River
a. ___________________: former British colony; 1/3 the size of Rhode Island; 7 million people
b. China's major ________________; banking and international trade center
c. has some autonomy and a ________________ economy
3. Special ___________________ Zones; designed to attract foreign companies and investment
a. rapid economic growth; new ________________, high-rise buildings, freeways
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B. Northern China; ___________ River valley and fertile North China Plain; densely populated
1. Huang River called China's ________________ because of devastating floods
a. ________ provide water for irrigation and hydroelectric power
2. ________________ second-largest city; cultural center; capital city
a. _______________________; immense palace complex where emperors once lived
b. modern city with industry, ________________, departments stores, hotels, wide streets
C. Northeastern China was once known as __________________
1. ________, ________, iron ore, other mineral resources plentiful; remaining forest resources
2. Important industries: iron, ___________, chemicals, paper, textiles, and food processing
3. ________________ herding still common in dry region at the edge of the Gobi Desert
D. Western China too dry, high, and cold to support a large population
1. Most people practice ________________ herding or ________________ farming
2. Xizang official Chinese name for ___________; Chinese have occupied Tibet since 1950
a. once an independent kingdom; called “______________________________”
b. most Tibetans are Buddhist; once home of the ________________
3. Xinjang populated mostly by Muslim ___________ people; Uighurs and Kazakhs
a. coal, iron ore, ________________, and oil; some Muslims want independence
E. Mongolia more than twice as big as Texas; population of ________ million
1. ___________ densely populated country in the world; large part of the population herd livestock
2. Natural resources: coal, copper, and oil; ________________ limited; water in short supply
3. Industry includes processed foods, ________________, footwear, and paper
4. Held its first free elections in ________; had been under influence of ______________________
5. Tibetan Buddhism main religion; country is isolated and ___________________
F. Taiwan is one of Asia's richest and most ___________________ countries
1. Exports __________________, scientific instruments, and sports equipment
2. Major trading partners ________ , Japan, China; per capita GDP five times that of ___________
a. ___________ largest city, financial center, and capital
3. Chinese Nationalist Party controlled Taiwan under _________________ (military rule) for 38 years
a. only recently have democratic rights been expanded
b. Taiwan's government claims to be legitimate government of ___________; causes tension
c. Taiwanese invest in ___________ industries; increasing interdependence
A. Japan: four main islands (__________________________________________________); thousands
of small ones
1. Okinawa largest of the Ryukyu Islands; ___________ Islands (occupied by Russia since WW II)
2. More than ____ of Japan mountainous; Japanese Alps on Honshu; Mount ________ (12,388 feet)
3. Coastal plains near Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka are _____________ populated
4. ___________________ Zone: Pacific plate dives under the Eurasion and Philippine plates
a. many ___________________ and deadly earthquakes;
b. ________________ (harbor wave in Japanese); large sea waves created by tectonic activity
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5. West of Japan is the Sea of Japan and ___________ Strait
a. Korean Peninsula; two countries; ___________ Korea and ___________ Korea
b. mostly hills and low ___________________; no active volcanoes
c. western coastal plain region's best ___________________; heavily populated
B. The Asian ________________ system influences the climates of Japan and the Korean Peninsula
1. Summer: moist Pacific winds from the south; __________ inches of rain; sometimes typhoons
a. winter: cold, dry winter winds from ________________
2. Japan spans the same ________________ as the east coast of the U.S.; similar climates
a. Hokkaido and northern Honshu similar to ___________________
b. ________________ Current from the north cools summers
c. cold Asian winds make winters severe and snowfall heavy
d. southern Japan similar to the southeastern U.S.; warmed by ___________ Current
3. North Korea: ________________________________; South Korea: humid subtropical
4. ________________ cover much of Japan and the Korean Peninsula; camphor, oak, and pine
a. Korea: ___________________ and population growth have limited habitats
b. antelope, bears, deer, and foxes in forested areas of ___________
c. Japan and Korea are major ________________: migration routes for birds
C. Mineral and energy resources are limited in Japan; relies heavily on ______ and ________ imports
1. Industrial economy depends on imported ___________ and ________________
2. Koreas also ________ dependent; North Korea has iron ore, copper, lead, and coal
3. Japan and Koreas use _____________ and hydroelectric power to reduced dependence on
imported oil
4. More than ________ of Japan forested; forestry controlled; limits erosion; protects plants and
5. Japan and South Korea both have large ________________ industries
a. Japanese practice ___________________ or sea farming
b. Japanese continue to practice ________________ despite international protests
A. Japan's early inhabitants were ________; possibly descendants of people from eastern Asia
1. Introduced ________ farming; today, the Ainu most live on Hokkaido
2. Korea's early people came from northern and central ________
a. 108 B.C. - Chinese invaded Korea; Koreans eventually recaptured most of the peninsula
b. Korean culture flourished; known for architecture, ________________, and painting
3. China and Korea influenced Japan's culture; Japan's major religion is ___________________
a. centers around the ________: spirits of natural places, sacred animals, and ancestors
b. political system was headed by an ________________; capital at Kyoto
c. by late 1100s, real power rested with a _____________: powerful warlord
d. shogun controlled _____________ or local landlords who ruled local territories
e. _____________: professional warriors who protected the shoguns
4. _____________ system like medieval Europe; constant strife between warlords
a. 1274-1281: Japanese united to defeat invading ________________
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5. 1500s – ___________________ traders arrived; Spanish and Dutch merchants followed
a. Europeans introduced ___________________ to Japan
b. 1600s - Japanese drove out European traders and ___________________
c. leaders feared foreign ideas might cause social instability; Japan isolated
B. 1853: U.S. Navy ships under Commodore ______________________ arrived in Tokyo Bay
1. Opened Japan to foreign influences; over time sparked change
2. 1868 – ___________ Restoration: group of samurai overthrew last shogun
a. restored the emperor to power; emperor began to modernize Japan
b. moved the capital from ___________ to ___________
c. reformed ___________________ system, government, industry, and laws
d. by 1890, Japan had a constitution and ___________________ system of government
C. Japan became a world industrial and ________________ power; expanded borders
1. Growing need for ________________; wanted to increase Japanese influence in Asia
a. 1895 – took ________________ from China
b. 1905 – defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War; took southern half of Sakhalin Island
b. 1910 – ________________ (formally join to a country) Korea
c. By 1920 controlled ________________ and many islands in the North Pacific
d. 1937 – invaded ___________
e. 1940 – signed an alliance with ____________________________
f. 1941 – attacked the U.S. Naval base at ______________________, Hawaii
g. 1945 – Japan surrendered and World War II was over
2. After World War II, Japan set up a ___________________ government
a. ________: elected law-making body and a prime minister; emperor still symbolic leader
b. ________ aide helped rebuild Japan's economy and infrastructure
3. Korean Peninsula after World War II divided at the ________ parallel
a. Soviet Union set up a communist government in _____________________
b. U.S. supported a democratic government in ____________________
c. 1950 – North Korea invaded South Korea; sparked the ___________________
d. UN (mostly U.S.) forces supported South Korea; Communist China supported North Korea
4. 1953 – ________________ (truce) ended the fighting and created the DMZ
a. ________ (demilitarized zone) stretches east to west near the 38th parallel
D. ___________ influenced the region; political systems, customs, food, and architecture
1. ________ of the people in Japan are ethnic Japanese; speak Japanese; several dialects
2. Most people in North and South Korea are ethnic Korean; speak Korean; several _____________
a. about half of all Korean words come from Chinese; grammar is similar to ________________
3. Combination of ________________ and Shintoism dominants religion in Japan
a. Korea's major religion is a blend of Buddhism and ____________________
b. about half of South Koreans are ________________
c. North Korea officially allows religious freedom, but controls most religious activity
4. Japan is one of the world's most densely populated countries (________ per square mile)
a. ________ of South Korean live in urban areas; ________ of North Koreans
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5. Japan's main foods are rice, ________, vegetables, tofu, and various types of noodles
a. diet changing since WW II; fast food is common; more ___________ and ___________
b. Korea's staple also rice; grilled ___________, vegetables, barley, potatoes, and wheat
c. ___________: spicy mixture of Chinese cabbage, garlic, ginger, and other vegetables
6. Japan's has one of the highest ________________ rates in the world
a. South Korea's education systems similar to ________________
b. North Korea's education system stresses communist _____________; higher education limited
A. Less than ______ of Japan's land arable; ______ of people farmers; provide ______ of food needs
1. Government ________________ (financial support) protect farmers from foreign competition
a. south - grow rice, tea, ________________, fruits, vegetables, mulberry trees for silkworms
b. north – ___________ and other grains and vegetables; dairy industry
2. Japanese have a strong __________________ (belief that work itself has a moral value)
a. long days; ________________ work week; loyalty to their companies
b. Japan faces stiff competition from countries of East and Southeast Asia
3. Successful selling and manufacturing overseas; ________ major market for Japanese cars
a. Japan is a world leader in ________________ and biotechnology
b. ___________ economy: goods are produced mainly for export
c. imports raw materials and ___________; exports ____________________ goods
d. huge ______________________: a country exports more than it imports
e. important trade issue between the ________ and Japan
5. Tokyo-Yokohama world's largest urban ___________________: densely populated region
surrounding a central city
6. Most Japanese are middle-class; families live in ________________; often have long commutes
a. most families small; one of the lowest __________________ in the world; long life expectancy
b. “________________” population places more demands on health care and social services
B. North Korea: isolated country; strict communist dictatorship under ______________________
1. Large military; ________________ economy
a. government controls ___________ within the country; people seldom allowed to leave
b. outside capital of Pyongyang most people live in ______________
c. farmers cannot grow enough to feed themselves; food shipments from ________ help
2. South Korea: democratically elected government; U.S. aid helped rebuild after Korean War
a. industrial economy; “______________________”; export economy
b. large urban middle-class; ___________ is capital city; industrial and cultural center
3. Some hope for ___________________; South Korean tourists allowed to visit some areas of
North Korea
b. fears of a North Korean ________________ remain in South Korea
c. concerns about the impact of reunification on the ________________ of South Korea
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