DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT Replacement of a Static Caravan with a Chalet for Holiday Use and Associated Development - Application for change of approved external roof and wall finishes at Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 5RN Prepared by Mr Ian Bramham 054061 27.07.2015 Owen Devenport Ltd. DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT LAND AT BRYN GOLEU, NANNERCH, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE, CH7 5RN. PROPOSED REPLACEMENT OF A STATIC CARAVAN WITH A CHALET FOR HOLIDAY USE AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT – APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXTERNAL ROOF AND WALL FINSHES. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Design & Access Statement refers to the proposed replacement of a static caravan with a chalet for holiday use and associated development at Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 5RN. Planning Permission ref 053711 dated 23rd June 2015 was granted for a replacement holiday chalet. This application seeks permission to change the previously approved external wall and roof finishes. 1.2 The proposal has been designed with the national and local policy context in mind and with due accord paid to all policies relevant to the proposed use. 2.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2.1 The site is situated in a rural position approximately 0.9km south of the A541 and 1.5km west of Nannerch. 2.2 The site itself currently contains a static caravan, however full Planning Permission was granted under decision ref 053711 on the 23/06/2015 for a holiday chalet to replace this static caravan. This application responds to Planning Permission ref 053711 and seeks permission to change the approved external roof and wall finishes. 2.3 The caravan is set in a triangular shaped field, which is used in connection with the caravan, with informal parking arrangements. 2.4 The site is defined by mature trees and hedgerows on its northern, eastern, and south western boundaries, which screen and separate it from the surrounding area. There is an open field set to the north, the lane providing access to the site to the east (with further open fields beyond), and a field and land used in connection with Chapel House to the west. 2.5 The area around the site is rolling open countryside which is defined by open fields, wooded areas, and scattered individual properties and clusters of development. 2.6 From the above it can clearly be seen that the site is set in a rural position and that it is contained and screened by mature trees and hedgerows, and that it forms part of the development pattern of the area which is defined by scattered development of various forms and styles. Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 1 Owen Devenport Ltd. 3.0 CHARACTER 3.1 As stated above, the site is set in a rural position and that it is contained and screened by mature trees and hedgerows. The site forms part of the development pattern of the area which is defined by scattered development of various forms and styles. 3.2 Buildings in the local area generally have roofs clad with slate or concrete/clay tiles and have walls clad with either render or local stone. 3.3 Planning Permission ref 053711 dated 23/06/15 was granted for a holiday chalet on the site with timber wall cladding and a roof clad with painted lightweight metal. 3.4 This proposal is an application for approval for a change in the previously approved wall cladding materials. We are applying to (1) change the approved timber wall cladding to locally sourced natural stone, and (2) change the approved painted lightweight metal roof cladding to a natural slate in a dark blue/grey colour to better match other properties in the area. The rear slope of the roof would have photovoltaic panels built into the slope of the roof. 3.5 These changes to the previously approved external wall and roof cladding materials are the only variations from Planning Permission ref 053711 for which permission is being sought. The rest of the design of the building remains exactly as that previously approved. 3.6 The reason for the proposed changes in wall and roof finishes is that it is felt that the proposed new slate and stone roof and wall finishes would better fit in with the vernacular style of other local buildings in the area. 3.7 The chalet design already approved under Planning Permission ref 053711 would have traditional concrete foundations and ground floor slab so these would not need to change if we are granted permission to change from the approved timber wall cladding to locally sourced stone. 3.8 Overall, the proposal offers an opportunity to considerably improve the visual amenities offered by the site and to construct a new chalet whose character would be suited to the locality and would form a legible addition. 3.9 The area’s economic character is typical of rural areas of the County with a mixture of tourism businesses and agricultural and related enterprises defining the local economy, with key local settlements providing a mix of shops, services and other employment uses. There is also a relatively substantial level of tourist accommodation in the area. The proposal would not impact upon the local economy as it would replace one form of holiday accommodation with another. 3.10 The proposal will benefit from a degree of passive surveillance, and the building will be designed with a good standard of physical security (in respect of the quality of locks, doors, windows etc.) 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 4.1 In terms of the sustainability of the proposal it will take advantage of some of the latest environmentally friendly products available in the form of Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 2 Owen Devenport Ltd. heating and electrical design, and materials, and will meet the building regulation requirements in their entirety. High levels of insulation will be considered in the detailed design of the building, and low energy electrical fittings and high efficiency heating system will also be considered. Thus the building has the potential to be eminently sustainable. 5.0 MOVEMENT TO, FROM AND WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT, & ACCESSIBILITY 5.1 The current design in terms of movement from and within the development & accessibility is identical to the one approved under Planning Permission ref 053711.The access approach taken for this development is relatively simple to reflect the uncomplicated nature of the project and the design of the proposal. Movement within the Development 5.2 The proposal has been carefully designed to facilitate its use by a variety of visitors, from those with young children, to the elderly or mobility-impaired persons. The proposal is primarily designed for use by a couple or small family, with 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a WC, and other accommodation provided to cater for needs of the average visitors. 5.3 It is of an uncomplicated design, which allows for easy access by all. All entrances, doors and walkways are of sufficient width for most users, and the single level simple design allows for clear lines of sight and easy access through the building thus enabling easy movement throughout the property. 5.4 The proposal could be easily adapted for use by mobility-impaired users through the provision of small ramps at the entrances, and the bathroom and WC specified are of sufficient size to be easily adapted to fit most mobility impaired users needs. 5.5 The outside areas will be suitably surfaced and designed to facilitate their use by all users, with care taken to avoid any uneven surfaces or sudden changes in level to allow for their use by all. 5.6 Adequate circulation space has been provided in the submitted design (inside and around the proposal), and the site would have good links to the local area. 5.7 A parking area will be provided to the side of the building, preventing any untidy or un-regularised parking on the site, which could restrict the ease of movement of vehicles on or off the site, or cause problems for the mobility impaired. 5.8 Access to the proposal is simple and straightforward allowing those with mobility impairments, the elderly, or those with young children simple and quick access to the proposed chalet without unnecessary barriers or difficulty. Disability 5.9 The current design in terms of disability is identical to the one approved under Planning Permission ref 053711. Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 3 Owen Devenport Ltd. 5.10 As mentioned above, although the proposal is not primarily designed for use by those with mobility impairments or other disabilities its single level layout and design ensures that it could be easily adapted to fit the requirements of any such resident as the open and simple nature of the design allows for such changes with the minimum of expense and difficulty. Only a relatively small number of changes would be required, such as addition of small access ramps, and the installation of specialist equipment. Or in the case of those who are visually or aurally impaired the addition of adequate signage, high contrast design features or textured treatments is a simple matter with the proposed designs. External Movement Highway and Pedestrian Access 5.11 The current design in terms of highway and pedestrian access is identical to the one approved under Planning Permission ref 053711. 5.12 The proposal will utilise an improved access that will allow access onto a local highway. This road has a very low number of vehicular movements and can be expected to have low vehicle speeds, and as such is eminently suitable for providing access to the site; also adequate visibility will be available at the access. These factors make this the ideal solution for this proposal. 5.13 A safe and secure parking area will be provided to the side of the building, preventing any untidy or un-regularised parking on the site, which could restrict the ease of movement of vehicles on or off the site, or cause problems for the mobility impaired. 5.14 The site can also be easily serviced as required by refuse collection vehicles or delivery vehicles. Sustainable Transport 5.15 The site is set in a relatively accessible position in respect of access via noncar modes of transport, as it is located within acceptable cycling distance of Nannerch and other local villages, and just within reasonable walking distance (at 35 minutes). Regular bus services are also available on the A541 allowing easy access to key local settlements such as Denbigh and Mold, and regular rail services are available at Buckley train station. As such the site is ideally placed to foster the adoption of non-car modes of transport by its occupiers. 6.0 POLICY 6.1 The requirement for showing compliance with relevant policies as regards a Design and Access Statement are given under clause 4 (b) and clause 5 (a) of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2009. 6.2 The relevant policies in respect of this application are contained within the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan. The proposal complies with the general preferences within the plans in terms of the design and accessibility Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 4 Owen Devenport Ltd. of the proposal. Specifically the proposal will comply with the following polices which relate to design & accessibility:GEN1 - a. The proposal will “harmonise” with the site and surroundings in terms of its siting, scale, design, layout, use of natural cladding materials, and use of space as it will reflect the existing situation and likely future replacement unit on the site (and development in the area) in terms of the nature of development that is proposed. The proposed materials and external appearance of the proposal are also suitable, and indeed would be an improvement from the existing situation. No changes are proposed in respect of landscaping as the existing arrangements are considered to be acceptable; b. The scheme has been designed to provide a safe and secure development, which will ensure the security of occupiers and the community; c. The proposal will not impact upon any of the features listed in this criterion as no such features are present on or around the site; d. It will not give rise to any of negative impacts listed in this criterion due to the nature of the proposal; e. It will provide safe and convenient access for pedestrians, cyclists, persons with disabilities, and vehicles as suitable access arrangements are proposed. Adequate and suitable parking and turning space would also be provided as part of the proposal; f. There will be no material impact upon the highway from the development; g. Public transport can be accessed from the site, and there are pedestrian and cycle access routes to local settlements; D1 - The current design is identical to the one approved under Planning Permission ref 053711. 6.3 a.The location, siting, and layout of the development would make good use of the site. It will also not increase the need to travel, and would provide a safe and accessible development (as shown in the response to Policy GEN1); b. It is if of a suitable density to the setting and ‘function’ of the development; c. It would be suited to the “local topography, aspect, and microclimate, [development] pattern, orientation and views”. Indeed it would improve upon the existing situation at the site; d. It has been designed to provide a positive and attractive building alignment and frontage; e. A suitable level of open space is in place to serve the building, and simple and appropriate parking arrangements are proposed. No changes are proposed in respect of landscaping as the existing arrangements are considered to be acceptable; f. Care has been taken in the design to reduce use of non-renewable resources and make efficient use of resources, and to also minimise generation of waste and pollution; g. Suitable design information has been provided as part of the submission that is commensurate to scale and type of the proposed development; D2 - The submitted scheme is of a good standard of design in terms of its appearance, form, scale, and materials, and as such it would protect and enhance the character and amenity of the area; D3 - in this case no landscaping has been proposed as the site benefits from existing hedgerows and trees set around it, which are considered to be suitable and acceptable for the locality; D5 - The development will incorporate suitable security measures in its detailed design (at building regulations stage); Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 5 Owen Devenport Ltd. L1 - It will enhance the character and appearance of the landscape by replacing the existing caravan, with a suitably designed replacement building that will be a modest structure and would feature suitable low-key materials for the locality; L2 - a. It will represent an improvement from the existing and future situation at the site in terms of its impact upon the natural beauty of the AONB, and would maintain the existing situation at the site in terms of the other criteria; b. It has been designed to a high standard with suitable materials proposed for the site and setting. Notwithstanding this, the proposed change in roof and wall cladding materials to stone and slate would represent a considerable improvement from the fallback position, where the currently approved chalet design could utilise harsh ‘man-made’ materials and finishes, particularly the painted metal roof finish of the currently approved design; WB1 - The proposal will not impact protected species or their habitats; AC1 - The development will also be reasonably accessible to those with disabilities as it will provide single level accommodation, which could be easily adapted to meet any potential occupiers needs (e.g. through provision of access ramps at entrances etc.); AC2 - A suitable pedestrian access will be provided within the site onto the highway (which will be comparable with the existing situation) and there will be no impact upon public rights of way; AC3 - Safe and convenient cycle access will be provided (with little change from the existing situation), and adequate space is available within the proposal to accommodate cycle storage (external storage could be provided if required); AC13 - a. The approach roads to the site are of an adequate standard and capacity to accommodate the small level of traffic that the proposal would generate. Indeed there would be no material increase as a result of the proposal from that generated by the extant use. As such there would be no harmful impact upon public safety or health and amenity; b. An adequate and safe access is proposed onto the highway. This would be an improvement from the existing arrangements at the site; AC14 - As such the proposal will not generate sufficient volumes of traffic to warrant the provision of traffic calming; AC18 - The proposed parking arrangements will meet the requirements of Policy AC18 as sufficient parking spaces are proposed to meet the maximum parking standards set out in the policy; T3 - a. It will be appropriate in terms of its scale, type and character to the site and setting (as set out earlier in this statement); b. There will be no adverse impact upon the amenity of local residents users of nearby land or property, or the community in general. Indeed there would be no material change in this respect from the existing situation; c. The site is reasonably accessible by non-car modes of transport; d. There would be no adverse impact upon the landscape, and indeed there would be an improvements from the impact allowed by the existing CLU. There would also be no impact upon sites of nature conservation or historic value; Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 6 Owen Devenport Ltd. EWP2 - The development has been designed to minimise its energy use, and indeed it will be a considerable improvement from the existing or any future caravan on the site. 6.4 TAN12 – Design and Planning Policy Wales have also been assessed and their advice incorporated into the submitted design. 6.5 A summary of the specific planning issues raised by this application is provided within the covering letter which should be read in conjunction with this Design and Access Statement End. Design and Access Statement: Land at Bryn Goleu, Nannerch, CH7 5RN 7