Component 2, Landfill and reuse; selected items, co-operation and actions. partner regions Halle Germany Selected items for improvement. help from…/co-operation with… Action: 1: Combining the processes of restructuring /modernisation and closure of landfills with the general location development by the extension or settlement of new and innovative activities and the creation of synergy effects between these activities. 2: Closure of landfills in an environmentally friendly and economically efficient approach with the integrated use of financial support from European, national and regional level. Mainstreaming ……………….. - PAS: Contamined land, used area near closed landfill. - PAS; Patent for injection of sewage sludge. - Omrin is willing to share its experience - Study combining the processes of restructuring /modernisation and closure of landfills with the general location development by the extension or settlement of new and innovative activities and the creation of synergy effects between these activities. - Study facilitating the process of closure of landfills in an environmentally friendly and economically efficient approach with the integrated use of financial support from European, national and regional level. Krakow Poland 1: New technology for use of waste 2: Accurate statistics 3: Dumping, costs of storage 4: Contaminated land 5: Education - Halle. Merge with top, competence modules? - South East can help with good practice in landfill standards and computer model to forecast impact of landfill on air and water. Is this still of interest? If so please contact John Gower (Environment Agency). Computer programs are available. South East (John Gower) can provide information and arrange a demonstration of the models – deskbased or combined with proposed Study Tour if of general interest. - Omrin has experience in shifting from Inn fill to new/other technology of waste processing. - Dundee can help with education programme, Scottish waste; awareness group. Gyula Hungary Polva City Estonia Genova Italy Fryslân The Netherlands South East UK Recycling Instatute Edinburgh UK 1; Close down landfills in the region recultivating and reusing 2. Management of regional landfill site 3: Establishment of a transfer station. 1: Identify suitable activities on restored landfill sites and set criteria for planning for and enabling uses appropriate to the site/situation. 2 Identify practical means of extending use of landfills as sites for recovery processes 3: Study how waste management developments could best gain acceptance from communities and organisations Debrecen likes to co-operate: - Quality of waste - IT application education - Costs - Halle, merge with top, competence modules? - Omrin has experience in shifting from landfill to new other technologies of waste processing. - PAS; Patent for injection of sewage sludge. David Payne from South East partner SEERA interested in re-use of landfill sites for - other waste management (for example, MBT, anaerobic digestion and recovery as at the EcoPark) – Henk (Omrin) has indicated interest in co-operation. - other innovative uses (for example solar power as proposed at Halle) – Andreas was approached but not feedback yet. David Payne from South East partner SEERA interested to pursue following actions for example as study, but they need to be agreed with potential partners: - Identify need for recovery capacity in SE (regional strategy) - Identify barriers to use of restored landfill for waste recovery in SE and partner regions (political, policy, public opposition, technological) - Collate examples of re-use (waste recovery and other innovative uses) from partners - Identify how opposition overcome and facilities were delivered in partner regions (policy, engagement, legislation) - Make recommendations Dundee Skelleftea 1: Any reuse systems for furniture, electrical equipment, etc., especially design of facilities. - Omrin has experience with operating second hand stored as well as with collection and handling of electronic scrap.