Membership Form for PATMAD - Thursday Night Contra Dance

Membership Form for PATMAD
(Philadelphia Area Traditional Music and Dance)
This organization sponsors the Thursday Night Contra, 3rd Saturday Contra, SPUDS and Allons Danser.
Please print clearly. Leave form at dance or email to Donna Hunt
Please note: Membership Year _2015. Membership is FREE but must be renewed annually. Your membership
allows you to participate in PATMAD membership votes and elections. You will receive membership information
via email and email announcements of Thursday Night and 3rd Saturday dance events.
Phone and email________________________________________________________________________
Signature____________________________________________ Date_____________________________
High cost of gas keeping you home?
Yes, I might be interested in carpooling to the Thursday Night Contra Dances __________________
We need you! We can always use more volunteers to help with special events, publicity, fund raising, workshop
planning, attendance enhancement, setup, cleanup, etc.
Yes, I would be interested in volunteering. Please contact me ________________________
Membership Form for PATMAD
(Philadelphia Area Traditional Music and Dance)
This organization sponsors the Thursday Night Contra, 3rd Saturday Contra, SPUDS and Allons Danser.
Please print clearly. Leave form at dance or email to Donna Hunt
Please note: Membership Year _2015. Membership is FREE but must be renewed annually. Your membership
allows you to participate in PATMAD membership votes and elections. You will receive membership information
via email and email announcements of Thursday Night and 3rd Saturday dance events.
Phone and email________________________________________________________________________
Signature____________________________________________ Date_____________________________
High cost of gas keeping you home?
Yes, I might be interested in carpooling to the Thursday Night Contra Dances __________________
We need you! We can always use more volunteers to help with special events, publicity, fund raising, workshop
planning, attendance enhancement, setup, cleanup, etc.
Yes, I would be interested in volunteering. Please contact me _______________________