Career Search


6 th and 7 th grade Invention

I-Search Project

What Invention has impacted your life?

Due Dates:

I-Search Chart

Research Topic Homework

Research Questions

Summarize of sources



What I Know

The Search

What I Discovered

What I Do Next

Works Cited











I. I-Search

The paper displays evidence of critical thinking and offers special insight into the topic discussed. The paper is written in four sections: o o

What I know, assume, or imagine (prior search)

The search (testing of your assumptions, sharing your knowledge, and/or o expressing information through documented research and interviews).

What I discovered (comparing what you thought you knew with what you learned and offering commentary and conclusions) o What I do next (What questions were raised at the end, what would you focus on if you continued your search, what action will you take or not take because of your research)?


3 sources for 6 th grade

4 sources for 7 th


The paper includes a formal works cited page (Easy Bib)

II. The I-Search Paper

A. Description

The I-Search paper is designed to teach the writer and the reader something valuable about a chosen topic and about the nature of searching and discovery. As opposed to the standard research paper in which the writer usually assumes a detached and objective stance, the I-Search paper allows you to take an active role in your search, to hunt for facts and truths first hand, and to provide a step-by-step record of the discovery process.

B. Format

The I-Search Part I should be written in four sections: ( 1) What I Know, Assume, or

Imagine; (2) The Search; (3) What I Discovered; and (4) What I Do Next.

Following the I-Search you will include a Part II, which will be a story of the search.



Part I


Introduction - What I know, Assume, or Imagine. Before conducting any formal research, write a section in which you explain to the reader why you have chosen to write about this invention, what you think you know, what you assume, or what you imagine about your topic.

What does it do?

How does it work?

Other interesting facts

What does it look like? Include pictures

Who invented the idea?


The Search. Consult useful books, magazines, newspapers, Internet, and people

(those in the field, teaching in the field, studying to go into the field or retired from the field).

History of the invention

Historical circumstances

What year was it invented?

Where was it invented?

Why was it invented?

Who was the US President at the time of invention?

 What significant occurrences were happening at the time of invention? (i.e. war, recession, depression)

What was the average US household income at the time of invention?

Write this entire section in narrative format, recording the steps of the discovery process. Do not feel obligated to tell everything, but highlight the happenings and facts you uncovered that were crucial to your hunt and contributed to your understanding of the topic. Document all your sources of information using Easy bib.


What I discovered.

After concluding your search, you will report/discuss the information you found. Then you will compare what you thought you knew, assumed or imagined with what you actually discovered, and give me some personal commentary about what you have found out. Some questions that you might consider at this stage:

How accurate were your original assumptions?

What new information did you acquire?

What did you learn that surprised you?

Overall, what value did you derive from the process of searching and discovery?

4.What I Do Next.

In this section you will focus on what new questions have been raised. If you had time to continue this search, which of those questions would you focus on? What or who would you go to for answers? Is there something about your topic that requires some action-for example volunteering to serve a community need, or join an organization that is related to your field-or get involved in more activities and leadership

3 roles in the school or work in the field while in high school. What is an improvement for this invention?

You will be required to attach a Works Cited, following the MLA format, listing the sources you consulted to write your I-Search paper. You will need to use a minimum of _____ different sources with MLA documentation and other aspects of writing a research paper. This I-Search will need to be a MINIMUM of 4 FULL pages. When you turn in your final draft you will need to include the following items (in this order):


The final draft of the essay (I will grade whatever is on the top of the pile). Your essay must follow the MLA format outlined. Essays that are not typed in the prescribed format and do not follow MLA standards when citing sources will lose

10 points (one full letter grade) off of the essay grade.


A LETTER (see Part 2 below) to me in which you discuss what interested you about this topic


Research Questions


All rough drafts and prewriting When you come to class the day your I-Search is due, your packet should be ready to go in your folder. I will not have a stapler or paper clips with me. You need to take care of all of this before you come to class.

Be sure that everything has your name on it. If you are planning on using your paper for your presentation, make a second copy for your use.

Part 2 : The Story of the Search

This section takes a look at the following questions in paragraph format and will be the conclusion to your search .


Effects that library time has had on the topic a.

How did that time and work change what you said and did in your paper? b.

What were some frustrations that you faced in the library/lab? How did these affect your topic or your attitude about the topic?


Research a.

How easy or difficult was it to find information on your topic? b.

What did you learn about the process of researching? c.

Do you think your experience will influence the way you will research in the future? d.

What difficulties did you have finding academic resources e.

What was your experience with ProQuest?


Successes and Frustrations a.

What were significant frustrations of the search- internet, library, technology? b.

What did you biggest feelings of success? c.

What did you biggest feelings of frustration? d.

How will these successes and frustrations help you learn about the process of researching?

