1 TOWARDS MORE EQUAL FOOTING IN NORTH - SOUTH 2 BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH: EUROPEAN AND SUB-SAHARAN VIEWPOINTS 3 4 Jan Christian Habel1*, Hilde Eggermont2,3, Sven Günter4, Frank E. Zachos5, Ronald K. Mulwa6, 5 Marco Rieckmann7, Lian Pin Koh8, Wolfgang W. Weisser9, Saliou Niassy10, J. Willem H. 6 Ferguson10, Gelaye Gebremichael11, Mwangi Githiru6,12 & Luc Lens13 7 8 1 9 Technische Universität München, D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany Terrestrial Ecology Research Group, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Freshwater Biology – Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural 10 2 11 Sciences, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium 12 3 Limnology Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium 13 4 Latinamerican Chair for Protected Areas and Biological Corridors “Kenton Miller”, Tropical 14 Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center, CATIE 7170 Turrialba, 30501 Cartago, 15 Costa Rica 16 5 Natural History Museum Vienna, A-1010 Vienna, Austria 17 6 Department of Zoology, National Museums of Kenya, KE-40658 Nairobi, Kenya 18 7 Institute for Social Work, Education and Sport Sciences, University of Vechta, D-49377 Vechta 19 8 ETH Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland 20 9 International Union for Conservation of Nature, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland 21 10 AfroMont, Centre for Environment Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa 22 11 Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia 23 12 Wildlife Works, 210-80300, Voi, Kenya 1 24 13 Terrestrial Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium 25 26 *Corresponding author: 27 Jan Christian Habel, Terrestrial Ecology Research Group, Department of Ecology and 28 Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 29 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany 30 E-Mail: Janchristianhabel@gmx.de 31 32 Keywords: Benefit sharing, biodiversity research, biopiracy, knowledge transfer, North-South 33 collaboration 34 2 35 ABSTRACT 36 Biodiversity is unevenly distributed over the globe, with the majority found in the tropics (i.e. in 37 developing countries). Thus, North-South collaboration in biodiversity research are essential for 38 the understanding and protection of biodiversity. In this paper, we caution against unequal 39 academic benefit sharing arising from non-commercial biodiversity research in the South that 40 may ultimately hamper sustainable knowledge transfer and long-term biodiversity conservation. 41 While we fully support the current efforts to stamp out biopiracy through international 42 biodiversity politics and agreements, we illustrate that such legislative frameworks may further 43 constrain biodiversity research in the South. We ask for workable solutions towards more equal 44 footing in North-South biodiversity research. In this contribution we propose a number of steps 45 to transgress the current barriers towards a more fair and equitable sharing of (academic) benefits 46 arising from biodiversity. 47 3 48 Biodiversity protection, access and equal benefit sharing 49 Biodiversity is unevenly distributed across the globe, with the vast majority of biodiversity 50 hotspots scattered across tropical (mountain) regions of Africa, South America and Asia (Myers 51 et al. 2000; Mittermeier et al. 2011) (Fig. 1). However, apart from exceptional biodiversity, many 52 of these regions are also characterized by high demographic growth rates, unstable politics, and 53 armed conflicts which might affect local natural resources (Cincotta et al. 2000). The resulting 54 environmental transformations, coupled with the effects of climate change, have not only caused 55 an unprecedented biodiversity crisis, but also profoundly affected local economies and societies, 56 particularly those depending most on their natural resources (Guo et al. 2010). In addition to 57 biodiversity loss, biopiracy remains a big issue, where foreign prospecting of tropical 58 biodiversity for commercially valuable genetic or biochemical resources often results in proceeds 59 not being fairly shared with the source country (Hamilton 2006). 60 61 Protection, access, and equal benefit sharing are therefore at the centre stage of international 62 biodiversity policies and agreements, consolidated in the Convention of Biological Diversity 63 (CBD) and in newly emerging national policies (Schuklenk and Kleinsmidt 2006), either 64 explicitly (e.g §100 of Namibian Constitution) or implicitly (e.g. §24 of South African 65 Constitution; §42 of Kenyan Constitution). While such regulations are fully justified to ensure 66 fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from biodiversity in all its aspects, they are often 67 hampered by weakly streamlined and inert bureaucratic procedures that may be subject to 68 unpredictable, short-term modifications (Mahanty and Russell 2002). Moreover, the intrinsically 69 vague definitions used in the CBD, especially with regard to the term ‘genetic resources’ (Schei 70 and Tvedt 2010), and national legislation regarding access, genetic and biological resources, and 4 71 intangible components are so loose that it is hard to imagine what kind of research activity does 72 not qualify as biodiversity prospecting. These and other institutional hurdles for non-commercial 73 biodiversity research are unfortunate as the scientific community in both the South and the North 74 increasingly recognizes the unique value of biodiversity hotspots as natural laboratories for eco- 75 evolutionary research (Plumptre et al. 2003). 76 77 The ghost of academic piracy 78 Somewhat related to the notion of biopiracy, we bring to the limelight the notion of academic 79 piracy to challenge the widespread inequitable sharing of academic benefits arising from non- 80 commercial biological research. While biological research has been deeply rooted in the North 81 for many decades, countries like Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, 82 the Philippines, Singapore, and South Africa are now emerging as major players in this field. 83 When revising publications on “biodiversity” archived in the Web of Knowledge 84 (N=55.888), the proportion of papers authored by researchers from one of these countries 85 increased more than threefold over 23 years (1990-95: 6%; 1996-2000: 9%; 2001-05: 11%; 86 2006-10: 17%; 2011-13: 20%). This increase in publication records in the South could be 87 indicative of a willingness to change the traditional operational system between the North and 88 the South. However, while scientific knowledge is mostly treated as a common good with equal 89 right of access to all scientists, research activities by Southern partners are still predominantly 90 restricted to raw data collection or, at best, preliminary data analysis. In contrast, 91 conceptualisation of study designs, sophisticated laboratory tests, most statistical data analysis, 92 publishing in peer-reviewed journals and other intellectually-stimulating activities are still 93 primarily carried out in Northern institutions (Harrison 2006; Boshoff 2009), despite the fact that SM since 1990 5 94 well-equipped institutions have been established in many developing countries as well. 95 96 Biodiversity research stakeholders in the North and South hence often appear to tacitly support a 97 business trade of raw biodiversity data from South to North rather than true scientific 98 collaboration in terms of intellectual properties among academic partners on par. There may be 99 multiple drivers for this “neo-colonial” state of international biodiversity research. An important 100 one is that use of research funds for local capacity building or engagement is not always 101 acceptable under most research grants. Besides, promotion and tenure decisions in the North are 102 chiefly based on journal citation metrics and successful fundraising, with funding agencies 103 expecting rapid publication return once projects are completed. While academic benefit sharing 104 does not jeopardize high-impact academic output per se, the nominal weights ascribed to training 105 and capacity building in research evaluations generally do not motivate, or even allow, Northern 106 researchers to substantially invest in this. Even for scientists working in biodiversity and 107 conservation, long-term benefits in the regions where research is carried out are irrelevant when 108 it comes to academic evaluations and the allocation of scientific positions. This is further 109 exacerbated by “brain drain”, where highly-qualified Southern scientists frequently shift to 110 Northern institutions, thereby depleting the human resource base that would engage Northern 111 scientists to undertake research in the South. 112 113 Towards more equal footing 114 Despite these problems – the North having funding restrictions, focus on academic research, 115 tenures and careers, and the South having restricted infrastructure, complex procedures, financial 116 constraints, brain drain – solutions do exist that can help a move towards more equal footing in 6 117 non-commercial biodiversity research. This greatly relies on early engagement, preferably at the 118 proposal stage, between researchers and institutions (including funding bodies) to be involved in 119 the research so as to establish mutual goals and a common understanding about project 120 implementation and deliverables. Institutions and funding bodies in the North need to ascribe 121 greater weights to local engagement and capacity building in granting, promotion and tenure. 122 Indeed, funding agencies interested in implementing the CBD should be ready to provide 123 technical assistance and guidance and ensure that evaluations transcend the sole aspiration of 124 yielding high-ranking papers. This would provide a strong basis and the capacity for 125 implementing National Biodiversity Strategies as required by the CBD, while at the same time it 126 would result in an authority to claim for the benefits. 127 128 Various protocols can be used to formalise and actualise this type of engagement, including 129 Mutual Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), and/or Free, Prior 130 and Informed Consents (FPICs). These may contain mutual expectations, rights, procedures and 131 obligations, including logistic support by local authorities and research institutions, technology 132 transfer and capacity building, use and depositing of scientific collections, and joint publications 133 and credits. While such protocols are well-established in many countries, proper implementation 134 has often failed both in terms of the application process and its outcome (Szablowski 2010). 135 Reasons for this failure are varied, and mainly revolve around the timing and level/type of 136 engagement. For instance, case studies in the Philippines showed that FPICs meant to assert the 137 right of indigenous people to influence development activities in their territories failed because 138 consent was manipulated, agreements were culturally inappropriate and weakly operationalized 139 (Minter et al. 2012). To a large extent, this can be attributed to the currently dominant top-down 7 140 engagement, where the researchers from the North arrive at the negotiating table armed with 141 predetermined project goals and funds leaving little latitude for a real exchange of ideas. This 142 should be balanced with bottom-up engagement (probably also including financial input) to 143 allow stakeholders in the South to provide input for the research agenda at an early planning 144 stage. Bottom-up commitments could further benefit from the establishment of research council 145 organizations identifying commonalities in terms of research between the North and the South. 146 Such councils could also endorse research projects from the South and present it to suitable 147 funding entities in the North. Doing so would avoid project overlap and possibly spark more 148 involvement of politicians who often overlook biodiversity issues. Also, more Southern countries 149 could support national observatories that coordinate the local monitoring of long-term ecosystem 150 changes and facilitate local research initiatives. 151 152 To avert “brain drain”, institutions funding scholarships for Southern students to attend Northern 153 universities might also consider investment in biodiversity employment for post-graduates in the 154 South. This has been successfully pioneered by Brazil (fostered by the São Paulo Research 155 Foundation, FAPESP), Ethiopia (implemented by Jimma University), and elsewhere. The 156 combination of transparent and mutually acceptable policies for non-commercial biodiversity 157 research plus retention of a critical mass of well-trained researchers in the South will create 158 opportunities for long-term collaborations and partnerships that are most likely to directly inform 159 biodiversity conservation in areas where it is most urgent. 160 161 Knowledge transfer feeding biodiversity conservation 162 Overcoming the current barriers towards a more fair and equitable sharing of academic benefits 8 163 arising from biodiversity (research) may seem intrinsically complex, yet it is feasible with only 164 minimal change in the way research agendas are set and responsibilities assigned. Conducting 165 research in developing countries is development cooperation and aligns with growing knowledge 166 and involvement of stakeholders of all kinds. Biodiversity-rich countries will not be able to 167 control and defend what is unknown to them. Without knowledge and trained professionals, 168 biodiversity is devalued, with concomitant negative effects for conservation and, also, local 169 economies and poverty alleviation (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2010; 170 Roe et al. 2013). Strengthening capacities for the effective use of biodiversity science in 171 decision-making at all levels is a key priority, as also exemplified by the recent establishment of 172 the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Panama, 2012 173 (Turnhout et al. 2012). The identification of mutual benefits and win-win-situations as a basis for 174 fair partnership can certainly lead to sustainable knowledge transfer over decades, and to 175 improved conservation of the planet’s biodiversity, its ecosystems and the services they provide 176 to humankind. 177 9 178 References 179 Boshoff N (2009) Neo-colonialism and research collaboration in Central Africa. 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