Michael Tang - Northwestern Polytechnic University

First-name Last-name
Address, phone number(s), e-mail address
Technical Product Support and Market Analyst
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with people of diverse cultural backgrounds
Highly keen on identifying customer needs and providing solutions to achieve customer satisfaction
Fluent in English and Mandarin (Simplified Chinese Character); capable of high-quality live translations
Proficient and experienced in competitive analysis and product requirement definition
Active AdWords and AdSense user and volunteer promoter for Google products
Formed a 120-university Consortium in 18 months for Northwestern Polytechnic University, CA, through
contacting the key people in China, Taiwan, India, Kazakhstan, Finland, Canada, etc. All the universities
are having a very good relationship with Northwestern Polytechnic University now, and keep sending new
prospective student to this school.
Helped Sunshine Computer Company, China, to maintain good relationships with their customers by doing
detail field service very quickly, successfully and speedy reply to customers’ questions. One of the
customers referred a large account after being totally satisfied with the service.
Started a printing service company in China and maintained high customer retention rate by emphasizing
customer services and satisfaction. The customer base grew from 0 to 1500 in two years.
Northwestern Polytechnic University, Fremont, CA
2004 – 2006.1
Administrative Assistant – international cooperative projects and student affairs
Support International Affairs Office in three major marketing, promotional, and development projects as follows:
 Sister University Consortium Development: Formed a 120-university Consortium in 18 months.
 Global Campus Initiative: Participated in strategic planning and initial-phase implementation work.
 Presentations to visitors: Giving presentations to delegations from India, Kazakhstan, China and Taiwan.
 Site visits to high-tech companies in Bay Area: Organized and conducted visitations and tours to local hi-tech
companies such as Intel, Cisco, and Oracle for visiting delegations and NPU students.
Support the Student Affairs Office: Assist in student placement service tracking activities.
Engineering Lab Manager – lab design and maintenance; faculty and student support
 Coordinate with instructors and lab assistants to provide lab services to students and faculty.
 Design lab experiments to improve quality offerings of hands-on engineering experience for the students.
 Assist university facility staff to offer campus-wide computer systems support for teaching and student services.
Teaching assistant
 Assist engineering students with VLSI design, EDA tools, C programming, embedded systems, and Unix; assist
the instructors by grading homework and lab reports.
 Coach international students from China and Taiwan in English learning.
New Oriental Education Group. Wuhan, P. R. China
2003 – 2004
Sales representative (English language products)
 Served the customers by analyzing and assessing their needs in English language skills, then recommended
software products for achieving goals. The services generated great interests among the customers and high
sales volume for the company. Increased sales volume 300-fold in three months. New Oriental Education Group
is now dominating the English teaching market in China.
Rexpress 2D Printing Service, Wuhan, P. R. China
Founder- business developer- sales person
 Started the company and grew the customer base to 1,500 in two years.
2001 – 2004
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Maintained high customer retention rate by emphasizing customer services and satisfaction.
Sunshine Computer, Yongzhou, P. R. China
1999 – 2000
Customer Support
 Responsible for post-sale customer support services for desktops and related devices.
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R.China
2000 – 2004
Student Development Team Leader, National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition
 Led a design team to build a prototype of MP3 player.
 Completed a PCB layout design and conceptualized system architecture for control software.
President, Students Association
 Led and organized student association events and activities.
M.S. in Electrical Engineering (honor student)
Northwestern Polytechnic University, Fremont, CA
2004 – 2006
B.S. in Electrical Engineering minor in Computer Science
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
2000 – 2004
C, UNIX shell commands, DreamWeaver, Photoshop; some familiarity with UNIX shell scripting. Familiar with
hardware design tools made by Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Altera, and Simplicity.