Did I do something wrong? in Combat Related Special

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> Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
> Did I do something wrong?
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Did I do something wrong?
edevans62 Did I do something wrong?
Posts: 4
Oct 19 10
9:31 PM
I sent in a claim for CRSC and it was received on 05/24/10. It is now 10/
they told me today that they will send another letter out letting me know
was accepted. I feel as though I did something wrong as it has taken a lo
get an answer. I claimed PTSD and was granted 50% by the VA as servic
from a really bad accident in Korea during a training exercise. I was gran
medical retirement for two different conditions in 1993, and 40% SC by
given the 50% in 2008.( After an medical screening) I had no idea I had
that. This is my first post as I have read good feedback and decided to g
Probably not. Sent and received June 25, 2010, told still being processe
crsc they are in the process of moving and only have a couple of employ
moved to the new location.
Posts: 4
Oct 20 10
8:22 PM
edevans62 Now what?
Posts: 4
Oct 25 10
9:31 PM
Thanks csmperez for the follow up. Got a call today and was told they we
out another letter. I asked what was the decision and he said I was denie
they did not find any evidence that the accident that I had took place in
vehicle. The emergency room note stated that I was in a MVA and the ve
over several times. What gets me is I wrote in my letter to them that I w
of a detail that included twelve people with me making thirteen. I also st
accident was in a deuce and a half. He told me anyone could have writte
and unless I had documentation stating it was a military vehicle, I would
eligible. Now I'm discouraged because I can't make them change the wa
nor do I know how to go about getting accounts of the accident. If you a
have any advice for me I would greatly appreciate it.
If you were staioned with the 2nd ID in the ROK you could show them th
bans soldiers from owning/operating civilian vehicles. Just a suggestion.
Seems to me if you were running a detail, you were on duty. Therefore i
matter what type of vehicle you were in.
Good luck.
Posts: 10
Oct 27 10
9:34 PM
Posts: 4
Nov 14 10
4:17 AM
Thanks chopblock for the useful information. I can't seem to find that reg
things have changed so much. I left Korea in 1990 and the camp that I w
has changed over. I'm not sure that the detailed letter that they require
enough. I sent one with my original claim and they seemed to overlook i
anyone have any ideas on how to better support my claim it would be gr
Just perusing the sites...I draw 40% from va for AO problems. My Navy
granted immediately because of Combat Related Special Compensation..
Army is different, but clearly Combat related is important to the issue?!
Posts: 53
Nov 14 10
3:04 PM
oldpat wrote:
Posts: 372
Nov 14 10
4:13 PM
Just perusing the sites...I draw 40% from va for AO problems. My
CRSC was granted immediately because of Combat Related Specia
Compensation...Dunno if the Army is different, but clearly Combat
is important to the issue?!
Was your CRSC granted for some of the 12 existing ailments or were it
for some of the 3 new presumptives? Just trying to get clarification as to
of the services are granting CRSC
compensation for the new presumptives.
Was your CRSC granted for some of the 12 existing ailments or w
granted for some of the 3 new presumptives? Just trying to get
clarification as to whether any of the services are granting CRSC
compensation for the new presumptives.
The presumptives of Agent Orange exposure are included in CRSC
PURPLE HEART (PH) - The disability resulted from an injury for which yo
awarded the Purple Heart. This should be associated with an incident invo
conflict. Be sure to include a copy of your Purple Heart award certificate a
214 reflecting the award, and excerpt from your SMR that documents trea
received for the injury.
Posts: 3975
Nov 14 10
5:03 PM
DIRECT RESULT OF ARMED CONFLICT (AC) - The disability was incur
of duty as a direct result of armed conflict. The fact that a member incurre
during a period of war or an area of armed conflict or while participating in
operations is not sufficient to support a combat-related determination. The
definite causal relationship between the armed conflict and the resulting d
Armed conflict includes a war, expedition, occupation of an area or territor
skirmish, raid, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, guerrilla action, riot, or any
which Service members are engaged with a hostile or belligerent nation, f
or terrorists. Armed conflict may also include such situations as incidents i
member while interned as a prisoner of war or while detained against his o
custody of a hostile or belligerent force or while escaping or attempting to
such confinement, prisoner of war, or detained status.
flight, parachute duty, demolition duty, experimental stress duty, and divin
finding that a disability is the result of such hazardous service requires tha
be the direct result of actions taken in the performance of such service. Tr
such service, or actions incidental to a normal duty status not considered
not included.
NOTE: Duty aboard a submarine does not, in itself, constitute hazardous service.
In general this covers disabilities resulting from simulated combat activity
training, such as war games, practice alerts, tactical exercises, airborne o
leadership reaction courses, grenade and live fire weapons practice, bayo
hand-to-hand combat training, rappelling, and negotiation of combat confi
obstacle courses. It does not include physical training activities such as ca
jogging or formation running and supervised sports activities. Merely susta
during military training without participation in combat simulation activity is
considered combat-related.
INSTRUMENTALITY OF WAR (IN) - Incurrence during an actual period o
required. However, there must be a direct causal relationship between the
instrumentality of war and the disability. The disability must be incurred inc
hazard or risk of the service. An instrumentality of war is a vehicle, vessel,
designed primarily for Military Service and intended for use in such Servic
of the occurrence or injury. It may also include such instrumentalities not d
primarily for Military Service if use of, or occurrence involving, such instrum
subjects the individual to a hazard peculiar to Military Service. Such use o
differs from the use or occurrence under similar circumstances in civilian p
determination that a disability is the result of an instrumentality of war may
the disability was incurred in any period of service as a result of such dive
wounds caused by a military weapon, accidents involving a military comba
injury or sickness caused by fumes, gases, or explosion of military ordnan
or material. For example, if a member is on a field exercise and is engage
activity and falls and strikes an armored vehicle, the injury will not be cons
result from the instrumentality of war (armored vehicle) because it was the
activity that was the cause of the injury, not the vehicle. On the other hand
individual was engaged in the same sporting activity and the armored veh
member, the injury would be considered the result of an instrumentality of
GAS OR LEWISITE (MG) - These codes should be entered for disabilities
the VA on the basis of presumptions relating to certain disabling condition
below, even though there is no direct connection and the disability did not
immediately. You should describe the place, period, and conditions of exp
conditions include exposure to Agent Orange, radiation, mustard gas or le
Gulf War service. Conditions can only be considered under these circums
VA has specifically awarded them as service-connected based on presum
include combat-related conditions.
Edited 1 time by Cheyenne Nov 14 10 5:06 PM.
edevans62 I just don't know
Posts: 4
Nov 16 10
10:56 PM
I was on a training exercise with twelve other men and we were detailed
decontaminate our unit while we were evaluated. Upon completion of the
were returning to our field exercise site when a really bad accident occu
my medical records read MVA I was told that the they had no way of kno
a military vehicle or not. I recently requested my complete military recor
and all I got was my DD-214. I have found a regulation that states that
stationed in Korea was an unaccompanied tour and no family or persona
were allowed. I don't know if that will be good enough for a reconsiderat
hate to send it in and have it denied again. So I want to have all my duc
that I won't have to go through a long drawn out process. I guess I can
and get it notarized but after that I am at a lost. So I am looking for idea
Also denied
edevans62 wrote:
Posts: 15
Nov 23 10
5:00 PM
I was on a training exercise with twelve other men and we were de
out to decontaminate our unit while we were evaluated. Upon com
of the exercise, we were returning to our field exercise site when
bad accident occurred. Since my medical records read MVA I was t
the they had no way of knowing if it was a military vehicle or not.
recently requested my complete military records for help and all I
my DD-214. I have found a regulation that states that where I was
stationed in Korea was an unaccompanied tour and no family or pe
vehicles were allowed. I don't know if that will be good enough for
reconsideration. I would hate to send it in and have it denied again
want to have all my ducks in a row so that I won't have to go throu
long drawn out process. I guess I can write my letter and get it no
but after that I am at a lost. So I am looking for ideas.
The regulation may not help and the Army doesn't accept Buddy Statem
are some hints from the Army CRSC site:
Helpful Statements to support your Claim:
Until recently, military doctors did not ask "how" you were injured. With
taken into consideration, CRSC still must have something showing how y
occurred. When preparing your military documents to verify your claim,
phrases that tell "how".
For example:
" ….Doctor states injury is more likely then not caused by airborne du
explosion, or specific instrument of war while training"
" … hurt knee or shoulder during an airborne jump, with bad landing"
" ….hearing loss caused by acoustic trauma"
" … hatch cover hit head during training"
" … shot in the leg by enemy in Iraq…"
Insufficient Statements:
Statements should be written objectively rather than subjectively. When
Administration (VA) or Military Treatment Facility (MTF) doctors use phra
ones below, it can be detrimental to your claim:
* "Soldier states he hurt his leg while exiting a M1 tank at a FTX or fell
and half"
* "Veteran says that he was shot at a training exercise"
* "Veteran claims that he fell from helicopter"
* "Service connection for… (does not reference event that caused inju
*Note: These are subjective statements that must be conceded or verifie
a MTF doctor to use as evidence to support your CRSC claim. In several
does concede by using the statement “it is more likely than not caused b
Statements NOT Accepted to Support your Claim:
Per DoD guidelines, CRSC can not accept “personal” or “buddy” statemen
evidence to support a CRSC claim.
What is a buddy statement?
A “buddy” statement is any statement from a fellow veteran that confirm
witness to what occurred at a specific time but is not in a supervisory or
capacity to validate the claim.
If a statement is dated at the time of the injury and is on official
letterhead then this is considered sufficient documentary evidenc
Where to find Supporting Evidence for your Claim:
Review your VA or Medical Records, Awards, NCOERs, OERs, accident re
investigations, newspaper/magazine articles (written by a creditable sou
Magazine) or other documents that show “How” your injury or illness wa
If you cannot locate your medical records, you may be able to obtain ass
your doctor at the VA or MTF. Bring the enclosed “Healthcare Provider” le
visit so they may assist you in documenting HOW you were injured. Plea
"Healthcare Provider" letter (5 May
'08). https://www.hrc.army.mil/site/crsc/documents/COL_Sackett_VA_M
Good Luck.
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