BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MARIA-BONITA SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING Board Room 708 S. Miller Street Santa Maria, CA February 11, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: President Oliver called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 5:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruno Brunello, Linda Cordero, John Hollinshead, Ricky Lara and Jody Oliver BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Phillip Alvarado, Matthew Beecher, Patty Grady and Paula Elkins I. CLOSED SESSION AGENDA A. CERTIFICATED AND CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL CHANGES (The Board will be asked to review and approve a number of routine transfers, reassignments, promotions, evaluations, terminations, resignations, and hiring as reported by the Assistant Superintendent.) GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957 Mr. Brunello moved and Mrs. Cordero seconded the motion to RATIFY THE CERTIFICATED AND CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL CHANGES, as presented in Item A. Motion carried. B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code § 54957.6 Agency Representatives: Timothy M. Cary and Patty Grady Represented Employees: SMEEA Possible Action Direction was given. C. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Government Code § 54957.6 Agency Representatives: Paul J. Hamill and Patty Grady Represented Employees: CSEA Possible Action Direction was given. D. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE Government Code Section 54957 2 cases Direction was given. SMBSD Minutes E. Page 2 February 11, 2015 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9 (paragraph (1) of subdivision (d)) Munoz v. Santa Maria-Bonita School District Case Number: 1483061 Possible Action Motion Mrs. Cordero moved and Mr. Lara seconded the motion to RATIFY THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. Motion carried. F. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9 (paragraph (1) of subdivision (d)) In re Harold Leo Clark III -- United States Bankruptcy Court –Central District of California Case Number RS05-12468MJ Possible Action Direction was given. Mrs. Oliver reported that the Board will return to Closed Session after the completion of Open Session. G. II. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION/CONTRACT Government Code Section 54957 Title: Superintendent Possible Action GENERAL FUNCTIONS A. Pledge of Allegiance & Inspiration – Arellanes Jr. High School Stacie Rivera, Principal of Arellanes Jr. High, introduced Assistant Principal Paul Aldaco; Dean of Students Barbara Jones; and Counselor Tiffany Fife as her team that she can always count on. Mrs. Rivera also introduced Migrant Student of the Year Jennifer De Leon who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Rivera then introduced teachers Scott Rice and Laurel Brown as Battle of the Books coaches and their winning team, and teacher Gina Morris, coach for Math Super Bowl, and her winning team. B. Board Calendar was reviewed by Mrs. Oliver C. Public Comments 1. 2. Comments on Agenda Items – Five Comments on Non-Agenda Items – Two Jennifer Ellsworth, Health Assistant at Fesler, publicly acknowledged and thanked the Board for their vote to help the Health Assistants go to full time. Ms. Ellsworth said that now the health aides are able to spend more time with the students. She thanked the Board for making the students and the health aides a priority. 2 SMBSD Minutes Page 3 February 11, 2015 Elizabeth Rodriguez, a parent, spoke regarding her son who is a student at Taylor School in the Autism class. She is concerned about her son being sent to another school because of the proposed boundary changes that are being discussed and put into action for the 2015-16 school year. Leticia Payan, a parent, voiced her concerns with the proposed boundary changes and all of the issues that parents will have if their children have to change schools, such as daycare, student transportation to school and crossing busy streets. Irene Zayas, a parent, shared her concerns with the proposed boundary changes and how difficult it would be for parents who don’t have a car to attend conferences. She also said that her children have been attending Sanchez for the last 2 years and they like it there. Socorro Valdez, shared her concerns over the proposed boundary changes for students and said that the Board should reconsider the boundary changes. Ms. Valdez further stated that there is a greater distance to the new school and the danger of students having to cross Blosser Road is a big concern to the parents. Elvia Salazar spoke as a representative of Sanchez parents and shared that they are a tight community and with the proposed boundary changes they are worried about being excluded from the ASES program. Also, what will happen when a child gets sick during school hours and parents do not have transportation to pick up the student. Mary Jacka, community member, spoke in support of the Dual Immersion Program and she believes that there is nothing wrong with our students being bilingual. High school students have graduated from the Dual Immersion Program and they are bright and bilingual. Ms. Jacka stated that she supports Dual Immersion Program. D. Approval of Agenda as Presented Mrs. Cordero moved and Mr. Brunello seconded the motion to APPROVE THE AGENDA as presented. Motion carried. Mr. Hollinshead moved and Mr. Lara seconded the motion to HOLD SPECIAL MEETINGS ON FEBRUARY 18, 2015, AND MARCH 4, 2015, AT 6 PM. TO DISCUSS PROPOSED BOUNDARIES. Motion carried. III. CONSENT AGENDA Mrs. Cordero moved and Mr. Brunello seconded the motion to APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA as presented. Roll Call vote, 5 Ayes. Motion carried. 100 - MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS 300 - PAYMENT OF WARRANTS (See Addendum #1) 301 - AUTHORIZATION TO DECLARE OBSOLETE AND/OR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AND PROPERTY (See Addendum #2) 302 - FORMATION OF MEASURE T CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (See Addendum #3) 3 SMBSD Minutes IV. Page 4 February 11, 2015 ACTION ITEMS 110 - 2015 CSBA DELEGATE ASSEMBLY ELECTION Mr. Hollinshead moved and Mr. Lara seconded the motion to CAST ITS VOTE FOR MONIQUE LIMON AS THEIR CANDIDATE OF CHOICE IN SUBREGION 11-A (Santa Barbara County), as presented in Item 110. Motion carried. (See Addendum #4) 320 - AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND CONTRACT – HOSTED VOICE OVER IP TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND HOSTING SERVICES Mrs. Cordero moved and Mr. Brunello seconded the motion to AUTHORIZE THE EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT WITH MASERGY FOR HOSTED VOICE OVER IP TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND HOSTING SERVICES FOR THE 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR, as presented in Item 320. Motion carried. (See Addendum #5) 321 - RESOLUTION 14-12 – RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE SANTA MARIA-BONITA SCHOOL DISTRICT DECLARING RESULTS AND CERTIFYING PROCEEDINGS FOR SCHOOL BOND ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Mr. Brunello moved and Mrs. Cordero seconded the motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 14-12 – RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE SANTA MARIA-BONITA SCHOOL DISTRICT DECLARING RESULTS AND CERTIFYING PROCEEDINGS FOR SCHOOL BOND ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 4, 2014, as presented in Item 321. Roll Call vote, 5 Ayes. Motion carried. (See Addendum #6) 410 - RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT AND SALARY SCHEDULES Mr. Hollinshead moved and Mrs. Cordero seconded the motion to RATIFY THE COMPENSATION INCREASES FOR SUPERINTENDENT ALVARADO EFFECTIVE FOR THE 2013-2014 AND 2014-2015 CONTRACT YEARS, BASED ON THE TERMS OF HIS CONTRACT AND ON THE PERCENTAGE COMPENSATION INCREASES FOR CERTIFICATED ADMINISTRATORS AND TEACHERS. THE BOARD ALSO RATIFIED IN OPEN SESSION A REVISED SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT FOR 2014-2017 TERM, IN THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, INCLUDING THE SALARY SCHEDULES ATTACHED TO THE 2014-2017 SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT, as presented in Item 410. Motion carried. (See Addendum #7) 411 - CLASSIFIED JOB DESCRIPTION – PURCHASING CLERK Mr. Hollinshead moved and Mr. Lara seconded the motion to APPROVE THE PURCHASING CLERK JOB DESCRIPTION, as presented in Item 411. Motion carried. (See Addendum #8) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 330 - BOUNDARY CHANGES UPDATE 4 SMBSD Minutes Page 5 February 11, 2015 Camillia Waller shared that she is the ASES Coordinator in the complex where most of the families live. She wanted the Board to understand that the parents that spoke are working parents and after school care hinges on the ASES program. The ASES grant would not cover the Los Adobes ASES program if the boundary changes go through. This is a community where students go to after school care together. Matthew Beecher, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, provided an update regarding the process for creating attendance boundaries for the new school, changes in other boundaries, and changes to the junior high feeder schools for the 2015-16 school year and beyond. The discussion included steps taken to date, and an outline of steps to be taken in the near future to inform stakeholders, obtain feedback and implement changes in a timely manner. Mr. Alvarado stated that we would not put our students in harms’ way by having them cross Blosser Road. Mrs. Oliver ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF THE BOUNDARY CHANGES UPDATE DISCUSSION, as presented in Item 330. (See Addendum #9) 331 - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 101 Matthew Beecher, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, discussed the passing of Measure T at the November 4, 2014 election. There are several steps and procedures that are required for a District to begin general obligation bond financing and commence construction activities on the approved projects. The Board heard from John Baracy of Stifel, who will act as the Underwriter for the transaction. Mr. Baracy discussed the process of obtaining bond financing. Mrs. Oliver ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF THE DISCUSSION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, as presented in Item 331. (See Addendum #10) Board/Superintendent Reports: Mrs. Cordero shared that she and Mr. Brunello attended the Santa Barbara County School Board Association meeting as representatives of our district. She shared that the meeting was very interesting. Mrs. Oliver closed Open Session at 8:19 p.m. and the Board returned to Closed Session to complete the Closed Session agenda. The Board returned from Closed Session at 9:10 p.m. and Mrs. Oliver reported: Item G: Direction was given to Legal Counsel. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. 5 SMBSD Minutes Page 6 February 11, 2015 Signed: ____________________________ Clerk Signed: ____________________________ Member Date: ______________________________ 6