Riigi Infokommunikatsiooni Sihtasutus soovib soetada kahte mõõteriista, üks raadiosidesüsteemide hoolduseks ning teine antennide ja -kaablite mõõtmiseks, RHS § 15 lg 2 kohaselt. Hanke CPV kood 38300000-8. Nõutud on igale mõõteriistale kott või kohver, kaheaastane garantii ja Eestikeelne koolitus/väljaõpe Tallinnas. Pakkumised esitada 14.12.2010. Tarne käesoleva aasta 51. nädala jooksul (20.-24.12.2010.) Nõutavad Spetsifikatsioonid: 1. Radiocommunication Service Monitor Minimum requirements for functionality o Transmitter, receiver, and duplex measurements on mobile radios, base stations, and RF modules o Analog signaling o Manual and automatic measurements o Tracking generator o Spectrum monitor o Decoding of DTMF dual tones and VDEW direct dialing o Centronics Interface for direct printer connection o ATIS Coder/Decoder and CDCSS Decoder o 300 Hz Lowpass Filter Should allow fast frequency and deviation measurement of subaudio tones with simultaneous audio modulation (fcutoff = 200 Hz, attenuation >50 dB for frequencies above 300 Hz) o Duplex Modulation Meter Should allow operation of RF frequency counter and modulation meter independent of RF signal generator (two part measurements, also on frequency-converting modules); provide tracking generator, cable fault finder, adjacent-channel power meter, harmonic measurements o Required minimum specifications of the unit: Receiver measurements: Signal generator Frequency range Frequency resolution Frequency error Level resolution Level error Harmonics Nonharmonics Phase noise Modulation: Frequency range AM modulation depth Resolution 0.4 MHz to 1000 MHz (usable from 100 kHz) 10 Hz ≤1 × 10–6 0.1 dB ≤2 dB (for levels –128 dBm to –3 dBm, f >1 MHz) ≤–25 dBc ≤–50 dBc (>5 kHz from carrier, level –3 dBm) ≤–110 dBc/Hz (20 kHz from carrier) 0.4 MHz to 1000 MHz 0 % to 99 % 0.5 % FM deviation Resolution Mod. frequency range 0 Hz to 100 kHz 1 Hz, ∆f < 100 Hz; 1% ∆f ≥ 100 Hz 20 Hz to 20 kHz (suitable for POCSAG) φM deviation (internal) Resolution Mod. frequency range 0 rad to 10 rad 1 mrad, ∆φ < 0.1 rad; 1 %, ∆φ ≥ 0.1 rad 100 Hz to 6 kHz Modulation modes internal (single-tone/two-tone), external, internal + external AF voltmeter Frequency range Measurement range Resolution 50 Hz to 20 kHz 0.1 mV to 30 V 100 μV, V < 10 mV; 1 %, V ≥ 10 mV Transmitter measurements: RF power meter Frequency range 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz Measurement range 5 mW to 50 W Resolution 1 mW, P < 100 mW; 1 %, P ≥ 100 mW Selective level measurement in frequency range 1 MHz to 1000 MHz Level range –60 dBm to +47 dBm without weighting filter, –80 dBm to +47 dBm with 2 kHz resonance filter RF frequency counter Frequency range Input level range Resolution Error 0.5 MHz to 1000 MHz 5 mW to 50 W 10 Hz, 1 Hz ≤1 × 10–6 Frequency deviation meter Operating modes +PK, –PK, ±PK/2, PK HOLD, RMS, RMS√2 Input level range 5 mW to 50 W RF frequency range 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz Phase deviation meter Operating modes Input level range RF frequency range +PK, –PK, ±PK/2, RMS, RMS√2 5 mW to 50 W 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz AM depth meter Operating modes Input level range RF frequency range AF frequency range +PK, –PK, ±PK/2, RMS, RMS√2 20 mW to 50 W (PEP) 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz 50 Hz to 20 kHz Transmitter and receiver measurements: Modulation generator Frequency range 20 Hz to 30 kHz (usable from 1 Hz) Frequency resolution 0.1 Hz Error ≤1 × 10–6 + ½ resolution Output level range 10 μV to 5 V, fAF = 20 Hz to 20 kHz 10 μV to 2.5 V, fAF = 20 Hz to 30 kHz Resolution 10 μV, V < 1 mV, 1 %, V ≥ 1 mV Error Output impedance Max. output current (peak) Distortion ≤5 %, V ≥1 mV ≤4 Ω 20 mA ≤0.5 %, fAF = 20 Hz to 20 kHz Distortion meter Frequency Input level range Measurement range Resolution 100 Hz to 5 kHz (in 10 Hz steps) 100 mV to 30 V 0.1 % to 50 % 0.1 % SINAD meter Frequency Measurement range Input level range Resolution 100 Hz to 5 kHz 1 dB to 46 dB 100 mV to 30 V 0.1 dB AF frequency counter Operating modes Frequency range Input level range Resolution demodulation, AF, beat, external 20 Hz to 500 kHz 10 mV to 30 V, f < 20 kHz 1 Hz/0.1 Hz Oscilloscope Bandwidth Horizontal deflection Vertical deflection (AF) Input level range AF filters Highpass Lowpass Bandpass DC: DC to 20 kHz, AC: 10 Hz to 20 kHz 20 ms/div to 0.1 ms/div scaled in kHz (FM), rad (jM), % (AM), mV/V 0 V to 40 V broadband narrowband Notch filter fcutoff = 300 Hz, attenuation at 200 Hz. 40 dB fcutoff = 3.4 kHz, attenuation at 10 kHz.40 dB highpass + lowpass 50 Hz to 5 kHz in 10 Hz steps 100 Hz to 5 kHz in 10 Hz steps, atten. 40 dB Selective call coder/decoder Tone sequences ZVEI1/ZVEI2/CCIR/EIA/EEA/EURO/NATEL/ CCITT/VDEW/DTMF/user-defined sequences CDCSS coder Audio monitor (loudspeaker) General specification: EMC Safety Power supply entry of 3-digit code number of mobile radio demodulated signal, AF signal, beat in line with EMC standard EN61326 in line with EN 61010-1 (220/240) V AC ±10 %, 47 Hz to 60 Hz or 11.5 V to 30 V DC 2. Cable, Antenna and Spectrum Analyzer Minimum requirements for functionality: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Distance-to-fault measurement 1-port cable loss measurement Reflection measurement (VSWR) Transmission measurements Spectrum analysis Vector Voltmeter Gated sweep Spectrum Emission Mask One calibration for all measurements Multilingual user interface User guided measurements in the field with predefined test sequences Generation of uniform test reports Fast boot time (~20s) Fast switching times between measurement applications (~2s) Power Sensors support USB, LAN interface Dust and water protected inputs Built-in Bias-Tee with internal power source USB interface and SD card for measurement results saving Extendable to a full 2-port vector network analyzer (measurements of s11, s22, s12, s21, group delay, etc.) Required minimum specifications of the unit: Test port input frequency range Frequency resolution Marker resolution Number of markers Trace detectors RMS 100 kHz to 3.5 GHz 1 Hz 0.1Hz ~5 max peak, min peak, auto peak, sample, Level measurement uncertainty 100 kHz ≤ f ≤ 10 MHz 10 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.5 GHz < 1.5dB < 1 dB Test port output frequency range Test port output power 100 kHz to 3.5 GHz 0 dB to - 40 dB in 1 dB steps Dynamic range 100 kHz ≤ f < 300 kHz ~ 50 dB 300 kHz ≤ f < 2.5 GHz ~ 80 dB, 2.5 GHz ≤ f < 3.5 GHz ~ 70 dB , IF out frequency 54.4 MHz Mass memory internal flash memory, SD memory card Operating time with battery ~ 4.0 h Weight for field carrying