Food Pantries: NO Referral Needed as of 12/2011 Food Pantries: NO Referral Needed Antioch Baptist Church 304 Joseph Ave. Rochester NY 14605 454-6096 Bread distribution Fri 10am-12pm North side of city Baden Street Settlement of Rochester 152 Baden St. Rochester NY 14605 325-4910 Limited to 14605 and part of 14621 Require proof of emergency and financial need Bethesda Church of God in Christ 120 St. Bridget’s Drive Rochester NY 14605 546-6067 Mon: 10-3 PM; Tues-Thurs 10am-12pm Serves all of Monroe County Brockport Ecumenical Emergency Food Shelf 138 Main Street Brockport NY 14420 637-8169 Brockport and Bergen area residents Once a month by appointment only Calvary St. Andrew’s Emergency Food Cupboard 68 Ashland Street Rochester NY 14620 325-4950 M-Th, 9am - 12pm & 1:30pm -2:30pm, F, 9am-12pm 14620 area Clients eligible once every 6 months, need to show proof of residence Catholic Family Center 1476 St. Paul Street Rochester NY 14621 232-2050 Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm All of Monroe County Identification, proof of current income and address Church of Love Food Pantry 700 Exchange Street Rochester NY 14608 454-3270 Mon 10am-12pm, Fri 6pm-7pm 14608, 14611, 14619 and others as needed Church of the Annunciation 1754 Norton Street Rochester NY 14609 544-1050 Tues and Thurs 9am-4pm Make deliveries every 3rd Sun every month North East Section of Rochester The Community Place of Greater Rochester 57 Central Park Rochester NY 14605 327-7200, 202-5182 (after hours) M-F 8:30-5pm once every 3 months 24/7 by calling after hours 14609, 14605, 14621 Proof of address, picture ID and social security card The Community Place of Greater Rochester 145 Parsells Ave. Rochester NY 14609 288-0021, 202-5182(after hours) By appointment T, W, Th 9am-4pm; Walk in M, F 9am-3pm 24/7 by calling after hours 14609, 14610, 14621, 14607, parts of 14605 By appointment only, initial intake needed East Rochester Community Resource Center 333 East Chestnut St. Rochester NY 14445 586-0525 M-F 9am2pm, or by appointment 14445 Needy only, must show proof of residence and ID Faith Temple Apostolic Church CITY SW 141 Arnett Boulevard Rochester, NY 14619 235-6814 Hours: Thursday 11:30 – 2:00 PM Area Served: 14619 Need ID. Food Pantries: NO Referral Needed as of 12/2011 Faith Temple Apolistic Church 141 Arnett Blvd. Rochester NY 14619 235-6814 Thursday,11:30am –2:00pm 14619 Need ID First Assembly of God Food Pantry CITY NW 45 Jones Avenue Rochester, NY 14608 254-2226 Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 – 10:30 AM Area Served: 14606, 14608 and 14613 Must sign in by 9:30 AM. Food Relief Coalition of CaledoniaMumford 957 George St. Mumford NY 14511 538-6181 Fourth Tues of each month, 6pm-8pm and by appointment 14423, 14511, and parts of 14482 Full Gospel Tabernacle “Food for Life” 614 Clifford Ave. Rochester NY 14621 266-8540 Saturday 10am-11am 14621 God’s Work Pentecostal Church Pantry 953 Joseph Ave. Rochester NY 14621 342-9195 Wed 3:30pm-5pm Greater Rochester Area Grace Community Church Ministries 1101 Norton St. Rochester NY 14621 467-3093 Sat 12pm-2pm All of Monroe County Grace Covenant Food Closet 224 Chestnut Ridge Rd. Rochester NY 14624 889-2130 Once every 2 months, by appointment only. Gates Chili area Call for an appointment, Closed the month of July Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf Inc. GREECE 500 Maiden Lane Rochester, NY 14616 277-5370 Hours: Call for hours Area Served: Greece, Charlotte, Rochester (north of Ridge Road West) The Food Shelf’s purpose is to acquire, warehouse and distribute donated and purchased food to needy people. Hilton-Parma Community Council PO Box 127 Hilton NY 14468 392-4343 Must call for an appointment Hilton School District Need proof of residency. Delivery only in client cannot pick up Holy Cross Church CITY NW 4492 Lake Avenue Rochester, NY 14612 663-2244 Hours: Call for appointment Area Served: Charlotte area only. Honeoye Falls Friends in Service Here 35 Monroe Street Honeoye Falls NY 14472 453-2370 M-F 8am-5pm Honeoye Falls, Mendon and West Bloomfield Deliveries only House of Mercy 725 Hudson Ave. Rochester NY 14621 546-2580 Wed. 1pm-3pm All of Monroe County Ibero-American Food Pantry CITY NE 777 Clifford Avenue Rochester, NY 14621 454-1430, ext. 255 Hours: Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 PM, Thursday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Area Served: All of Monroe County Walk in and by appointment Irondequoit Community Cupboard 336-9107 Saturday deliveries by appointment only Irondequoit Delivery only Food Pantries: NO Referral Needed as of 12/2011 Jewish Family Service 441 East Ave. Rochester NY 14607 461-0110 By appointment Penfield, Brighton, Irondequoit and Pittsford Serves Jewish individuals regardless of residence Life Solutions of Hamlin PO Box 160 Hamlin NY 14464 964-7420 Call for an appointment 14464 North of Ridge Rd. to the Lake, east of Redman Rd Lifetime Health 800 Carter St Rochester NY 14621 338-1400 T and F 9am-3pm 14621 Have photo ID and proof of residency Maplewood Edgerton Emergency Cupboard 121 Driving Park Ave Rochester NY 14613 458-4682 M, T, Th and F 9am-11:30am 3rd and 4th Sat 9:30am-11:30am 14613, 14615, and parts of 14606 and 14608 Memorial AME Zion Church 549 Clarissa Street Rochester NY 14608 546-5997 Wed only 5pm-6pm Closed July & August Serves Rochester area Mount Carmel House CITY NW 4 Planet Street Rochester, NY 14606 458-6508 Hours: Call for information Area Served: Call for information Mt. Vernon Baptist Church 351 Joseph Ave. Rochester NY 14605 454-5622 M-F 10am-2pm, weekend emergencies call first - 14605 New Bethel CME Church 270 Scio St. Rochester NY 14605 232-3815 M, W, F 11am-4pm Speak to Reverend about service areas New Life Presbyterian Church 243 Rosedale St. Rochester NY 14620 473-1240 Sept-June Tues and Thurs 9:30am-12pm S.E. primarily, 14620, 14610,14607 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 1089 Joseph Ave. Rochester NY 14621 467-2725 3rd Mon of the month, 1pm-3pm 14621 Call for appointment Outreach Temple Church of God In Christ 218 Murray St. Rochester NY 14606 254-3820 3rd and 4th Wed. of the month 14608, 14606 Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf 1862 Penfield Rd. Penfield NY 14526 234-0799 By appointment only 14625 and 14626 Perinton Food Shelf PO Box 381 Fairport NY 14450 425-7410 M-F 9am-5pm 14450 Pittsford Food Cupboard 1 Grove St. Pittsford NY 14534 264-9860 Tues & Fri 10am-2pm 14534, 14445, 14620, 14607, 14618, 14610 Food Pantries: NO Referral Needed as of 12/2011 Puerto Rican Youth Development and Resource Center 997 N. Clinton Ave. Rochester NY 14621 325-3570 Give out appointments for Tues and Thurs 9am-12pm 14621, 14605 Need proof of ID and to make an appointment. Limited to once every 3 months Reformation Lutheran Church 111 N. Chestnut St. Rochester NY 14604 454-3367 Last Wed of every month, 11:30am-1pm Monroe County Call for an appointment Rochester Rehabilitation Center 1000 Elmwood Ave. Rochester NY 14620 271-2520 Emergency food pantry for clients Rush-Henrietta Area Food Terminal (RHAFT) 152 Parkmeadow Dr. Rochester NY 14534 453-2370 M-F 9am-3pm Rush-Henrietta School District and parts of 14467, 14623, 14586 and 14543 Salvation Army CITY DOWNTOWN 70 Liberty Pole Way Rochester, NY 14604 987-9540 Hours: Call for hours Area Served: Call for information. Sharing Our Bread 1326 North Winton Rd. Rochester NY 14609 288-0670 Tues. 6pm-7pm 14609 Spencerport Ecumenical Food Shelf Church St. Spencerport NY 14459 277-4917 M-F 9am-5pm Spencerport school district and parts of N. Chili - Deliveries only SWEM Community Services 350 Chili Ave. Rochester NY 14611 235-4491 Call for an appointment SW Rochester, Gates, Scottsville, Ogden and Churchville Tabernacle of Joyful Praise 3495 Lake Ave. Rochester NY 14612 663-7310 Tues and Thurs 10am-1pm by appointment, call 235-5107 Primarily Charlotte and city, no restrictions Call for an appointment Third Presbyterian Church 4 Meigs St. Rochester NY 14607 271-6513 Mon and Thurs 9:30am12pm 14605, 14607, 14610 Unified Mission 102 Reynolds St. Rochester NY 14608 235-0350 Tues and Wed 9am-12pm, 1:30pm-4pm Monroe County Volunteers of America 214 Lake Ave. Rochester NY 14608 647-1344 First and last Wed of the month 14611, 14613 Call for an appointment Webster Community Chest 985 Ebner Dr. Webster NY 14580 671-2060 By appointment 14580, Webster residents YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County 175 N. Clinton Ave. Rochester NY 14604 546-5820 Call for appointment Rochester/Monroe County through the Emergency Housing Food Pantry Food Pantries: NO Referral Needed as of 12/2011 Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church 250 Dr. Samuel McCree Way Rochester NY 14611 328-4660