OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION - Flintshire County Council

Ref No:
Demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of new single storey
8 High Street, Northop, Mold, CH7 6BQ
Mrs Rachael Corbelli
Date Valid: 21 January 2014
Case Officer:
Mrs B Kinnear
Expiry Date: 18 March 2014
Consultation & Responses
Local Member: Councillor M Bateman Agrees to determination of the application
under delegated powers.
Northop Community Council: The council had no objection to the granting of the
planning permission.
Head of Public Protection: Have no adverse comments to make regarding this
Conservation; The principle of the replacement extension is acceptable , as its size
Comments with regards to ;
The windows should be wooden painted windows
The proposed windows to the side elevation shall be of the same proportions as the
original sash, with openings, with a similar cill and lintel detail
The roof lights are superfluous and detract from the conservation area so should be
removed from the plans
The window on the rear elevation of the extension should be more of a vernacular
design and shape. I t would be more appropriate for this elevation to contain one or
possibly two windows of the same shape and proportion as the previous sash
window and should reflect the cill and lintel design
The doors should be painted timber , notwithstanding the plans submitted I would
suggest a condition requiring details of the doors to be submitted and agreed prior
to commencement of works and would also suggest that details samples of the roof
slates, bricks render etc are conditioned
The points above are intended to preserve the historic environment and ensure
that in terms of the conservation area designation , the proposed development
preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation area.
The scheme has now been AMENDED, the conservation officer is now of the
opinion that the scheme is more in line with the principles of the conservation area.
Neighbours and
Site and press Notice
No response received at time of writing as result of neighbour consultation and
publicity carried out.
Relevant History & Policies:
No history
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
GEN1 General Requirements for Development
HSG12 House Extensions and Alterations
HE1 Development Affecting Conservation Areas
HE2 Development Affecting Listed Buildings and their Settings.
The proposal would/would not comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This application seeks conservation area consent for the demolition of the existing
single storey rear building and the replacement with a single storey building. The site
is totally enclosed by the existing boundary walls, part of which is formed by the side
wall of the outbuilding to the adjacent alley way.
The site is within the Northop conservation area and has been advertised as
affecting a listed building the and has been advertised by means of a site notice and
press notice .
The existing building is set at an angle to the main property , whilst the replacement
is proposed to be of a more linear design. The scale of the extension is considered
appropriate and the external material of welsh slate, brick and render are
appropriate in the conservation area.
As the site is within the Northop conservation area I have consulted with the
conservation officer and they have offered the comments as above. In view of these
notwithstanding the details submitted in order to preserve or enhance the character
or appearance of the conservation area , details such as the windows and doors
being painted wooden construction are to be of a design agreed , the omission of
the roof lights as they are considered to detract from the conservation area. Details
of the cill and lintels should reflect the existing and sample s of the slate , bricks and
render are to be conditioned .
The scheme has now been AMENDED and is now considered to be compliant with
the above policies.
Recommendation Code: /
Prior to commencement of works samples of the brick ( reused) are to be submitted
to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Reason In the interests of preserving and enhancing the conservation area in
compliance with Policy HE1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
All new windows and doors shall be constructed of timber and shall be painted , and
retained as such in perpetuity.
Reason In the interests of retaining the visual amenity of the Northop Conservation
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
N14 Coal Mining Informative
N13 Plans
Application form
Date received 21 January 2014.
Drawing No AB055/1 Rev A Existing and proposed elevations, layout, location and
block plan received 23 March 2014.
Date of Recommendation: 31.03.14