ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD (Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics) Dear Students, We welcome you to our Diploma in TEFL programme. This is basically a programme for teaching you how to teach English language to others. However, you might notice that a great deal of the course material is intended to improve your own English language skills and at the same time to acquaint you with the latest trends and strategies for handling these skills in the classroom. The programme consists of eight courses and a mandatory component of twelve days workshop. This packet you receive should include the following study material of 5657 course: 1. 2. 3. 4. Phonology 5657 Supplementary Reading Material (Grammar and Phonology) Two assignments Six assignment forms. In case any item is missing please contact. The Mailing Section, Allama Iqbal Open University Sector H-8, Islamabad We hope you will enjoy and benefit from the course. Good luck. Course Coordinator Grammar (5657) 1 ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD (Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics) WARNING 1. 2. PLAGIARISM OR HIRING OF GHOST WRITER(S) FOR SOLVING THE ASSIGNMENT(S) WILL DEBAR THE STUDENT FROM AWARD OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE, IF FOUND AT ANY STAGE. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS BORROWED OR STOLEN FROM OTHER(S) AS ONE’S OWN WILL BE PENALIZED AS DEFINED IN “AIOU PLAGIARISM POLICY”. Course: Grammar (5657) Semester: Spring, 2013 Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 40 Level: Dip TEFL ASSIGNMENT No. 1 (Units 1–9) Q.1 Teaching Grammar is an art. Being a teacher, what methodology you would adopt to teach grammar in a Pakistani English language classroom. (10) Q.2 What are ‘Grammatical Clues’? How do they play an importance role in grammatical structures? (10) Q.3 ‘Word-Family’ is a term commonly used in teaching/learning semantics. Explain it in your own words by describing its ambit/range in the field of word-meaning? (10) Q.4 Limitations of Traditional Grammar invited M.A.K. Halliday to present his idea of “Chain & Choice”. Argue. (10) Q.5 Verb is called the nucleus of a sentence, discuss in detail. What are the features and functions of Modal Auxiliaries? Explain. (10) Q.6 “Direct Speech” and “Reported Speech” are two terms. What do you understand by these two terms? How would you teach these two to your students by comparison? (10) Q.7 What is the Hierarchical Structure of a sentence in English language? Compare all types of clauses in English language with examples. (10) Q.8 How would you use audio visual aids for teaching Past Simple Tense? Discuss. Q.9 Write a note of 500 (five hundred) word comparing “Traditional Method” with “Communicative Method” in grammar teaching and finding a relationship between these two. (10) (10) Q.10 Explore 10 lines from any Pakistani English newspaper having declarative or imperative mood. Paste them in your answer book. (10) 2 ASSIGNMENT No. 2 Project Marks: 40 + 60 = 100 This assignment is based on a research-oriented activity. You are required to carry out a research and prepare a brief report on their findings in one of the areas given below. You will submit the report to the tutor within the scheduled period. Then you will have to present the same in the course/assignment presentation workshop (the schedule of the course/assignment presentation workshop will be intimated by the tutor concerned or the Regional Office). The assignment carries 40 marks for the written report/assignment and 60 for the presentation. A few guidelines for writing and presenting the report: a) b) c) f) The written report should have an introduction, body and conclusion. It should be written in clear, concise and correct English. It should be 5-8 double-spaced typed/handwritten pages. The presentation will be assessed and evaluated mainly in: i. Contents of the assignment/report ii. Communication skills iii. Language accuracy iv. Language fluency v. Presentation style You may use transparencies, charts or any other material for good presentation with the permission of the tutor (if possible). You will prepare your project on one of the following topics. Your tutor will assign different topic to different students during your classes. For example, if the number of students in your class is twenty, one topic may not be assigned to more than five students. 1. Observe 10 English learning classes in the school in your vicinity and note grammatical mistakes made by students while speaking on an observation sheet. Compile the data and suggest remedial measures to improve the situation. 2. Conduct a research on the topic “Problems of Pakistani Students in Essay Writing”. Design a questionnaire consisting of about twenty questions. The questions should be relevant to the subject through which you can highlight the problems of grammar teaching. Select the teachers who have taught/have been teaching grammar for several years at school level and distribute the questionnaire among them. One the basis of the feedback given by the teachers, prepare a brief research report analyzing the feedback statistically and descriptively. Submit the same to your tutor before presentation. 3. Grammatical mistakes at primary, secondary and higher secondary level is a big issue of Pakistani students. Being an English language teacher what remedial measures should be taken in this regard considering the issue as a case study. 3 4. Limitations of traditional grammar emerged functional grammar. What measures should be taken to implement functional grammar in true letter and spirit in English language classroom supporting the students to improve their learning skills? 5. Prepare a lesson plan teaching the topic “word families” to the higher secondary level students through communicative approach. 6. Visit 5 (five) schools in your vicinity and Conduct a survey on what our ESL teachers know about chain and choice constructions in grammar and how it can be taught in an ESL classroom. Collect and analyze data by sharing the findings with your classmates during your presentation. 4