Genetics -

Biological Sciences
Year 10
Biological sciences: The transmission of heritable characteristics from one generation to the next involves DNA
and genes (ACSSU184)
Science as Human Endeavour
Scientific models, theories, processes, applications (ACSHE157). Technological advances through science (ACSHE158)
Use of science in improving people’s lives, generating new careers, and meeting societal needs. (ACSHE161)
Use science to evaluate claims or predictions (ACSHE160)
Values of society influence research (ACSHE228)
Scientific Inquiry Processes
Formulate questions or hypotheses to investigate. (ACSIS164)
Plan, select and use appropriate investigation methods e.g. field and laboratory work. (ACSIS165)
Select and use appropriate equipment, to systematically collect and record data (ACSIS166)
Analyse patterns and trends in processing data e.g. relationships between variables (ACSIS169)
Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS170)
Evaluate conclusions, including possible alternative explanations. (ACSIS171)
Critically analyse the validity of information in secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems (ACSIS172)
 Communicate scientific ideas and information, including using appropriate scientific language. (ACSIS174)
Knowledge and Understandings
Learning Program
Genetics is the science of genes,
heredity, and variation in living
The fact that living things inherit
traits from their parents has been
used since prehistoric times to
improve crop plants and animals
through selective breeding.
However, the modern science of
genetics, which seeks to understand
the process of inheritance, only
began with the work of Gregor
Mendel in the mid-19th century.[6]
Although he did not know the
physical basis for heredity, Mendel
observed that organisms inherit
traits via discrete units of
inheritance, which are now called
Gregor Johann Mendel was an
Austrian Augustinian monk and
scientist, is known as the Father of
Genetics. Mendel showed that the
inheritance of traits follows particular
laws, by examining subsequent
generations of peas. The
significance of Mendel's work was
not recognized until the turn of the
20th century, several decades after
his death.
Purpose: Students understand how genetics determines inherited traits
and explore current ethical issues relating to genetics and genetic
Genes correspond to regions within
DNA, a molecule composed of a
chain of four different types of
nucleotides—the sequence of these
Inform – Motivation: Introduce the concept of genetics and inherited
traits. This may follow on naturally from a discussion of evolution and
natural selection. Alternatively, you can compare some of the inherited
traits of the class members such as whose ear lobes are separated from
their neck and whose are attached.
Lesson Plans: Students discover the concepts of genetics in plants,
animals and humans in this unit of lessons.
Investigate: Introduce how genetics are passed down from generation
to generation and the concept of dominant and recessive gene. Review
the experiments by Gregor Mendel involving peas. What did he do? How
did it prove the concept of genetics?
Genetics: You are Unique
Students investigate genetics as the study of inherited traits and
complete a worksheet.
Apply: Genetics of the Bengal Tiger: Students research the population
of Bengal tigers and their existence as either dominant or recessive.
They explore the presence of fur on these tigers and its lethal
combinations. Determining the effect of random mating in a population of
tigers possessing a recessive gene.
Evaluate – Generalise: Introduction to Genetics
Lesson Plans: Students examine and discuss different current issues
related to genetics, such as cloning and genetically modified organisms.
They research current articles and brainstorm concepts related to
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This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to:
* © Education Services Australia
nucleotides is the genetic
information organisms inherit. DNA
naturally occurs in a double stranded
form, with nucleotides on each
strand complementary to each other.
Each strand can act as a template
for creating a new partner strand—
this is the physical method for
making copies of genes that can be
Divide the class into teams of three or four and have pairs of teams
debate ethical issues relating to genetics.
L9839 Cell division and DNA: assessment
Learning Object Education Services Australia The Le@rning Federation
Test your understanding of nuclear and cell division referring to mitosis
and meiosis. Answer multiple-choice questions and when asked give
your reasoning for your answer. Select the correct base pairings to
model the DNA replication process. View and print a report on your work.
This assessment object is one in a series of two objects. *
“You Are Unique” investigation and worksheet.
Bengal Tiger genetics investigation.
Participate in a debate on a genetics ethics issue.
Teacher Resources IWB T
DNA Structure: Video showing the structure of DNA.
DNA in a “Snap”: Lesson Plan: Students observe a model of DNA and answer probing questions like, "What does
this model represent?" They then work in small groups to construct an accurate model of DNA per rubric provided
and present to the class explaining their model upon completion.
Student Resources IWB S
Genetics 101:Video: This video series is an informative guide to genes, SNPs, phenotype and more.
Key Words for Genetics: A chart detailing the vocabulary used in relation to genetics.
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This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to:
* © Education Services Australia
Lesson Planner
Teacher Notes
Student Activities
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This is an ERS plan and is NOT endorsed by ACARA. Green font is ACARA sourced materials. Go to:
* © Education Services Australia