Academic Advising Lethbridge College 1-800-572-0103 403-320-3323 Planning on a Career in Social Work? The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree is a program offered by the University of Calgary (U of C). The degree can be obtained entirely in Lethbridge. The U of C’s Faculty of Social Work - Southern Alberta Region office is located on the University of Lethbridge (U of L) campus. Patti Aiken is the Social Work contact at the U of L. Phone (403) 329-2794 or email Additional information is available online at The BSW degree is offered on other Alberta campuses as well. Please check on the admission requirements if you intend to complete the degree outside of Lethbridge. In Lethbridge, admission to the Faculty of Social Work is competitive. Students will need to demonstrate the following: o o o o o o GPA of 2.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale to apply. Current competitive average is 3.0 English 30 or a post-secondary English course Math 30 (Pure) or Math 30-1 is highly recommended Submission of an essay Recommendations from academic and work-related references Paid or volunteer experience in the Social Work field The Faculty of Social Work – Southern Alberta Region only accepts students in the Fall semester. The application deadline is the preceding March 1st. You may apply to the Faculty of Social Work once you have completed 20 courses which are transferable to the U of C (NOT the U of L). Students will typically enroll in General Studies or the General Studies Psychology/Sociology Major to complete the necessary courses. You are required to take SOC1170 (Introduction to Social Work) and 19 other courses. Upon acceptance to the Faculty of Social Work, students complete the remaining 20 courses toward a degree in Social Work. SOC 1170 is not automatically included in either General Studies no major or the Psychology / Sociology Major. Therefore, YOU must ensure that the course is taken as part of the course work you complete. It is recommended that you choose courses which transfer to both the U of L and the U of C. That way, if you change your mind about a BSW degree, you can still pursue a degree from the U of L without any “lost” courses. Unless indicated, all courses listed on reverse will transfer to both U of C and the U of L. There are additional courses offered at LC which transfer to the U of L, but not the U of C. Those courses are not listed on this handout. The General Studies program office has a handout which lists all of the General Studies courses, and the post-secondary institutions in Alberta to which the courses transfer. General Studies program information, including course descriptions: This information is intended as a guide only and is not guaranteed. Updated March 2014 Lethbridge College University of Calgary Lethbridge College University of Calgary ART 1170 - Sculpture ART 381 ENG 1150 - Composition Jr. ENCO BIO 1150 - Cellular Basis of Life BIOL 231 ENG 1155 – Sci. and Tech Writing Jr. Coms BIO 1151 - Environmental Issues Jr. Biology ENG 1165 - Creative Writing Jr. ENGL BIO 1152 – Physiology of Aging BIOL 305 ENG 1180 - Canadian Literature Jr. ENGL ENG 1190 - Intro to Language & Literature ENG 2260 - Intro to Dramatic Literature BIO 1155 - Nutrition KNES 237 BIO 1157 - Diversity of Life BIOL 233 BIO 1160 - Anatomy & Physiology I Jr. SCIE ENG 2285 - Children’s Literature Sr. ENGL BIO 1161 - Anatomy & Physiology II Jr. SCIE ENG 2290 – Telling Stories I JR. ENGL BIO 1162 - Microbiology Jr. BIOL GEO 1166 – Physical Geology JR. GLGY BIO 1163 – Terrestrial Ecology Jr. SCIE HIS 1170 – Western Civilization HTST 201 BIO 1164 – Plant Taxonomy Jr. BIOL HIS 2265 – Canadian History Sr. HIST BIO 1168 – Zoology Jr. BIOL HIS 2270 - American History Sr. HTST BUS 1166 - Business Law BSEN 395 HUM 1150 - Logic Jr. PHIL BUS 1170 - Intro to Mgmt HROD 321 HUM 1155 - Ethics PHIL 249 BUS 1177 - Entrepreneurship Jr. MGMT HUM 1180 - Intro to World Religions Jr. RELS BUS 2269 – Mgt Communications Jr. Management HUM 1190 - Popular Culture Jr. COMS BUS 2285 - Small Bus Mgmt Jr. MGMT HUM 1195 - Human Cultures ANTH 203 BUS 2292 – Business Finance FNCE 341 COM 1162 - Interpersonal Relationships CPU 1151 - Introduction to Computers CPU 2251 - Computer Applications Jr. Coms HUM 2261 – Arky of Prehistoric Europe HUM 2265 - Archaeology of Ancient Civ. Jr. ENGL ENGL 201 Sr. ARKY ARKY 325 Jr. CPSC HUM 2281 - Christianity Jr. RELS ******Jr. CPSC HUM 2285 - Buddhism Jr. RELS HUM 2291 - Film Studies FILM 201 Note: Credit only given for ONE of CPU1151/CPU2251 DES 1153 - Basic Design ART 231 HUM 2295 - Anthropology of Gender ANTH 331 ECN 1180 - Microeconomics ECON 201 MKT 1188 - Intro to Marketing MKTG 341 ECN 2253 - Macroeconomics ECON 203 MKT 2260 - Int'l Marketing Sr. MGOP MKT 2277 – Merchandise Admin Jr. Mgmt This information is intended as a guide only and is not guaranteed. Updated March 2014 MKT 2279 - Applied Sales Jr.MGMT PSY 1177 – Psychology of Aging Sr. PSYC MKT 2288 – Mark. Mgt MKTG 341 PSY 1179 – Adolescent Development Sr. PSYC MTH 1152 – Math for CIT Jr. Math PSY 2253 - Child Psychopathology Sr. PSYC MTH 1156 - Calculus MTH 251 PSY 2255 – Psyc of Sports Jr. KNES MUS 1150 - Music Appreciation MUHL 209 PSY 2260 - Abnormal Psychology PSYC 385 NAT 1155 - Intro to Native American Studies Jr. SOSC PSY 2270 - Intro to Personality Theory PSYC 383 PED 1155 – Applied A&P KNES 261 PSY 2275 – Intro to Forensic Psych. Sr. PSYC PED 1159 – Exercise and Healthful Living KNES 203 PSY 2277 – Addictions Jr. PSYC PED 1170 – Volleyball Jr. Knes PSY 2280 - Social Psychology PSYC 345 PED 1172- Latin/Hip Hop/Swing Dance Jr. DCED PSY 2290 - Brain and Behaviour PSYC 375 PED 1180 - Coaching Theory KNES 331 SPN 1150 - Introductory Spanish Jr. SPAN PED 2272 – Leadership in PED KNES 311 SPN 1151 – Intro Spanish II SPAN 203 PED 2276 – Weight Tr &Ex Jr. KNES SOC1160 - Intro to Sociology SOCI 201 PRS 1155 - Speech Jr. COMS SOC 1167 – Sociology of Aging SOCI 373 PSC1150 - Local Government Jr. POLI SOC 1170 – Intro to Social Work* SOWK 201 PSC1161 – Intro to Politics POLI 201 SOC 2250 - Sociology of Sports SOCI 399 PSC1165 - Canadian Government Jr. POLI SOC 2260 - Social Problems Jr. SOCI PSC 2250 – Parties & Elections POLI 431 SOC 2270 - Sociology of the Family SOCI 371 PSC 2260 - International Relations POLI 381 SOC 2276 – Sexuality Sr. SOCI PSC 2280 – Political Philosophy Sr. POLI STS 2250 - Statistics STAT 213 PSY 1160 - Intro to Psychology PSYC 200 STS 2270 - Social Sci. Research Sr. PSYC PSY 1170 - Human Development Sr. PSYC SOC1170 (marked with *) must be completed prior to admission to the Faculty of Social Work Not every course is offered in every term. Please check the current online timetable for course offerings. Courses offered in other Lethbridge College programs may transfer to the U of C. You can check the online transfer guide at for more information This information is intended as a guide only and is not guaranteed. Updated March 2014