Part I: Brainstorm
Think about your life up until now. What major events have changed you, shaped you,
influenced you, shook you at your core? Are there times that were wildly happy or incredibly
sad? What moments have made a shift in how you see the world? They may be events of great
impact, like the death of a loved one or your first day of high school; they might have seemed
insignificant at the time, like meeting your best friend or starting to play a sport. Create a list of
events that made a difference in your life.
Event 1
Event 2
Event 3
Event 4
Event 5
Event 6
Event 7
Event 8
Now brainstorm songs that might fit these events. (Remember to use school-appropriate
songs—for example NOT Ceelo’s original version, but the radio-safe “Forget You”)
Song 1
Song 2
Song 3
Song 4
Song 5
Song 6
Song 7
Song 8
Part II: Relate It to Psychology
Referring to your "imaginary soundtrack" of the events in your life, look through your
psychology notes to find at least 8 different psychology concepts that correspond with the
songs and events you selected
Psych Concept 1 _____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 2:_____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 3:____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 4: _____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 5: ____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 6: _____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 7: ____________________________________________________________________
Psych Concept 8: ____________________________________________________________________
Part III: Produce It
Just like a music producer, create the sequence of your chosen songs. For example, your songs
might be listed in the chronological order of the events, or they might be mixed together so that
all of the slow songs are not back-to-back. DO NOT just list them randomly. Put thought into
the order of your songs as well as the complete package you are presenting.
Track 1
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept___________________________
Track 2
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept ___________________________
Track 3
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept ___________________________
Track 4
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept ___________________________
Track 5
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept ___________________________
Track 6
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept___________________________
Track 7
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept ___________________________
Track 8
Song Title _______________________________________________
Artist or Group________________________
Event _______________________________________________
Psych Concept___________________________
TITLE OF YOUR PLAYLIST:_______________________________________________
Homework: Find the lyrics for each song (keep track of the citation for where you found the
lyrics). Make your playlist. Create your original CD cover.
You may wish to now start your reflective letter to explain why each event, song, and
psychology term are important to you. You may also determine what part of your soundtrack
you want to present to the class (portions of 3-4 songs & explanations for your choice).
Part IV: Reflect
Now that you have created the soundtrack to your life, type a reflective essay that explains why
you chose the particular songs that you did. For each song, you will need to reflect on the
experiences, people, places, and events that inspired this selection. Make sure to underline each
psychology term in your explanation.
Use the outline below to help you construct the essay. The questions are only listed to help you
begin writing. You do not need to answer each and every question as long as you have
sufficiently explained the topic of each section.
Explanation of yourself (One paragraph)
This paragraph is basically a brief autobiography:
describe yourself, where you are from, essentially what makes you YOU… etc.
Explanation of this soundtrack (One paragraph)
This paragraph outlines your rationale or purpose in creating this soundtrack:
What is the title of this album you have created? Why did you title it this way?
What did you hope to get out of this project? Did you succeed?
What might you see yourself doing with this playlist later in life?
Who might your share it with?
Explanation of each song on the soundtrack
(One paragraph per song—a paragraph is 5-8 sentences)
This section is made up of many smaller paragraphs. Song by song be sure to explain:
What is the name of the song and the artist?
Why is this particular song important to you?
How does this song connect to your life?
What does this song reveal about who you are & what you think is important in life?
Final remarks and reflection on the soundtrack as a whole (One paragraph)
This paragraph is your conclusion in which you can offer any final reflections upon this project
as a whole.
Final Project Presentation: Prepare for your short presentation. Determine what part of your
soundtrack you will share (no more than 2-3 minutes). Be prepared to explain why it is
meaningful. ** As we listen to fellow students’ soundtracks, please remember that this is a very
personal assignment in which students are really putting themselves into their work. Let’s be
sure to support one another. **
Grade: Everyone can do well on this project if you apply yourself.
You will turn in
1) these planning pages, completed
2) an MP3 download to Ms. T-W or your CD with your playlist
3) a cool CD cover w/the title of your album
4) 8 pages of lyrics (with citations included)
5) your reflective essay (typed)