Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes & Earthquakes! What is Plate Tectonics? What evidence PROVES PT theory? Showed the Plate Tectonic Theory= pieces of Earth’s surface are moving b/c of convection currents in the mantle Tectonic plates= pieces of the lithosphere/crust that move; continental plates move land & oceanic plates move oceans Plate mvmt creates earthquakes, volcanoes, mtns, deep-ocean trenches & midocean ridges Alfred Wegener (1910) was the 1st to suggest that continents move Pangaea= Wegener’s supercontinent…all lands smushed together! Wegener suggested continental drift based on: 1) continents look like puzzle pieces 2) fossils of the same organism continents HAD moved, but not HOW Showed HOW the continents moved and proved Wegener’s Theory found on different continents 3) found evidence of tropical plants in the polar regions & evidence of glaciers in Africa Wegener’s idea was rejected b/c he could prove continents HAD moved, but not HOW they moved He died w/ nobody believing him Technological advances in the 1960’s led to: 4) Sea-floor spreading: molten rock/magma comes up in a crack in the ocean floor & spreads the floor apart, which moves the continents apart; continually adds rock to the ocean floor o Creates a mid-ocean ridge= underwater mtn range o Oceans get bigger o Pushes the continents away from e@ other 5) Subduction= ocean floor dives under continental crust into the mantle Deep-ocean trench= under H2O canyon formed when ocean crust meets continental crust **Sea-floor Spreading + Subduction proved Wegener’s idea! What are plate (glued in chart) boundaries? Additional notes: o Tectonic plate boundaries= where the plates meet and subduction or sea-floor spreading happens o 1a: mid-ocean ridge runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean o 1b: Great Rift Valley in E. Africa o 2a: Indonesian Islands in the Pacific Ocean & New Zealand o 2b: Cascade Mtns in northwestern N. America (Mt. What are volcanoes? How does PT cause volcanoes? What are Hot Spot volcanoes? St. Helens, Mt. Olympia, Mt. Ranier); Andes Mtns along the west coast of S. America o 2c: Himalaya Mountains btwn India & Eurasia & The Alps in Europe o 3: San Andreas Fault btwn the N. American & Pacific plates * volcano= a destructive/creative force that is an Earth-made firework; a weak spot in the crust * magma= melted rock INSIDE a volcano * lava= liquid rock OUTSIDE a volcano The crust weakens @ a spreading or colliding boundary creating cracks that magma can escape through Hot Spot Volcanoes= a volcano that lies in the middle of a plate NOT near the edge of a plate EX: Hawaii on the Pacific Plate & Yellowstone National Park in the USA on the NA plate What are the parts of a volcano? Why do volcanoes erupt? 1) magma chamber= pool of magma under a volcano 2) Crater= bowl shaped hole at the top of a volcano 3) Pipe= long tube that connects the magma chamber to the outside; magma flows up this tube 4) Side vent= an opening on the side of a volcano that magma escapes from 5) Vent= an opening on top of a volcano that lets magma out Dissolved gases are under great pressure Pressure pushes magma up & out Amt of silica in magma determines the force of an eruption: 1) quiet eruption: LOW silica, thin & runny magma/lava that runs down the volcano in a river 2) explosive eruption: HIGH What are the stages of volcanic activity? What landforms are created by volcanoes? silica, thick and sticky that plugs up the vent causing great pressure to build & go BOOM! Pyroclastic flow= hot ash, poison gases, cinders & bombs hurtling down the volcano, killing all in it path Active= currently erupting Dormant= “sleeping”, will erupt sometime in the future Extinct= will never erupt again…maybe! 1) shield volcano= sloping mtn made by quiet eruptions of thin runny lava over & over & over; Hawaii 2) cinder cone volcano= layers of cinders, bombs and ash from explosive eruptions build a steep sided hill/mtn; Paricutin 3) Composite Volcano= quiet eruptions alternate with explosive eruptions forming TALL cone shaped mtnslayers of ash & lava; Mt. Fuji in Japan & Mt. St. Helens in USA 4) Lava Plateau= many FLAT layers of thin, runny lava that erupts through cracks in the surface; Columbia Plateau in USA 5) Caldera= a hole that is collapsed from a volcano; Crater Lake, Yellowstone National Park