Individual Lesson Plan - Arts

Individual Lesson Plan - The arts - media campaign
Date(s): One full class in the middle of
the Media unit plus joint presentation day
Grade Level: 8
Topic: Creating a media campaign on a water
related issue
Time(s): 1 - 40 min class plus presentation in media
Background information: Where does this fit in to the overall unit plan?
This art/Drama lesson is part of the Language Media campaign.
The Language Media unit will be done parallel to the Water unit in science and the Patterns
in human geography unit in Geography. All are being done through a “Water lens” in that
we are looking specifically at how water affects many of the patterns in human geography
and do our media project on a water issue that comes out of either the science or geography
The visual part of the campaign will be assessed for art if it is a poster campaign and the
radio or video script will be assessed for Drama as part of the arts strands.
These six classes build on each other as the students plan and create a media campaign to
address a social justice issue pertaining to water. One class during the creation of the
campaign will be an Art/Drama class allowing them to use their full creativity on the project
Curriculum Expectations:
3. Creating Media Texts
Purpose and Audience
3.1 explain why they have chosen the topic for a media text they plan to create (e.g., a
poster advertising a class fund-raising campaign to appeal to local parent groups, businesses, or
service organizations), and identify challenges they may face in engaging and/or influencing
their intended audience
Teacher prompt: "What are the challenges involved in reaching each of these groups? How can
you appeal to all of the groups in a single poster? If you were to develop three posters, one for
each of them, how would the posters differ?"
3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the purpose and audience for a media text they
plan to create (e.g., a multimedia presentation about their class or grade, to be presented to
parents during graduation ceremonies) and explain why it is an appropriate choice
Teacher prompt: "What different types of media could you use for the presentation? How would
they be organized and combined?"
Conventions and Techniques
3.3 identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text
they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help
communicate their message (e.g., conventions in advertisements for a product to appeal to
different age groups among the students: text, images, "free offer" promotional gimmicks;
techniques: use of age-appropriate content in all elements of the advertisement)
Teacher prompt: "What are the important things you need to know about your audience when
designing your media text?"
Visual arts
- produce two- and three-dimensional works of art (i.e., works involving media and techniques
used in drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking) that communicate a range of thoughts,
feelings, and experiences for specific purposes and to specific audiences
– describe, in their plan for a work of art, the main idea they wish to communicate and the
artistic decisions they have made to support that message;
- identify strengths and areas for improvement in their own work and that of others, and
describe possible strategies for improving their work.
-select appropriate themes that deal with specific situations and that are aimed at a specific
– produce work as a member of an ensemble.
– review drama and dance performances, orally or in writing, critiquing the use of elements and
techniques in the particular genre of the piece;
– evaluate the overall effect of a performance in drama and dance, analyzing the key elements;
How does this address equity/Social Justice?
The art /drama piece is part of a bigger media presentation that explicitly addresses an area of
concern about water – thus bringing the social justice aspects of water conservation and access
to safe water to the attention of the school where the presentations will be shown
Assessment Strategies:
Observation and notes – formative assessment
Checklist for final product and self evaluation – formative assessment
Assessment Strategies:
X Observation
X Anecdotal Notes
Work Samples
X Checklist
X Learning Log/Journal
Technological Presentation
Oral Reports
Indicators: How will you know that your students have achieved the expectations? What will
the achievement look like?
They will produce either a work of visual art or a piece of drama as part of their media
campaign and will analyze it’s effective ness as part of that campaign
Accommodations and Modifications:
By working in groups this allows the students who did not fully understand the assignment to
get clarification from their group mates. By allowing the final product to be in a number of
different forms this allows the kids who have weaknesses in areas of written work to still
accomplish the task by producing a video, sound or visual presentation
Over a number of days students will research a topic and
create a media ad around a water related issue targeted at
a specific audience. Part of this campaign will be either
in the form of a visual arts poster or a script for a radio
or television ad.
Before this class students will have planned their visual
art posters or have come up with their scripts and/or
storyboards for their media campaign as part of their
language arts class
Students will get the one day opportunity to work on
their visual portion of their poster display or on the
acting portion of their campaign.
Art supplies
Colored pencils
Pastels etc.
Video camera
Costumes and props (may be
supplied by students)
Sound recording equipment
For those working on a poster campaign this is when
they have the opportunity to get into the messier art
supplies. They should consider all of the artistic
decisions they need to make so that their campaign
communicates to the target audience.
For those working on a dramatic production this is when
they can make use of video and sound equipment and
Production of the major portion of the media campaigns.
Scripts for radio are read with appropriate sound effects.
Video scripts are acted and filmed
Poster campaigns are drawn/painted
End – tidy art room and store supplies the art portion
will continue as part of the media campaign
Writing journals
Continuing on into the media classes….
At the end of the following class the art portion of the
project will be reflected on in the journal entry along
with the language/media component.
– for last 20 minutes of class have the students reflect
individually in a journal on the effectiveness of their ad,
how well their ad reached its target audience and how
well it communicated its point. How the artistic elements
came together and how it functioned as a piece of drama
or visual art. What conventions of media campaigns they
used and what they feel the strengths and weaknesses of
their ad are and how it could have been improved. This
reflection will be turned in for marking at the end of the
final class
Projector and laptop for the final day Final presentation day – joint Arts and Media Class
to show power point presentations
TV and video Player to view video
Presentation of media campaigns to the class by each
produces media ads for final
group. (5 min presentations – Each group member must
Writing journals
Assessment - Notes on presentations
After all have been presented have an overall class
discussion about what the successful aspects of the ads
were. Moderate this discussion closely to keep in
focused on what worked and not allow trashing of the
work. Include analysis of the Art/Drama potion of the
After the discussion have the students individually add
to their reflections about how they thought their ad went
over to the class and what they might change given the
opportunity. They are to assess there work both as a
media campaign and on its merit as a piece of artistic
work. This reflection will be turned in for marking at the
end of the class along with the bibliography/reference
Follow Up:
Post graphic media campaigns on school bulletin boards
Play audio campaigns at announcement time