Arbonne Supplements are formulated to meet US Pharmacopeia

Arbonne Supplements are formulated to meet US
Pharmacopeia(USP) disintigration time standards. They are
formulated without colors, starch, yeast, caffeine,
preservatives or salt. They provide maximum absorption with
highly bio-available ingredients.
Basic Multivitamins(Womens I, Womens II, Mens, Teens,
Childrens)100% of U.S. RDI of major vitamins and minerals.
You need it because you are not getting it in your food, no
matter how great your diet is. Simply put foods today do not
have the same nutritional value that they once had. Our soils
are depleted of many minerals and thus our food supply is too.
Calcium Plus- formulated for maximum bioavailability. Provides
calcium plus minerals critical to bone structure. Utilizes Betaine
HCL to maximize absorption.
Defense Builder- 1000% U.S. RDI for Vit E, 500% for vit C, and
100% vit A. Contains POC (proanthocyanidins) and grape seed
extract. Also contains Pur Actives and lycopene(broccoli,
cabbage, carrot, parsley, spinach, tomato, wheat grass). A
great antioxidant and immune system booster.
Optimal Digest- A multi-enzyme product that helps your body
break down proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, dairy products
and sugars. Contains enzymes that should be present in your
food or digestive system. Improves digestion and is a great
alternative to Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec or any other acid
reducing stomach medication.
Herbal Colon Cleanse- Cleansing and detoxifying herbs plus
beneficial flora. Works great for a healthy colon.
Joint Formula- Glucosamine sulfate, bromelain, quercetin all in
one supplement to help with inflammation and joint pain. A
great anti-inflammatory! Works great for backs and knees!
Heart Formula- L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, Vit E, B vitamins,
hawthorn, garlic, cayenne to benefit the cardiovascular system.
A great supplement for the price. It is difficult to find all of
these ingredients in one supplement.
Leg Vein Formula- Horse Chestnut seed extract, butcher’s
broom, bilberry, and gotu kola work together to help varicose
veins and edema. Works for edema of the legs as well as other
areas of the body.
Prostate Formula- Saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extract to
help with prostate problems. Great for benign prostate
hypertrophy. Saw Palmetto recommended by urologists for
quite some time.
Rest and Relaxation Formula- kava kava, great alternative to
habit forming prescription sleeping pills.
Menopause Formula- black cohosh and other herbs that help
with menopausal symptoms including hot flashes
Premenstrual Formula- chaste tree, evening primrose oil and
other herbs to help with symptoms of PMS
Re9 Resist- Essential Fatty Acids(Omega 3 from flax seed oil),
vitamins A, C, E and alpha lipoic acid work together to give you
great skin and potent antioxidant protection. Some studies
indicate Omega 3 may help lower cholesterol and triglyceride
levels as well as decrease inflammation in the body.
Figure 8 Weight Loss System:
A wonderful low carb, low fat , low calorie, vegetarian protein
based weight loss system or dietary supplement. 8 dietary
elements that make it work. The protein in the chocolate and
vanilla shake is a complete protein that is vegetable based with
only 110 calories per serving. The orange cream fiber shake
tastes wonderful, does not gel up or taste gritty. It is
recommended that we get 30-38 grams of dietary fiber per day
but unfortunately most Americans only get about 7 grams. This
accounts for most of the poor colon health seen in our country.
This system contains NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS and uses
Stevia(an herb)and other natural sweetners. The weight loss
supplement contains Forslean, to promote lean body mass,
support fat loss, suppress the appetite and increase
metabolism. This system DOES NOT contain any ephedra, Ma
Huang, Ephedrine alkaloids, phenylpropanolamine, caffeine or
Common Ailments and supplement combos that work!
For irritable bowel, indigestion, heart burn, GERD, acid reflux or
any other condition of the digestive tract, try Optimal Digest,
Herbal Colon Cleanse, Orange Fiber Shake(start slow and work
up to full dose), and the easily digested chocolate or vanilla
Protein Shakes.
For Arthritis, joint pain, inflammation, or stiffness of the joints
try Joint Formula, Re9 Resist Omega 3 supplement, and
Defense Builder antioxidant.
For Prostate problems try Prostate Formula and Prolief
Progesterone cream.
For swelling of the legs or extremities try Leg Vein Formula.