Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Test

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Test- Study Guide
What is the difference between an element and a compound?
o Are elements and compounds pure substances? Why?
o Can elements be separated?
o What is the smallest you can get in terms of an element and still have it be the element?
o Do you know how compounds are formed?
 Are they random combinations?
o What is the smallest you can get in terms of a compound and still have it be the compound?
o How do compounds differ from the elements that formed it?
 Compare the properties of compounds and the elements that form them…are they the
same? Difference??
 What are the properties of sodium? Chlorine? Hydrogen? Oxygen? Sodium Chloride/table
salt? Water?
o Can compounds be separated? If so, how?
o How can you determine what elements make a compound and how many atoms of each element there
are in the compound?
 How do you know how many molecules of a compound are present?
o Why and how are bonds created between atoms to form a compound?
 What needs to happen to each atom?
 What role do valence electrons play?
 Are their different types of bonds?
What is the difference between a physical property and chemical property?
What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?
How is a mixture created?
o What type of combination is it?
o Is it a pure substance?
 Do the substances retain their identity or are all the substances you mix together still
present in the mixture?
o How can you separate different types of mixtures? If you have multiple substances in a mixture
how can you remove each one of them?
 When you determine how to separate a mixture what properties do you use to determine
which method of separation is best? (think about the separation lab)
o Do you know when to use filtration, evaporation, magnets, particle size, density, etc. to separate
Visually what is the different between an element, compound and mixture??
o How is the molecular structure of elements, compounds, and mixtures different?
o What would a picture of just elements looks like? Compounds? Mixtures?
How can you use the Periodic Table?
o How do you find the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons (P.E.N.) for various elements?
o Which number is the atomic number? What does it tell you?
o Which number is the atomic mass? What does it tell you?
o What are valence electrons? The Octet Rule? What role do valence electrons play in atoms
o How do you draw a Bohr model?
 Where do the protons go? Neutrons? Electrons?
 What are the charges for protons? Neutrons? Electrons?
 How many electrons can fit in the first energy level? All others?
Review: The textbook (pages 82-88, 90-93, 96, 288-292, 306-317), any homework, class notes and WS,
labs/activities, Do Nows, etc.