CV - College of Arts and Sciences

Laura Dee Clifford, M.A., M.A., RPA
667 West Main Street •Gray Court, South Carolina 29645• (803) 270-2408•
Historical Preservation and Educational Professional, extensive experience teaching, working with
regulatory agencies, conducting private sector consulting, and implementing all phases of
archaeological research.
Special Education Licensure, University of Cincinnati, 2009, 3.9 g.p.a.
M.A., University of Kentucky, 2005, Social Studies Education, 4.0 g.p.a.
M.A., University of South Florida, 1990, Public Anthropology, 3.9 g.p.a.
B.S., Oregon State University, 1986, Anthropology, with high scholarship
Certifications and Academic Honors
Ohio Certification (5-year license) in Social Studies and Intervention
Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) in social studies and reading
Trained in behavior management and de-escalation techniques (C.P.I.)
Registry of Professional Archaeologists
Phi Kappa Phi (Graduating Class Honorary)
Pi Gamma Mu (International Social Science Honorary)
Phi Alpha Theta (History Honorary)
Orion Charter Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio
Middle School Intervention Specialist at inner-city, Title I school. Leadership roles include
School Committee for Response to Intervention and Committee for Direct Instruction. In addition
to regular specialist duties one hour a day is spent teaching Corrective Reading to 22 students
grades 4-8 with IEPs and one hour is spent implementing Auto-Skills program for middle school
students with IEPs.
Milford Exempted Village School District, Milford, Ohio
Intervention Specialist at suburban school. Experience in resource room teaching, co-teaching, and
collaborative teaching. Knowledgeable about RTI, data collection, data interpretation, lesson
design with attention to multiple intelligences and a variety of disabilities. Excellent relationships
with students, parents, and colleagues. Thorough understanding of the writing and
implementation of ETRs, IEPs, and progress monitoring plans. Adept at using Progress Book,
Microsoft Office Word and Excel. Demonstrated leadership with the daily production of student
closed circuit news program.
President of Environment and Archaeology, LLC. Duties included oversight of all cultural
resources management projects conducted by Environment and Archaeology, LLC. This included
all phases of archaeological work, architectural survey, HABS documentation, Section 106
coordination, and Cultural Resources Management Plans.
Specialized Program Manager KEMRON Environmental Services, Inc.: Principal Investigator on
all hazardous duty archaeological projects including underwater surveys, OSHA 1910.120 sites,
and confined space entry. Specializes in conducting archaeology projects under extreme
conditions requiring special training and equipment. Trained for levels D, C, B, and A, PPE, APR
and SCBA, air monitoring equipment, and rescue retrieval systems. Experience with Loran C
navigation, side scan sonar interpretation, marine magnetometer, and a PADI certified SCUBA
diver. CPR certified/Professional Level Rescuer/Paramedic.
Approved Principal Investigator in the following states: Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West
Virginia, Virginia, Wisconsin, Texas, New York, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan,
Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina. Meets Federal criteria for conducting Principal
Investigator level work as defined under 36 CFR 61. Meets criteria for conducting Principal
Investigator level work as defined by the Registry of Professional Archaeologists.
Selected Project Experience
South Carolina Institute of Anthropology and Archaeology
The Eastern Woodlands Household Archaeology Data Project.
Ph.D. student department of Anthropology.
Environment & Archaeology, LLC, 1997 to 2003
Principal Investigator: Phase II study of site 44WY245 in Wythe County, Virginia as part of
East Tennessee Natural Gas Company’s Patriot Project.
Principal Investigator: Phase II study of site 44WG468 in Washington County, Virginia as
part of East Tennessee Natural Gas Company’s Mainline Expansion.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 151 miles of natural gas loop line and
175 miles of natural gas pipeline MAOP uprate in Tennessee and Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 25 miles of pipeline in Bradford
County, Pennsylvania, two miles in Tioga County, New York, four miles in Susquehanna
County, Pennsylvania and approximately 45 miles of MAOP uprate in northern New Jersey.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Survey of approximately 1,450 acres in Boone County,
Kentucky for expansion of the international airport.
Principal Investigator: Four miles of natural gas pipeline near Rosholt, Wisconsin and nine
miles of pipeline near Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Principal Investigator: Seven miles of pipeline in southwest Michigan.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 106.8 miles of natural gas pipeline
ROW for the EEP 2000 Project in seven sections in New York State.
Principal Investigator: Phase II Eligibility Testing of two prehistoric sites in Smyth and Wythe
Counties, Virginia for the Virginia Expansion Project.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Survey of approximately 850 acres as part of an on-going
Environmental Impact Statement at the Cleveland/Hopkins International Airport.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Survey for the JP-302 Relocation in Westmoreland County,
Principal Investigator: Phase I Survey for the Washington County, Wisconsin 0.55-mile
Pipeline Replacement Project.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Survey for the new observation well, TW-605, in Tioga
County, Pennsylvania.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Survey for eight pipeline relocations in various locales in West
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 350 acres for the expansion of the
existing Toledo Express Airport in Lucas County, Ohio.
Principal Investigator: Phase II survey for the V-6 Hanger Facility at Patuxent Naval Air
Station, St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey for the EMTTEF Facility at Patuxent Naval Air Station,
St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey for the West Basin Campground at Patuxent Naval Air
Station, St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
Principal Investigator: Phase II underwater excavations of magnetic anomalies in the Gulf of
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 14.4 miles of natural gas pipeline
ROW in Washington, Smyth and Wythe Counties, Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 17,000 feet of new underground
pipeline and one new natural gas well in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of a new observation well and access road in Tioga
County, Pennsylvania.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of approximately 14.4 miles of natural gas pipeline
ROW in Washington, Smyth and Wythe Counties, Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of five hydrostatic test manifold construction sites in
Smith and Overton Counties, Tennessee.
Principal Investigator: Completion of Phase I survey of approximately 500 acres at Ft.
Indiantown Gap Military Reservation in Annville, Pennsylvania.
Principal Investigator: Completion of a Phase I survey of approximately 1,900 acres at the
Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
Project Manager: Section 106 consultation for the Part 150 Sound Insulation Program at the
Carpenter house, Florence, Boone County, Kentucky.
Archaeological resources for the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport located in Charlotte,
North Carolina. Work conducted through Landrum and Brown, Inc. for the FAA and
Charlotte International Airport.
Project Manager: Section 106 consultation and adaptive re-use analysis of two historic
structures at the Indianapolis International Airport, Indiana.
KEMRON Environmental Services, 1991 to 1997
Principal Investigator: Phase I Cultural Resources Report East Tennessee Natural Gas 1997
Open Season Expansion Project Bedford, Franklin, and Sullivan Counties, Tennessee. Six
miles of pipeline survey.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Cultural Resources Report for Proposed 25 Acre Development
in Belpre, Washington County, Ohio.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Cultural Resources Report TL-275, Extension 3 Wyoming
County, West Virginia. Conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation, Clarksburg, West
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural Resources Report for Natural Gas well Drilling Sites
and Access Roads in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Conducted for Thornwood Gas,
Bradford, Pennsylvania.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Cultural Resources Survey for approximately 49 miles of new
pipeline right-of-way in Niagara, New York. Conducted for El Paso Energy, Houston, Texas.
Principal Investigator: Phase I Cultural Resources Report for two-acre Parcel Located in Pike
County, Ohio. Conducted for Oberer Development.
Principal Investigator: HABS documentation for Be-466 and Be-769, following survey and
evaluation determining structure eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places.
Work conducted through Landrum and Brown, Inc. for the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky
International Airport 9/27 expansion, Boone County, Kentucky.
Principal Investigator: Historical documentation and mitigation of archaeological resources at
Be-497. The Aylor House is a circa 1850s hall and parlor log structure. Work conducted
through Landrum and Brown, Inc. for the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
9/27 expansion, Boone County, Kentucky. On-going.
Principal Investigator: Architectural survey and archaeological resources Phase I/II studies
for the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Work
conducted through Landrum and Brown, Inc. for the FAA and Charlotte International Airport.
Principal Investigator: Phase II Testing 33Wn339-341 and 33Wn343 Village of Waterford,
Washington County, Ohio. Conducted for the Washington County Engineers Office and the
Ohio Department of Transportation.
Principal Investigator: Section 106 coordination for the replacement of the Putnam Street
Bridge in Marietta, Ohio. Work conducted through Washington County Engineers and
ODOT. This complex project involved two National Register Historic Districts and 4(f)
impacts. On-going.
Principal Investigator: Revision of Phase II archaeological investigations for the National
Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Two sites potentially impacted by
construction on a new warehouse. On-going.
Principal Investigator: Cultural Resources Management Plan for the National Emergency
Training Center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Conducted for the Federal Emergency
Management Administration.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources report for Left Fork No. 1 Prospecting
survey. Conducted for Battle Ridge Companies, Inc., Belle, West Virginia. Access roads,
corehole locations, and prospect opening locations were surveyed.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources report for the Campbell Station Road
Extension, Farragut, Knox County, Tennessee. Work conducted for City Engineers Office,
Farragut, Tennessee.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources report for Lick Knob Prospecting survey.
Conducted for Battle Ridge Companies, Inc., Belle, West Virginia. Access roads, core hole
locations, and prospect opening locations were surveyed.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources report for Skitter Creek III Prospecting
survey. Conducted for Battle Ridge Companies, Inc., Belle, West Virginia. Access roads,
core hole locations, and prospect opening locations were surveyed.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources survey for the P&G 1995 projects. Work
conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation, Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources survey for Four Mile Creek Prospecting
Survey located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. Work conducted for Battle Ridge
Companies, Inc., Belle, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I cultural resources survey for the Kingston Haulroad located in
Fayette and Raleigh Counties, West Virginia. Work conducted for Battle Ridge Companies,
Inc., Belle, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I underwater cultural resources survey (side scan sonar and
marine magnetometer) for one proposed project area located off shore of the Little Creek
Wildlife Area on the west side of Delaware Bay. Conducted in conjunction with Marine
Search & Survey of Wilmington, Delaware. Conducted for the Delaware Division of Fish
and Wildlife.
Principal Investigator: Architectural survey for a new bridge located over the Great Miami
River in New Baltimore, Ohio. Work conducted for Lockwood, Jones, and Beals, Inc. in
Dayton, Ohio.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of M-2307 line 10 in Harrison County, West Virginia.
Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation, Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of TL-342 natural gas transmission line located in
Greene County, Pennsylvania. Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation,
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey of L-257-S gas transmission line located in Potter
County, Pennsylvania. Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation, Clarksburg,
West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Archaeological sensitivity survey for Skitter II located in Fayette,
Raleigh, and Kanawha Counties, West Virginia. Work was conducted for Battle Ridge
Companies, Inc., Belle, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey for Skitter Creek II Prospecting Survey located in
Fayette, Raleigh, and Kanawha Counties, West Virginia. Work conducted for Battle Ridge
Companies, Inc., Belle, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey for TL-263 gas transmission pipeline located in Boone
and Kanawha Counties, West Virginia. Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation,
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I archaeological survey for the expansion of 18R at the
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport. Work conducted for Landrum and
Brown, the FAA and CVG.
Principal Investigator: Architectural survey and eligibility determinations on 155 structures
potentially noise impacted by the expansion of 18R at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky
International Airport. Work conducted for Landrum and Brown, the FAA and CVG.
Principal Investigator: Phase I survey for the P&G pipeline relocation in McDowell,
Harrison, Gilmore, Wetzel Counties, West Virginia. Work conducted for CNG Transmission
Corporation, Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I underwater survey of 13 locations in Delaware Bay and the
Delaware Atlantic. Side scan sonar, marine magnetometer, Loran C, plotter. Work
conducted in conjunction with Marine Search & Survey for the Delaware Department of Fish
and Wildlife.
Principal Investigator: Phase I at the Rossburg Launcher/Receiver site located in Rossburg,
New York. Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase II eligibility testing at the Rossburg Launcher/Receiver site
located in Rossburg, New York. Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation
Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Principal Investigator: Phase I for TL-263 in Boone and Wyoming Counties, West Virginia.
Work conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation.
Principal Investigator: Phase I for S-23 located in Lewis County, West Virginia. Work
conducted for CNG Transmission Corporation.
1993: Principal Investigator: Phase II archaeological survey of Fourmile Creek Watershed
approximately 180 acres in Preble County, Ohio. Work conducted for the Soil Conservation
Service in Columbus, Ohio.
Principal Investigator: Phase I-II archaeological survey of the Big Hollow Dam. Work
conducted for the Soil Conservation Service in Columbus, Ohio.
Principal Investigator: Phase I archaeological survey of the Lightburn Compressor Station
located in Lewis County, West Virginia. Work conducted for CNG Transmission
Principal Investigator: Phase I archaeological survey of the TL-469, Extension I gas
transmission line, Butler County, Pennsylvania. Work conducted for CNG Transmission
Principal Investigator: Phase I-II underwater archaeological studies conducted in Lake Erie,
Ohio. Work conducted for the Army Corp of Engineers, Buffalo District.
Principal Investigator: Phase II Eligibility Testing of Six Sites in Beaver, Butler, Cameron,
and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania, for a proposed gas pipeline corridor.
Principal Investigator: Combined Phase I and II Archaeological Survey and Eligibility Testing
for site 31BW559, Brunswick County, North Carolina.
Principal Investigator: Eligibility testing at sites 36Cm46, 36Cm51, and 36Cm52, Cameron
County, Pennsylvania, for a proposed gas pipeline corridor.
Principal Investigator: Eligibility testing at sites 36Cn199 and 36Cn165 Clinton County
Pennsylvania, for a proposed gas pipeline corridor.
Principal Investigator: Archaeological investigations for road construction at Jessup Road
Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. City of Cincinnati.
Principal Investigator: Eligibility testing at site 33Wa503, a nineteenth century blacksmith
shop, and deep testing on the Little Miami River for a bridge replacement project, Warren
County, Ohio. Warren County Engineers Office and Corps of Engineers.
Principal Investigator: Phase I and Phase II Testing in Hamilton County, Ohio, for
Metropolitan Sewer District.
Principal Investigator: Phase IV Mitigation of site in Hamilton County, Ohio, for
Metropolitan Sewer District.
Principal Investigator: Archaeological Site Monitoring Program for the Honey Creek
Archaeological District in Rockport Indiana.
HDR Engineering, 1991
Historical Archaeologist: Duties included historical background research, field direction, lab
analysis, and report writing. Conducted study of Ybor City, Florida.
Thunderbird Archaeological Associates, 1990
Staff Archaeologist: Duties included background research, field supervisor, map preparation,
and reporting. Involved in Phase I, II, and III excavations in Virginia and West Virginia.
Staff Archaeologist/Field Director: A Cultural Resources Assessment of Warm Springs Run,
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Work conducted for the Soil Conservation Service.
Included an historic structure inventory and Phase I archaeological survey. Co-Authored
report with Joan Walker and Sue Anderson.
Archaeological Consultants, Inc., 1990
Historic Structures Documenter: Historic structures surveyor for Florida Department of
Transportation. Conducted survey of structures greater than 50 years of age in several cities
including Parish and Bradenton, Florida that were to be impacted by ROW widening.
Formerly Piper Archaeological Research, Inc, (JANUS Research, Inc.) 1989-1990
Research Assistant: Piper Archaeological Research, Inc. (now Janus Research).
Responsibilities included researching many of the existing Historic Preservation Ordinances
in the State of Florida and making recommendations to the City of St. Petersburg, Florida
regarding their development of a similar ordinance.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey for Jeff Cloar, Developer in Ormond
Beach, Florida.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey for Heathrow Development Project in
Heathrow, Florida.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey in cooperation with the Department of
Transportation, Jacksonville, Florida.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey in cooperation with the Oak Hill
Development Project in Kissimmee, Florida.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey for the Magnetic Levitation Development
Project in Orlando, Florida. The Disney Corporation.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey for Davis and Associates, Inc. Lake Hart
Development Project in Kissimmee, Florida.
Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, 1989
Project Co-Director: The Tampa Bay Region Coastal Archaeological Project. Conducted for
the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council for the Florida Department of Environmental
Regulation, Office of Coastal Management using funds from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. The project focused on the location and assessment of
previously recorded archaeological sites located in Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, and
Manatee Counties. Data was collected to assist in the quantification of impacts of
development on archaeological sites. All data was entered into the regional Geographic
Information System (GIS) data files. Of the 1,275 sites in the region, 704 were visited. Of
these 306 were determined to have been destroyed, 82 had undergone major disturbance, 139
had undergone moderate disturbance, and 177 had experienced only minor disturbance.
Department of Environmental Regulation document, The Tampa Bay Coastal Archaeological
Survey Project, was co-authored with Ms. Lee Hutchinson-Neff.
University of South Florida, 1988
Staff Archaeologist: Phase I and II archaeological studies for the Pasco County Division of
Parks and Recreations. Conducted field work, analysis, and report preparation.
Field Archaeologist: Phase I archaeological survey in Tampa, Florida through New South
Associates. In cooperation with the Army Corp of Engineers, Florida.
Graduate Research Assistant: Responsible for analysis of Archaic period human skeletal
remains from the Yellow Houseboat site. Also conducted human skeletal forensic analysis on
modern individuals. Supervised Social Sciences Computer Laboratory.
College of William and Mary, 1988
Field Archaeologist: Phase III excavations, artifact analysis, and mapping for various historic
sites located on the island of St. Eustatius, West Indies. Solely responsible for complete
mapping of 97 headstones, crypts, and tombs on the property of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Generated report titled "Map and Description of the Dutch Reformed Church, St. Eustatius."
Fire Fighter/Paramedic. K-9 Search and Rescue Handler for Grand Paws Search
Dog Association. K-9s: Elwood and Burley.
Dog Trainer. Circle Tail Community Trainer for Service K-9’s. K-9s: Multiple.
References provided upon request