Parents` Perspective - St. Margaret`s Bay Breakers Swim Team

Parents’ Perspective1
As a parent your major responsibility is to provide a stable, loving and supportive environment. Show
your interest by ensuring your child’s attendance, by coming to meets, and by being aware of what is
going on. Parents are not participants on their child’s team, but contribute to the success experienced
by the child and the team - providing transportation, officiating, and fundraising are a few ways to
contribute positively. If children see swimming as a sport, with an opportunity to learn skills,
compete, increase confidence, and have fun; they are able to go with the flow, enjoy themselves and
Be aware that your attitude will often set the tone for your children. More than likely your child will
make mistakes; remember that they are still learning. Encourage all efforts, and point out the things
done well. Some mistakes often made by parents are that their questions center too much on the
outcome instead of the process (“Did you win?” or “How did you place?”). This emphasis sends the
message that mistakes are occasions of failure rather than opportunities to learn - this is wrong. The
most important part of a child’s swimming experience is that they learn about themselves while
enjoying the sport. A healthy environment encourages learning and fun, which will develop a positive
self-image within each child. Be enthusiastic and supportive.
Strive to be positive role models and most importantly, show good sportsmanship at all times
towards coaches, officials, opponents and teammates. The coach is the only one qualified to judge a
swimmer’s performance and technique, so let the coach do the coaching. Coaches are not always
right, but you cannot help the situation by making negative statements. Remember that your child is
the swimmer, and that he/she needs to establish individual goals and make progress towards them.
Be careful not to impose your own standards or goals.
Are You a Pressure Parent?
The following survey has been taken from the Amateur Swimming Association of Great Britain. If you
answer “yes” to one of these questions, you may be in danger of pressuring your child. It is important
to remember that the parents’ role is critical and should be supportive at all times to ensure a
positive experience for your child.
Do you want your child to win more than he/she does?
Do you show disappointment if he/she has a poor result?
Do you feel that you have to “psych” your child up before competition?
Do you feel that your child can enjoy the sport only if he/she wins?
Do you conduct “post mortems” immediately after competition or training?
Do you feel that you have to force your child to go training?
Do you find yourself wanting to interfere during training or competition, thinking that you
could do better?
Do you find yourself disliking your child’s opponents?
Are your child’s goals more important to you than they are to your child?
Do you provide material rewards for performance?
Text of the Parents Perspective, and Parent’s Code of Conduct adapted from the Wolfville Tritons Swim Club Handbook
Parent Code of Conduct
As our organization grows and we continue to expand our programs, we seek to
establish or clarify our policies. Our policies help to guide the organization and ensure
continued success. One of the first areas to be addressed is parent behavior specifically, what type of behavior is expected of swimming parents.
St. Margaret’s Bay Breakers is fortunate to have experienced coaches working to
develop our children into better swimmers and more importantly, disciplined people.
As parents, it is absolutely essential that we give our coaching staff the respect and
authority they deserve to run our swim team. Our coaches are hired for that purpose.
St. Margaret’s Bay Breakers is an organization that highly encourages the
following parental behavior:
• Open communication between parents, swimmers and coaches emphasizing
goal-setting and
• Focus on the performance expectations of both the swimmer and the parents
• Meet with the coaches/swimmers/parents to discuss issues
• Positive reinforcement of all swimmers in all situations - team spirit, team loyalty
• Parental involvement on the Executive and to organize and run meets and other
team events
St. Margaret’s Bay Breakers is an organization that will not tolerate the
following behavior from parents:
• Coaching your children at practice or during meets, that is the coach’s job
• Interrupting or confronting the coaching staff on the pool deck during practice or
• Abusive language towards coaches, swimmers, parents, officials and your own
• Any behavior that brings discredit or disruption to our swimmers and our
Enclosed is a Parent Code of Conduct. The Code was developed as a standard to
emphasize our Organization’s commitment to making everyone’s involvement with our
club a positive experience.
Parent Code of Conduct
As a parent of a swimmer and member of The St Margaret’s Bay Breakers
Swim Club, I will abide by the following guidelines:
Practice teamwork with all parents, swimmers and coaches by supporting the
goal of the team which is to provide all swimmers with the opportunity to:
a) Create an environment where each swimmer can reach her/his maximum
potential in swimming.
b) Develop their swimming skills
c) Increase their self-confidence and self-esteem
d) To learn team spirit
e) To have fun
As a parent, I will not coach or instruct the team or any swimmer at a practice
or meets (from the stands or any other area) or interfere with coaches on the
pool deck. I will remain outside the pool area during practices.
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting myself in a manner that
earns the respect of my child, other swimmers, parents, officials and the
coaches at meets and practices.
I will maintain self-control at all times. I will know my role.
PARENTS parent
As a parent, I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language
or gestures directed toward the coaches, officials, and/or any participating
swimmer will not be permitted or tolerated.
I will enjoy involvement with St Margaret’s Bay Breakers Swim Club by
supporting the swimmers, coaches and other parents with positive
communication and actions.
During competitions, questions or concerns regarding decisions made by meet
officials are directed to a member of our coaching staff. Parents address
officials via the coaching staff only.