Quality & Standards Committee 27th June 2012 CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT CHANGES Plan CM1 forms have been submitted for the following for approval by QSC: FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REF AWARD TITLE FST 45/11 Access Certificate Science Foundation Studies Page 1. FST 46/11 COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Proposal to change pathway title Approved Old title: Science Foundation Studies (Access Certificate) New title: BSc Crime and Investigative Studies (four year degree) FdSc Life Sciences At present students completing the first year of an extended degree programme can then join the BSc Forensic Science at level one and study for three years to achieve the BSc (Hons) Forensic Science The department would like to extend the programme to offer students a progression to a BSc Crime and Investigative (four year degree) The Faculty will offer this pathway to students who have already completed the foundation year and new students With effect from September 2012 Proposal to change pathway title Approved Old title: FdSc Life Sciences Page 4. FST 47/11 NATURE OF CHANGE New title: FdSc Biosciences MSc Cognitive Neuroscience Page 7. QSC CM1 Form proposals 27th June 2012 The pathway is being validated on the 4th of July for a franchise to University Centre Harlow In preparatory meetings it was found that the curriculum was actually aligned to the QAA Biosciences benchmark and the revised title would better reflect the curriculum Students will not be impacted With effect from June 2012 Proposal to change pathway title Old title: MSc Cognitive Neuroscience New title: MSc Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience Department are proposing to offer a pathway wish is more attractive to a wider range of student Students not impacted, will apply to new students only With effect from September 2012 Page 1 of 3 Approved Condition - existing students must be given the option to adopt the new title or retain the old pathway title Academic Office FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY continued REF AWARD TITLE FST 48/11 MSc Project Management in the Built Environment Page 11. FST 49/11 Page 14. FST 50/11 MEng (corrected from MSc on 9th July 2012) Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) Construction and Design Page 18. FST 51/11 BSc (Hons) Property and Surveying Page 21. FST 52/11 FdSc Construction and Design Page 24. FST 53/11 FdSc FdSc Page 27. FdSc FdSc Building Surveying Construction Management Quantity Surveying Real Estate Management QSC CM1 Form proposals 27th June 2012 NATURE OF CHANGE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford only Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford only Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford only Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford only Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford only Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford, Cambridge Regional College (FdSc Construction Management only), University Centre Peterborough (FdSc Construction Management only) Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Page 2 of 3 Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Academic Office FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY continued FST 54/11 FdSc Property and Surveying Page 31. FST 55/11 BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (Medical and Molecular) Page 34. QSC CM1 Form proposals 27th June 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Chelmsford only Pathway has been discontinued as part of curriculum rationalisation Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from September 2012 Proposal to delete pathway being run at Cambridge only Pathway has been discontinued due to low recruitment numbers Applicants with an interest in this pathway can be directed to the similar BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science pathway Existing students will be supported until completion of the pathway With effect from June 2012 Page 3 of 3 Approved Approved Academic Office