Nucleic Acids Biology Worksheet: DNA & RNA Structure

Student Worksheet—Biology
Strand: Molecules and Cells
Name___________________________ Date__________________
Student—please print this worksheet and complete it as you interact with the tutorial.
The completed worksheet should be turned in to your assigned teacher.
Tutorial: Nucleic Acids
1. Two types of nucleic acid are ____________ and _____________.
2. The ladder-like structure of DNA is known as a __________________.
3. The sides of the DNA ladder are composed of ____________________
4. The rungs of the DNA ladder are made of ________________________.
5. The nucleic acids are polymers of _________________________.
6. The three components of a nucleotide are ________________,
_______________, and ______________________.
7. The sugar in DNA is ___________________________.
8. The four bases in DNA are _______, ________, _________, and _________.
9. In RNA thymine is replaced by ___________________.
10. What holds the two nucleotide strands together in DNA? ___________________
11. How do the bases pair in DNA?
__________ always pairs with __________
__________ always pairs with __________