Effect of NH4, NO3, and Glycine on Biomass and Flowering of Two Types of Brassica rapa in Monoculture and Mixed Pots Introduction: Most ecologists agree that nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for growth and flowering of plants, among other physiological processes. For many years it was thought that plants could only take up inorganic forms of nitrogen efficiently from the soil. Classic ecological thought on nitrogen cycling states that plants depend on microbes in the soil that fix organic nitrogen into inorganic forms: NO3 and NH4. This classic paradigm, however, has been called into question, and a new paradigm has been proposed whereby plants can also take up organic monomers from the soil, rather than use solely NH4 and NO3 (Schimel and Bennett 2004, Appendix: Figure 5). Recent studies have shown that it is possible for plants to take up amino acids such as glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid as well as more complex organic N sources (Nasholm et al. 2000). The nitrogen source, organic, NH4, or NO3, that will be taken up by plants would depend on the environment that they are in, being dependent on such factors as productivity and competition (Appendix: Figure 6). What forms of nitrogen that a plant can take up from the soil could have important implications for its growth, including biomass and reproduction; and also could make the plant a better competitor, both against other species and within its own species. Brassica rapa (rapeseed) is a fast-growing herb that has two varieties: tall and dwarf, and it is generally found in low productivity systems. Although these two forms of rapeseed are not distinct species, they may be sufficiently diverse to favor the use of different nitrogen sources and allocate their resources differently to growth and reproduction. Plants that are grown in close proximity would be forced to compete for limited nitrogen in the soil. The nitrogen source available may impact the interspecific and intraspecific competition of tall and dwarf rapeseed, resulting in different biomass and flowering responses. In order to test the hypothesis that N source will affect the intra or interspecific competition of tall and dwarf rapeseed, each variety was grown in monoculture and mixed pots with three varying nitrogen treatments applied: glycine, NH4, and NO3. Materials and methods: Sand was obtained from a home supply store, and then autoclaved for 30 minutes at 200F on the dry cycle. The pots, which were 0.74L, were sterilized using a 5% bleach solution. The sterilized sand was added to the pots. We obtained tall and dwarf Brassica rapa seeds from Carolina Biological Supply. There were two mixture types: monoculture and mixed. In monocultures, we planted 30 seeds of either tall or dwarf seeds; in the mix cultures, 15 seeds of each type were planted. There were three treatments with varying nitrogen sources: glycine, NO3, and NH4. Each form of nitrogen had an equal number of moles of nitrogen. A control group was also grown without an added nitrogen source. There were 6 repetitions. We excluded any individuals that did not survive from the analysis. We grew the plants in the Kalamazoo College greenhouse for 22 days and watered them as needed. We added three doses of nitrogen to appropriate pots during the experiment. After 22 days, we harvested the plants. The number of stems of dwarf and tall rapeseed was recorded, and the number of flowers of each type was also counted. The stems were clipped at the soil level, and dried for 48 hours at over 80C. The plants, which had been separated into dwarf and tall, were massed to determine the dry weight biomass. Biomass and flowering per stem was calculated, and were used in statistical analysis. We used a two-way ANOVA to analyze the data for biomass and flower number. To test the differences among the groups, we used Fisher’s LSD. 2 Results: We observed that both tall rapeseed and dwarf rapeseed were able to take up all three forms of nitrogen, glycine, ammonium, and nitrate, from the soil in order to grow. Although no statistical analysis was done comparing the no-fertilizer pots with the fertilized pots, in all cases, plants that had been fertilized grew more than those that had not been fertilized. Tall rapeseed analysis The biomass of tall rapeseed was significantly affected by the nitrogen source (p-value 0.004396, Table I). The biomass/stem was greater for plants grown with NO3 than either glycine or NH4 (Figure 1). There was no difference between the biomass of tall rapeseed grown in NH4 or glycine. Inter/intraspecific competition (mix) did not have an effect on the biomass of tall rapeseed; biomass was the same whether grown in monoculture or in mix. Also, the interaction between inter/intraspecific competition and N source did not significantly affect the biomass of tall rapeseed. Inter/intraspecific competition had a significant affect on flowering (p = 0.02644). When tall rapeseed was grown in monoculture, there were more flowers/stem than when tall rapeseed was grown with dwarf rapeseed (Table II, Figure 2). Flowering of tall rapeseed was not affected by N source or the interaction between N source and mix. Table I. Analysis of variance of the biomass of the tall rapeseed N source has a significant effect on biomass of tall rapeseed. There are three N sources: glycine, NH4, and NO3. The mixes are monoculture and mix of tall rapeseed and dwarf rapeseed. R2 equals 0.582635. Mix effect was not significant, nor was the interaction between mix and N source. Source N source Mix N sourceMix Error SS df MS F-ratio P-value 0.000018 2 0.000009 6.538848 0.004396 0.000002 1 0.000002 1.724613 0.199057 0.000001 2 0 0.307641 0.737471 0.000041 30 0.000001 3 Figure 1. Effect of nitrogen source on the biomass of tall rapeseed The biomass per stem of the NO3 treatment had a significantly higher biomass than glycine and NH4 treated plants, represented by A and B, with a p-value of 0.004396. Biomass was measured in grams. The error bars represent ±1 standard error of the mean. Table II. Analysis of variance of flowering of the tall rapeseed Mix, monoculture or mixed pot, has a significant effect on the flowers/stem of tall rapeseed. The mix represents the interspecific or intraspecific competition. There are three N sources: glycine, NH4, and NO3. The R2 is 0.58141. N source effect was not significant, nor was the interaction between N source and mix. Source N source Mix N source*Mix Error SS df MS F-ratio P-value 0.77496 2 0.38744 2.33206 0.11445 0.90567 1 0.90568 5.45082 0.02644 0.86482 2 0.43247 2.60249 0.09073 4.98458 30 0.16615 Figure 2. Effect of inter/intraspecific competition on flowering of tall rapeseed The mix and monoculture treatments are statistically different, represented in the figure as A (Monoculture), B (Mix). There is greater flowering in monoculture than in mix. Flowering was quantified as the average number of flowers per stem. The error bars represent ±1 standard error of the mean. 4 Dwarf rapeseed analysis The biomass of dwarf rapeseed was significantly affected by inter/intraspecific competition (p –value = 0.0366, Table III), but was not significantly affected by the N source or the interaction between inter/intraspecific competition and N source. Dwarf rapeseed grown in monoculture had a greater biomass/stem than those in a mix (Figure 3). Flowering of dwarf rapeseed was significantly affected by the interaction between inter/intraspecific competition and N source; dwarf rapeseed grown in a mix had higher flowering when grown in NO3 (p-value = 0.0301, Table IV). There was no difference in flowering among dwarf rapeseed in monoculture; additionally, mixed dwarf rapeseed had equal flowers/stem in glycine and NH4. Table III. Analysis of variance of biomass of dwarf rapeseed The mix had a significant effect on the biomass of dwarf rapeseed. The mixes are monoculture and mix of tall rapeseed and dwarf rapeseed. There are three N sources: glycine, NH4, and NO3. R2 is 0.48287. N source and the interaction between N source and mix did not have a significant effect on biomass of dwarf rapeseed. Source N source Mix N source*Mix Error SS df MS F-ratio P-value 0.00002 2 0.00001 1.12714 0.33729 0.00004 1 0.00004 5.01732 0.03266 0.00002 2 0.00001 0.92506 0.40752 0.00026 30 0.00001 Figure 3. Effect of inter/intraspecific competition on biomass of dwarf rapeseed Biomass of dwarf rapeseed was greater in monoculture than in mix. Biomass was quantified as the average of the biomass per stem. There is a significant difference between mix and monoculture, as shown by A and B in the figure. The error bars represent ±1 standard error of the mean. 5 Table IV. Analysis of variance of flowering of dwarf rapeseed The interaction between N source and mix had a significant effect on flowering of dwarf rapeseed. There are three N sources: glycine, NH4, and NO3. The mixes are monoculture and mix of tall rapeseed and dwarf rapeseed. R2 is 0.58454. The N source did not have a significant effect on the flowering. Source N source Mix N source*Mix Error SS df MS F-ratio P-value 0.0240 2 0.0240 0.2000 0.6578 0.8988 1 0.4494 3.7420 0.0354 0.9471 2 0.4735 3.943 0.0301 3.6028 30 0.120 Figure 4. The effect of nitrogen source and inter/intraspecific competition on flowering of dwarf rapeseed There was a significant increase in flowering of the mixed dwarf rapeseed when NO3 was the nitrogen source, p-value = 0.0301. Uppercase letters compares differences among N sources, and lowercase letters compares differences between monoculture and mix. Flowering was quantified as flowers per stem. The error bars represent ±1 standard error of the mean. Discussion: Tall rapeseed had greater biomass when grown with NO3, and greater flowering when grown in monoculture. Perhaps the roots of tall rapeseed have a higher affinity for NO3 because of the charge on the ion. The greater biomass of the NO3-supplied tall rapeseed individuals could also be indicative of the use on NO3 within the plant. It is possible that NO3 is a more usable form of nitrogen for the growth of shoots, while NH4 and glycine might have other important physiological roles inside of the plant, leading to greater biomass of the NO3 treated plants. Flowering was greater when tall rapeseed was in monoculture; this might be because 6 interspecific competition is greater than intraspecific competition in this study system. When in mixed pots, tall rapeseed has less energy to put towards reproduction, leading to lower quantities of flowers, while if it is in monoculture it has sufficient energy to allocate to growth and reproduction, causing higher levels of flowering in monoculture. Dwarf rapeseed had greater biomass when grown in monoculture and greater flowering when grown in a mix with NO3. It might be that dwarf rapeseed is more of a generalist, and that is why it can grow equally well with any of the nitrogen sources used. For this reason, the N source did not have a significant effect on the biomass. Biomass of dwarf rapeseed was greater in monoculture than mixed because in mixed pots the tall rapeseed might have been outcompeting it for nutrients. It is interesting that the flowering of dwarf rapeseed was highest in mixed culture with NO3; this might be due to a spurious result of some unknown bias. Because biomass was greater in monoculture, it would have made sense for flowering to be higher also. This study corroborates earlier studies that have found that plants are able to take up both organic and inorganic nitrogen from the environment (Nasholm et al., 2000; Shimel and Bennett, 2004). This is important for plants that grow in soil where there is a limited supply of N. Instead of depending on microbes to process the N into a form that they can use, they can compete more directly with the microbes for usable nitrogen. Although NO3 was found to be a better source of N for tall rapeseed with respect to biomass, this was only the case for dwarf rapeseed in mixed pots. Furthermore, while the difference between biomass of tall rapeseed grown in NO3 and those plants grown in NH4 and glycine is significant, it is not a large difference, demonstrating that glycine and NH4 are also important and viable sources of N. Although much research has focused on NO3, this study shows that it is not necessarily the only N source that can be taken up from the soil. This might explain why plants can be successful in low productivity soil. Also, 7 several species of plants can grow in the same microenvironment because they might take up soil nutrients, like nitrogen, in different forms, reducing direct competition among plants. There are some limitations of this study. Because each N source was tested individually, it is unknown which form would be taken up the most if inorganic and organic N were accessible. Perhaps the competition between dwarf and tall rapeseed would be different if there were more than one form of nitrogen available for uptake. Future studies could explore this aspect of nitrogen use. Another limitation is that this study was not done on different species, but rather on two varieties of the same species. Interspecific competition would expected to be different than what was observed in this study if two species had been used. Differences in biomass and flowering might be greater with two species if they have varying competitive abilities. Appendix: Figure 5. New paradigm of N cycling Plants are able to compete with microbes more efficiently by taking up organic monomers as well as the mineralized N sources that the microbes produce (Shimel and Bennett, 2004). 8 Figure 6. Use of different forms of N based on productivity and N availability Rapeseed is a Case A plant, an herb that is generally found in low productivity systems where N is limited (Schimel and Bennett, 2004). References: Nasholm, T., K. Huss-Danell, and P. Hogberg. 2000. “Uptake of organic nitrogen in the field by four agriculturally important plant species.” Ecology 81(4): 1155-1161. Schimel, J.P. and J. Bennett. 2004. “Nitrogen mineralization: challenges of a changing paradigm.” Ecology 85:591-602. 9 10