inner core - Middletown Public Schools

Name ____________________________________ Class ________ Date ________________
Chapter 3 Section 2 “Volcanoes form as molten rock erupts”
Directions: Answer questions beginning on page 90 of The Changing Earth textbook.
1. Look at the pictures on pages 90 and 91. Draw a diagram of these types of volcanoes.
Shield volcano
Cinder cone volcano
Composite volcano
2. Beginning on page 90, write 3 facts about each of these volcanoes:
Shield volcano
Cinder cone volcano
Composite volcano
3. In the caption for the diagram on page 90, what 2 materials form volcanoes?
4. At the top of page 90, what one thing determines the shape of a volcano?
5. Why are 2 reasons that composite volcanoes have violent eruptions?
6. What is a caldera?
7. In 1991 Mt. Pinatubo erupted. The last time was that volcano had erupted was when?
8. What were scientists able to do before Pinatubo erupted?
9. What 2 clues did scientists have about the eruption of Pinatubo?
10. Indications that magma is moving underneath a volcano include what 4 things:
11. What do the rocks around a volcano tell scientists?
12. Go to page 27 and define a hot spot.
13. Describe how a volcano might form over a hot spot.
14. The Hawaiian Islands formed over a hot spot. How does plate movement over a hot spot
cause a chain of islands to form? (See pg 28 diagrams and paragraph)