First Pass Comments from Eric Stavney 10/16/03

Klug, Old Activity 4.2, X-Linked Inheritance
Klug, NEW Activity 4.2 X-Linked Inheritance
* In its revised format include Parts 4.2.1 through 4.1.6. These parts should be separated
from the original tutorial then combined to form this new tutorial, Activity 4.2. It will
have it's own Introduction, Summary, and Post-quiz.
* Remove the screen asking if the user wishes to take the quiz.
New organization:
Activity 4.2, X-Linked Inheritance (old Part 4.2.1 through 4.2.6)
Introduction (Part 4.2.1)
-This will not be programmed as part of the Flash animation.
-This will be converted into an html page. It will use the same image and text,
with some modification. First, join together the text on the two “pages”,
linking “In many animal and a few plant species…“ with “X-linkage then
referes to the transmission…”, using a paragraph break, to put all this text into
one text window ( Then modify the second paragraph to read "Xlinkage therefore refers to the transmission and expression genes on the X
chromosome. All pairs of chromosomes other than X and Y are called
AUTOSOMES. In this Activity you will investigate the inheritance patterns
resulting from a gene on the X chromosome that has no equivalent locus on
the Y chromosome.”
-The title over the image will read "X-Linked Inheritance”
Animation (Parts 4.2.2) Genes on the X Chromosome
- Use the text from old but delete the first sentence “Let us use the
chromosome theory of inheritance to investigate the implications of a
gene on the X chromosome that has no equivalent locus on the Y
- Begin the text with the modified second sentence of paragraph one, “[In
this activity] we consider the white eye mutation (w) of… ” and continue
, with paragraph break, to the rest of the text on old
- Scroll the text from the bottom of the text window to the top until the first
line of text reaches the top of the text window. At this point, freeze the
-Use the same image of Cross A and Cross B and their tables in this segment.
-Don’t use any scroll flags for this simple animation .
-This is the end of this segment. The exercise portion of 4.2.2 should be split
out into its own segment (see below).
Exercise (New 4.2.3, old second part of 4.2.2) Exercise: Following X
Chromosome Inheritance
-This is self-contained.
- The instructions in the Usage box should be moved to the box labeled
Interaction Instructions.
- Delete the Usage button.
- Delete the Textbook reference button and pop up interaction.
- Use the same text, images, and interactivity as in the existing old 4.2.2.
Animation (Parts 4.2.4) Morgan and X-linkage
-Remove all stops between text presentations in old (the three
pages of text). Scroll the first paragraph text upwards until the top line
reaches the top of the text box, then dissolve ( to an upward scrolling
of paragraphs 2 and 3 (from old “text pages 2 and 3”) joined together.
When the top line reaches the top, freeze the scrolling.
- This is the end of the segment.
- Set scroll flags as follows: “Hypotheses” at the start of
Animation (Parts 4.2.5) X-linkage in Humans
- In, (titled X linkage in humans), use the same graphic of the
pedigree chart. Unite the text on old pages 1 and 2 (“Many genes and the
traits controlled by “) and (“The mother expressing the trait….”) together,
with paragraph break, into a single presentation. Scroll this text from the
bottom of the text window to the top until the top line reaches the top.
Freeze the scrolling at this point.
- This is the end of segment 4.2.5.
- Separate the s interactive activity in the old X-linkage in Humans into a
new segment, 4.2.6 (below)
-No scroll flags.
Exercise (Part 4.2.6) Exercise: X-linkage in Humans
- Take the interactive exercise of old 4.2.5 and make it self-contained.
- This is the chart pedigree diagram where the user must pull down several
drop down windows and make selections, then press “Score”.
- Place the following instructions into the Interaction Instructions pop up:
“Draw down the list of possible genotypes for each individual by clicking
on the black triangle arrows. Assign each individual of the genotypes in
the box by clicking on that genotype. Then click the Submit button to
check your answers.” .
- Delete the text in the graphics window under the chart saying “Make a
choice for each menus and then….”
- Change the Score button to a Submit button.
- Use the same three first sentences of the extant text in the text window but
delete “When you have made a selection for all individuals…” and
everything that follows, including deleting the paragraph “If you don’t get
all the assignments right….”
- Use all the extant interactivity for this exercise.
- When the user has clicked on the SUBMIT button and gets the feedback
of red Xs and/or checkmarks (we’ll call this, a pop up window
says “That completes the exercise…” Change this popup box to say “That
completes the exercise. You may repeat it by clicking the Reset button.
Otherwise, click CONTINUE to see all the answers”. Add a CONTINUE
button to this window that dissolves from this activity to the next screen
(which I’ll call
- In, bring up the new image of the completed chart (and
colorblindness test with the number 8) as well as the text “The most likely
genotype assignments….”
Summary (Part 4.2.7)
-This will not be programmed as part of the Flash animation but will be html.
Post-quiz (Part 4.2.8)
-This will not be programmed as part of the Flash animation.
First Pass Comments from Eric Stavney 10/16/03
1. The Introduction page is not scalable for this tutorial. The last paragraphs of text
are partially obscured when the browser is using the default (standard) window
size. Please change the Intro page so it scales to the browser frame.
[Andy 10/23: The image, because it’s a JPEG, won’t resize but Eric’s comment about
the text being obscured is a concern. I suspect that this is because the image and text
are contained by a table cell with a fixed, pixel defined, height and width. To
accommodate non-standard monitors, it is appropriate to set these cell parameters to a
relative and not a fixed dimension. Consider this tag: <table width=100%
2. The Introduction page has two identical paragraphs. Delete the second paragraph.
The Introduction should have only two, not three paragraphs.
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction.]
3. Please move the title “Genes on the X Chromosome in 4.2.2 to the top of the
graphics window, not over the text window.
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction.]
[Andy 10/23: Increase the font size of the 5 labels that appear between the Cross A
and Cross B boxes.]
[Andy 10/23: The animation controls are missing from the animation and need to be
4. I wish we could do something about the tiny text size in Exercise 4.2.3. Let’s
delete the last sentence of the text (“To do so, fill out the Punnett squares in the
adjacent table by dragging the right combination from below to the appropriate
question mark” and take advantage of the free space to enlarge the font size of
the text beginning “The Y chromosome is insert….”
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction. Delete the sentence and enlarge the font size of
the narration.]
[Andy 10/23: Increase the font size of the 5 labels that appear between the Cross A
and Cross B boxes. Increase the “Cross A” and “Cross B” table titles.]
5. The Alert box that comes up in Exercise 4.2.3 after missing three questions is
goofed up. The box surrounding the pop up text doesn’t fully contain it but cuts
off right through the line “…over by clicking the Reset button….”. Enlarge the
Alert box to contain the text.
[Andy 10/23: No, delete the Alert box in total. It offers no value. ]
6. When the user completes the exercise, a popup box offers praise and a
CONTINUE button which does nothing when clicked. Delete this CONTINUE
button within the final popup window.
[Andy 10/23: No, delete the “Continue” button and add a “Close” button to close the
popup. Also, the Interaction Instructions popup should not automatically appear
when the exercise is done.]
7. In 4.2.4 the first scroll flag should be changed from “Exocytosis” (this is really
funny, if you’re a biologist) to “Morgan and X Linkage”.
[Andy 10/23: Make this change but the title should be “Morgan and X-linkage” with
a hyphen between “X” and “linkage.”]
[Andy 10/23: There is a glitch in the “Hypothesis” segment of 4.2.4, Morgan and Xlinkage. There is an incomplete fade between the table of fly eyes and something else
that does not completely appear. Follow Eric’s next note. The last segment should
be an independent file.]
8. X-linkage in humans, segment 4.2.5 was supposed to be an independent
animation. It is currently part of tail end of 4.2.4. Furthermore, the scroll bar
froze right on the dissolve between the Morgan and X-Linkage segment and the
X-Linkage in Humans segment. I was able to restart this with the Play arrow, but
X-Linkage should be accessed off of 4.2.4 using the NEXT button. Separate off
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction.]
[Andy 10/23: Increase the font size of the screen title of the last segment “X-Linkage
in Humans”]
9. The text scrolling speed seems faster than normal in 4.2.5. This is very apparent
in the extant version because 4.2.4 is fused with it and has an obviously slower
(and more appropriate speed). Slow down the scroll speed in 4.2.5.
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction. Slow the text scrolling.]
10. Why does the graphic disappear in 4.2.5 if I drag the scroll bar all the way to the
end? It doesn’t disappear when the bar plays to the end normally, but goes away
if I manually drag it to the end.
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction. The image should not disappear at the end.]
11. In Exercise 4.2.6, modify the text in the final popup box after pressing the Submit
button. In the box that says “That completes the exercise. You may repeat it by
clicking the Reset button. Otherwise click CONTINUE to see all the answers” –
delete the last line, “Otherwise, click CONTINUE….”.
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction. Slow the text scrolling.]
[Andy 10/23: The Interaction Instructions popup should be open by default then close
after a few seconds.]
12. Delete the CONTINUE button in Exercise 4.2.6. that comes up after scoring. It
does the same thing as the RESET button and doesn’t do what was promised in
the feedback box. We don’t need it.
[Andy 10/23: Make this correction. Delete the “Continue” button and the last
sentence in the note that appears after the Submit button is pressed.]
Second Pass Comments from Eric Stavney 11/8/03
1. Please add a scroll flag at the head of 4.2.2 called “Genes on the X Chromosome”.
[Andy 11/10: Please make this correction.]
2. In Exercise 4.2.3 the title was supposed to be “Following X Chromosome
Inheritance”, not a repeat of the 4.2.2 title. Please fix this or come up with
something that differentiates this segment from the previous one.
[Andy 11/10: Use the title “X Chromosome Inheritance”]
3. I’m not hearing that heart-rending scrape sound I love so much in Exercise 4.2.3
when I make a mistake. I really miss this. Please put that #^$&#$ sound back in.
[Andy 11/10: Please make this correction. Eric is having a bad day and wasn’t able
to the X and O keys.]
4. Text scrolling speed in 4.2.4 (Morgan and X-Linkage) is too slow for me. Please
speed this up a bit to our standard speed.
[Andy 11/10: Please make this correction.]
5. We need a scroll flag at the head of 4.2.5 called “X-linkage in Humans”.
[Andy 11/10: Please make this correction.]
6. On the Conclusion page, please italicize the word “Drosophila” in the second
sentence to make it “Drosophila”. Italicize this word again in the first sentence of
the last paragraph.
[Andy 11/10: Please make this correction.]