time/attendance and management information solution









Marietta W. James, Ed.D.


RE: District Internet Service For 2007 - 2009

The Columbia School District will accept bids until 2:00 p.m., Friday, January 19, 2007, for

ISP services in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Schools and Libraries

Division for the Universal Services Program “E-Rate” for a period of two years from July 1,

2007 - June 30, 2009. Bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m., Friday, January 19, 2007, in the conference room of the Columbia School District Administration Office at 613 Bryan Avenue.

Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Internet Service Provider Bid”.

Bids must include the “Price Sheet” included with the bid specifications and all fields in the

Price Sheet must be completed. Bidders may attach any additional information they wish to the

Price Sheet. The board reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informalities.

Addendums to these specifications, if any, will be posted on the Columbia School District Web site at http://www.columbiaschools.org/bids/ISP . No addendums will be posted past the date of Jan 10, 2006. For additional information or to check for addendums bidders may contact the district at any of the following addresses or numbers.

Email ispbids@columbiaschools.org

Phone 601-736-2366 (Marvin Adams)

Fax 601-736-2653 (Attn: Marvin Adams)

Mail Marvin Adams

613 Bryan Ave

Columbia, MS 39429

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The Columbia School District is seeking bids for Internet services for the period of July 2007 through

June 2009 (2 years)

The bid will be separate for each location described below so that the Columbia School District will have the option of using multiple ISPs if it determines that doing so will be the most cost effective method of providing Internet service to the schools. Bids must include individual prices for Internet access from each of the locations and other components listed on the attached “Price Sheet”. The

Columbia School District wishes to purchase all components from a single vendor but reserves the right to purchase individual components from the lowest bidder for the component.


The Internet Service Provider (ISP) making bids must have the following qualifications:

A – Be able to provide an E-Rate Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) for the bidding vendor.

B – Must provide 24 hour access to emergency technical support and 8:00 to 5:00 access to regular technical support.

C – Must have local or toll free dialup access to the Internet from the following Mississippi cities.


Bay Saint Louis














Long Beach




Mississippi State

Moss Point


Ocean Springs


Pass Christian



Yazoo City

D – Must provide 3 references from business or school districts that currently use the same or similar services that are proposed on this bid.

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The locations for which the Columbia School District is seeking Internet services are as follows:

A) The Columbia School District Central office located at 613 Bryan Ave, Columbia, Mississippi

39429. Phone Number 601-736-2366

B) The Columbia Elementary School located at 401 Mary Street, Columbia, Mississippi 39429.

Phone Number 601-736-2362

C) The Columbia Primary School located at 913 West Ave, Columbia, Mississippi 39429. Phone

Number 601-731-3761

D) The Jefferson Middle School located at 611 Owens Street, Columbia, Mississippi 39429.

Phone Number 601-736-3762

E) The Central Office Annex located at 1100 Broad Street, Columbia, Mississippi 39429. Phone

Number 601-736-5336

Services being sought for each building are as follows:

F) Columbia School District Central Office – 6mb X 6mb Internet Connection. This connection will NOT be needed for year one of the contract and may not be needed for year two of the contract depending on the actions of the Mississippi Department of Education toward purchase of that connection on behalf of the districts in the state. All equipment necessary to establish the connection will be the property of the ISP. The ISP will provide the Columbia School

District with an RJ45 female connection of 10 mbps or greater to connect the building LAN to the Internet ISPs equipment. Any routers or DSL modems although owned by the ISP must be designed for commercial Internet connections and not for consumer connections. Cisco equipment is preferred. ISP will provide the district with 6 usable public IP addresses for servers at this location.

G) Columbia Elementary School – 4 Mbps or greater GUARENTEED rate inbound with 640Kbps or greater GUARENTEED rate outbound. All equipment necessary to establish the connection will be the property of the ISP. The ISP will provide the Columbia School District with an

RJ45 female connection of 10 mbps or greater to connect the building LAN to the Internet ISPs equipment. Any routers or DSL modems although owned by the ISP must be designed for commercial Internet connections and not for consumer connections. Cisco equipment is preferred. ISP will provide the district with 6 usable public IP addresses for servers at this location.

H) Columbia Primary School – 4 Mbps or greater GUARENTEED rate inbound with 640Kbps or greater GUARENTEED rate outbound. All equipment necessary to establish the connection will be the property of the ISP. The ISP will provide the Columbia School District with an

RJ45 female connection of 10 mbps or greater to connect the building LAN to the Internet ISPs equipment. Any routers or DSL modems although owned by the ISP must be designed for commercial Internet connections and not for consumer connections. Cisco equipment is preferred. ISP will provide the district with 6 usable public IP addresses for servers at this location.

I) Central Office Annex – 1.5 Mbps or greater Best Effort rate inbound with 384Kbps Best Effort rate outbound. All equipment necessary to establish the connection will be the property of the

ISP. The ISP will provide the Columbia School District with an RJ45 female connection of 10 mbps or greater to connect the building LAN to the Internet ISPs equipment. Any routers or

DSL modems although owned by the ISP must be designed for commercial Internet connections and not for consumer connections. Cisco equipment is preferred. ISP will provide the district with 6 usable public IP addresses for servers at this location.

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J) Jefferson Middle School – Internet connection with the effective bandwidth of 3.0 Mbps X 3.0

Mbps GUARENTEED. All equipment necessary to establish the connection will be the property of the ISP. The ISP will provide the Columbia School District with an RJ45 female connection of 10 mbps or greater to connect the District’s LAN to the Internet ISPs equipment.

Any routers or DSL modems although owned by the ISP must be designed for commercial

Internet connections and not for consumer connections. Cisco equipment is preferred. ISP will provide the district with 30 usable public IP addresses for servers at this location.

K) The Columbia School District will also require a single dialup Internet account for its employees to use while away from the district. If the dialup account is not normally an additional component available to everyone who purchases the proposed service then the account is not E-Rate eligible and must be billed separately from any other billings. The account must provide unlimited access to the Internet with toll free access from the following

Mississippi Cities:


Bay Saint Louis














Long Beach




Mississippi State

Moss Point


Ocean Springs


Pass Christian



Yazoo City

L) The Columbia School District will require co-location of 3 servers on the premises of the ISP.

The ISP must have both battery and generator backup power at the location. The co-location point must be climate controlled and have automatic fire extinguishing equipment designed for use with electronic equipment. Before awarding the contract, a representative of the Columbia

School District may visit the co-location site to verify that all specifications above are met. Any restrictions for the co-location equipment such as periodic bandwidth limits must be specified on the Price Sheet provided

M) The Columbia School District will require that the ISP provide access to at least 2 DNS servers to provide DNS services to the district’s on-site DNS servers. The District also requires that the ISP provide access to a Network Time Server for access by the District’s computers.

N) Execution of any contracts that result from this bid request will be contingent upon funding provided to the Columbia School District through the Schools and Libraries Division of the

Universal Services Administrative Company. If funding becomes unavailable, all contracts resulting from this bid request will become void.

O) The winning bidder(s) must include in the contract resulting from the winning bid(s) that the

Columbia School District may negotiate for an increase or decrease in bandwidth in year two of the contract for any or all location covered by the contract.

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(Bidder Must Complete EVERY field to be eligible for consideration. Additional information may be attached)

Columbia School District Central Office

Guaranteed 6 Mbps X 6 Mbps Internet Connection as Specified in PART II F.

Monthly Charge

One time charges

Total for term of the contract (note: only year 2)




Details on both type of connection proposed and equipment specifications including brand and model of equipment proposed. Also include any restrictions placed on this connection and describe any one-time charges.








Columbia Elementary School

Guaranteed 4 Mbps X 640 Kbps Internet Connection as Specified in PART II G.

_________________ Monthly Charge

One time charges

Total for term of the contract



Details on both type of connection proposed and equipment specifications including brand and model of equipment proposed. Also include any restrictions placed on this connection and describe any one-time charges.








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Columbia Primary School

Guaranteed 4 Mbps X 640 Kbps Internet Connection as Specified in PART II H.

Monthly Charge

One time charges

Total for term of the contract




Details on both type of connection proposed and equipment specifications including brand and model of equipment proposed. Also include any restrictions placed on this connection and describe any one-time charges.








Central Office Annex

Best effort 1.5 Mbps X 384 Kbps Internet Connection as Specified in PART II I.

Monthly Charge

One time charges

Total for term of the contract




Details on both type of connection proposed and equipment specifications including brand and model of equipment proposed. Also include any restrictions placed on this connection and describe any one-time charges.








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Jefferson Middle School

Guaranteed 3 Mbps X 3 Mbps Internet Connection as Specified in PART II J.

Monthly Charge

One time charges

Total for term of the contract




Details on both type of connection proposed and equipment specifications including brand and model of equipment proposed. Also include any restrictions placed on this connection and describe any one-time charges.








Diaup Access

Dialup account as described in PART II K

Monthly Charge

One time charges

Total for term of the contract




Details on type of service proposed. Also include any restrictions placed on this service and describe any one-time charges.




Statement certifying that bidder will provide toll free access from the Mississippi Cities listed in





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List the address and phone number of the co-location site, include any restrictions placed on this service and describe any one-time charges.










Statement certifying that Co-Location facilities meet all of the specifications listed in PART II L listing each specification again here.








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DNS and Time Service

DNS and Time Service specified in part II M (Put $0.00 if these services are provided to all of your customer accounts normally)

Monthly Charge

One time charges



Total for term of the contract _________________

Primary DNS IP Address __________________


Secondary DNS IP Address

Time Server IP address or fully qualified Domain Name




Tech Support Phone Number

Support Contact Name




Emergency Support Number __________________________________

Site Visit to Verify Co-Location specifications are met as specified in Section K. The visit must occur no later than January 25, 2007

Contact Name for

Co-Location Site Visit __________________________________

Contact Number for

Co-Location Site Visit



Please provide 3 references of schools or businesses that currently use your ISP services in a similar manner to what you are proposing in this bid.

Company Name Contact Name Phone Number

_____________________ _____________________ ______________________

_____________________ _____________________ ______________________

_____________________ _____________________ ______________________

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(Insert the toll free access numbers for the cities below in the blank provided)

Aberdeen ______ ______________

Bay Saint Louis


______ ______________

______ ______________





______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________









Long Beach



______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________


Mississippi State

Moss Point


Ocean Springs


Pass Christian



Yazoo City

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

______ ______________

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