Scholars House Hall Council Constitution - Organizations

Scholars House Hall Council Constitution
November 2003
We, the residents, do ordain the Constitution and Bylaws of the Scholars House Hall
Council of Missouri State University, in accordance with the rules of Missouri State
University and all laws superceding
Article I
The Scholars House Hall Council
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Scholars House Hall Council
Section 2.
SHHC operates for the purpose of:
Section 3.
Improving the quality of life for all Scholars House residents.
Serving as an active member of the University community.
Serving as a communication link for Scholars House residents.
Providing diverse programming for the Scholars House resident
population, both educational and social in nature.
SHHC membership shall consist of all students enrolled in Missouri State
University (SMSU) who reside in Scholars House.
Article II
Section 1.
It is the policy of Missouri State University and the Scholars House Hall
Council not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, ancestry, age, disability, or veteran status in employment or
in any program or activity sponsored by the University.
Section 2.
Scholars House Hall Council members must reside in Scholars House.
Section 3.
Membership to SHHC shall be open to all Scholars House residents, and no
further stipulations shall be made limiting membership.
Article III
Executive Board Offices and Duties
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
The Chairperson may place a Hall Council member on probation for
failure to maintain a 3.4 cumulative grade point average.
The Chairperson may cancel a Hall Council meeting with the
consent of the Hall Council advisor(s).
The Chairperson may conduct business at a Hall Council meeting
without quorum, with the consent of the Hall Council advisor(s).
The Chairperson may call additional meetings of the Hall Council
with the consent of the Hall Council advisor(s).
The Chairperson may establish temporary committees chaired by a
resident of the hall in which the Hall Council operates.
The Chairperson may fill a vacant position by appointment.
The Chairperson may not be the RHA Liaison.
Administrative Aide
The Administrative Aide may be jointly accountable, with the Hall
Council and Hall Council advisor(s), for the management of Hall
Council’s apportionment of the RHA Resident Activity Fee.
The Administrative Aide shall record minutes of the Hall Council
The Administrative Aide shall assume the Chairperson position if
the Chairperson position becomes vacant. It the Administrative
Aide declines the position, he/she will act as the Chairperson until
the vacancy is filled by a process coordinated by the Hall Council
Executive Board with the approval from the advisor and
confirmation by a majority vote of members present at the General
Assembly meeting following the Executive Board’s
The Administrative Aide shall assist the Chairperson in any matters
requested by the Chairperson.
RHA Liaison
Section 4.
Section 5.
Section 6.
Liaise with RHA
Attend weekly RHA meetings and report back to the SHHC
Executive Board.
The Programming Chair
The Programming Chair shall plan programs in all eight dimensions
of Community Education.
The Programming Chair shall coordinate and oversee and SHHC
The Publicity Chair
The Publicity Chair shall create publicity as needed for SHHC.
The Publicity Chair shall place and remove publicity in a timely
Other Officers
The Special Events Chair shall plan, coordinate, and oversee annual
or semi-annual programs and events. This position is allowable but
is not a required position for SHHC.
The Intramurals Chair shall coordinate all SHHC intramural teams,
inform residents of possible teams to join, and coordinate and
oversee Hall Council sanctioned sporting events. This position is
allowable but is not a required position for SHHC.
The Of-the-Month Chair shall educate and motivate Scholars House
residents about Of-the-Months and deliver Of-the-Months to correct
office if needed. This position is allowable but is not a required
position for SHHC.
The Community Service Chair shall plan and oversee community
service programs for SHHC. This position is allowable but is not a
required position for SHHC.
The Hall of the Year Chair shall plan, coordinate, and oversee the
hall of the year bid, and may delegate hall of the year
responsibilities to executives. They must also create a theme and
publish the hall of the year bid and organize and oversee the hall of
the year presentation. This position is allowable but is not a
required position for SHHC.
Section 7.
Section 8.
The Historian shall take pictures and distribute film or disposable
cameras to residents. In addition, he/she must create a SHHC
scrapbook or video. This position is allowable but is not a required
position for SHHC.
The Treasurer shall compose the SHHC “wish list” and work with
the advisor on any budgeting concerns. They are also responsible
for buying any items that SHHC needs. This position is allowable
but is not a required position for SHHC.
RHA General Assembly Representative(s) shall attend weekly RHA
meetings and report back to SHHC executive board. This position is
allowable but is not a required position for SHHC.
SGA representative(s) shall attend weekly meetings of SGA and
report back to SHHC executive board.
Other Executive Board positions may be created upon request of
Hall Council Advisor in conjunction with SHHC Chairperson.
Qualifications of Executive Officers
SHHC Executive Board members must live in Scholars House.
SHHC Executive Board members must not be on disciplinary
SHHC Executive Board members must maintain a 3.40 cumulative
grade point average.
Selection and Terms of Office of SHHC Executive Board
Hall Council Executive Board Members and Building
Representatives shall be selected by the third Friday of the Fall
Semester through a process coordinated by the Hall Council advisor
and current SHHC administration.
Terms of office shall be one (1) academic year, beginning the Fall
Section 9.
Section 10.
Section 11.
In the case that a SHHC Executive Member fails to maintain a 3.4
cumulative grade point average, he or she will be given one
semester probation in order to raise his or her grade point average.
Academic or disciplinary probation imposed by Missouri State
University will result in the immediate and automatic removal from
office of the executive board member.
A SHHC Executive Board member may resign his/her position by
providing a letter of resignation to the SHHC advisor.
The Executive Board position vacated shall be filled by appointment
by SHHC Chairperson.
A SHHC Executive Board member may be recommended for
removal from office by the Executive Board of SHHC by a threefourths (3/4) majority vote. The Hall Council will hear the charges.
By a three-quarter vote, the Hall Council will recommend
continuance or removal from office. The RHA Liaison or the
SHHC Chairperson will preside over all such hearings.
A Hall Council Executive Board member may be removed from
office by the Hall Council with a petition signed by at least threequarters of the Hall Council membership. The Hall Council will
hear the charges. By a three-quarter vote, the Hall Council will
recommend continuance or removal from office. The RHA Liaison
or the SHHC Chairperson will preside over all such hearings.
Article IV
Ratification of, Enforcement of, and Amendments to the Constitution
and Bylaws
Section 1.
The Constitution shall be effective upon its ratification by a majority vote of
General Assembly members present, and upon approval by the Department
of Residence Life and Services, the Office of Student Activities, and the
Student Government Association.
Section 2.
The Constitution shall be enforced by the Executive Branch with the advice
and consent of the General Assembly. Failure to comply with this
Constitution may result in sanctions.
Section 3.
Bylaws shall be used to add to the meaning of the Constitution without
superseding the original intent. A bylaw may be proposed by any member
of SHHC. A three-fourths vote is required by the Executive Board for
Section 4.
A constitutional amendment shall supersede the section of the Constitution
which it amended. A constitutional amendment may be proposed by any
member of SHHC. The amendment must be submitted in writing at the
previous regular General Assembly meeting. A three-quarters majority vote
is then required by the General Assembly to ratify. The amendment is
subject to the approval of the Department of Residence Life and Services,
the Office of Student Activities, and the Student Government Association.
Article V
Enabling Clause
This Constitution will take effect on 12/03/03
Approved by Scholars House General Assembly on 11/10/03
Approved by Department of Residence Life and Services on
Approved by the Office of Student Activities on
Approved by the Student Government Association on
Ms. Brandi Matthews
Scholars House Hall Council Advisor
Southwest Missouri State University
Scott Kernan
Chairperson of Scholars House Hall Council
Southwest Missouri State University
Denise Baumann
Assistant Director of Education and Development
Southwest Missouri State University