Contribution to « Nuclear Engineering & Design » GAS-COOLED FAST REACTORS – STATUS OF CEA PRELIMINARY DESIGN STUDIES P. Dumaz, P. Allègre, C. Bassi, T. Cadiou, A. Conti, JC Garnier, J.Y. Malo & A. Tosello CEA/DEN/DER/SESI, CEA Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, FRANCE Phone: +00 (33) 4 42 25 40 98, Fax: +00 (33) 4 42 25 71 87, E-Mail: ABSTRACT The Gas cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) is one of the six reactor concepts selected in the frame of the Generation IV initiative. The most significant GFR option is the use of a helium high temperature primary coolant. The helium option is very attractive (chemical inertness, neutron transparency, etc) but it leads to very specific thermal-hydraulic issues. As far as the reactor core design is concerned, a ceramic fuel concept with a good thermal conductivity has been chosen. The main requirement is to obtain an average exit core temperature of 850°C (energy conversion efficiency) with a maximum fuel temperature of about 1200°C and with a low core pressure drop (in order to ease the decay heat removal). The main core characteristics have been determined for two reactor powers: a medium one (600 MWth) and a large one (2400 MWth). For various reasons, this latter became the CEA reference choice. A consistent set of core parameters has been determined taking into account the different constraints including the thermal-hydraulics. The reference arrangement proposed is based on plate fuel elements. A significant issue for the GFR is the decay heat removal. An innovative approach has been chosen in case of Loss Of Coolant Accidents (LOCAs). A “guard containment” enclosing the primary system is used to maintain a medium gas pressure (10 bar) in order to remove the decay heat by low power forced convection systems in the short term and natural convection systems in the long term. This guard containment is not pressurized during normal operations and can be a metallic structure. As far as the energy conversion system is concerned, an indirect-combined cycle has been chosen. The significant advantages of this choice are : a moderate core inlet temperature (400°C instead of 480°C for the direct cycle) and an attractive compactness of the primary system (facilitating the guard containment design). Due to the novelty of these options, a significant effort of components pre-sizing and design calculations has been achieved. Following this effort, a CATHARE model of the reactor system has been made and the calculation of the reactor steady-state confirms the consistency of the overall system pre-sizing. This model has been used for a first transient calculation. Other types of transients have to be analyzed, however, it is thought that the proposed GFR design can reach the safety requirements of generation IV systems. KEYWORDS Nuclear system, Generation IV, Gas cooled reactors, Fast reactors 1. INTRODUCTION These studies are partly driven by the Generation IV initiative devoted to the assessment of various technologies and possible concepts of future nuclear systems. These systems should be competitive and mature within the next 30-40 years and in the frame of a sustainable energy development. These have been formulated into the following objectives: Increased economical competitiveness (reduction of construction time and cost, high energy conversion efficiency), Increased safety (highly resistant fuel and materials in accidental situations, use of passive safety whenever possible), Reduction of long term radioactive waste (lifetime, activity, volume), Optimal use of the energy available in the fuel material, Highly proliferation resistant technologies and processes, Ability for other uses (hydrogen production, water desalination, etc). These objectives are strong incentives for the development of advanced fast reactors, their hard neutron spectrum potentially allowing self-sustaining fuel cycles and integral actinides recycling (minimizing waste production). On the other hand, helium coolant is very attractive because this inert and neutron transparent gas is compatible with high core outlet temperatures This is why the Gas cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) is one of the six concepts selected for further studies in the frame of the Generation IV initiative and especially considered by CEA. Among CEA studies (dealing with fuel, materials, technologies, …), reactor pre-conceptual design studies have been undertaken in order to determine by the end of 2007 the GFR pre-viability [Garnier et al, 2006] [Martin & Chauvin, 2005]. It is worth mentioning that during the sixties and the seventies, significant gas cooled fast reactors projects were launched. For the core viewpoint, they were very similar to sodium cooled reactors: use of oxide fuel cladded by stainless steel, use of fertile blankets, limited outlet gas temperature (compatible with a Rankine indirect energy conversion cycle). These reactor projects were then abandoned (development of sodium cooled reactors). The choice to re-examine GFR concepts was based on: the challenging Generation IV objectives more compatible with the high potentialities of GFR concepts, and especially, the possibility to use more innovative fuel element design with local fission product confinement, the interest to go to high temperature allowing high energy conversion efficiency and coupling with high temperature innovative processes producing hydrogen (steam electrolysis, iodine sulfur thermo-chemical cycle). The GFR design goals and criteria have been derived from the above general objectives. These are the following: Fast neutron spectrum reactor with a positive breeding gain with no or very limited use of fertile blankets, this allows : o an optimal use of the fuel energy content, o a fuel cycle fed first with depleted and then with natural uranium, o no plutonium separation from the minor actinides with a homogeneous actinides recycling (proliferation resistance). Core plutonium inventory below 10 t/GWe in order to have a realistic reactor fleet deployment (few decades), Use of a refractory fuel favoring close retention of fission products (increased safety) Fuel residence time lower than 10 years (to be compatible with the Plutonium inventory objective and to allow a dynamic fuel materials reprocessing), High core outlet temperatures allowing a high thermodynamic efficiency and the use of innovative high temperature hydrogen production processes, High fuel burn-up, with easy reprocessing and re-fabrication. Several other objectives could be added like the minimization of the reactivity swing per cycle (the minimization of control rod worth is interesting from the safety point of view in limiting the consequences of a rod ejection at full power). For the thermal-hydraulic design point of view, the most significant requirements are the zero breeding gain (because this limits the gas fraction in the reactor core) and the high core outlet temperature (about 850°C to have a good efficiency, so a quite high value compared to most materials limits). CEA has a significant R&D programme about the GFR fuel. Due to the high temperature foreseen, fuel elements based on carbide or nitride ceramics are promising concepts. But today, only preliminary results are available from this programme, then no definitive answers about the maximum temperatures that these fuel concepts can hold. These temperatures are necessary to make core and system pre-conceptual design studies. Taking into account the good thermal conductivity of carbide or nitride ceramics, a maximum fuel temperature of 1200°C has been chosen for normal operating conditions. For incidental and accidental design basis conditions (DBC), a maximum fuel temperature of 1600°C has been chosen. This latter temperature should insure fission products confinement for a significant time (several hours). Of course, these criteria will be modified, if necessary, in function of the ongoing fuel R&D. 2. FROM 600 MWTH TO 2400 MWTH The CEA GFR studies have started for a 600 MWth reactor power [Poette et al, 2004]. This choice was mainly driven by the idea to use the Power Conversion Unit of the Gas Turbine Modular Helium cooled Reactor (GT-MHR) in order to limit our research efforts to the reactor core and the safety systems. The main options considered were the following: a 600 MWth core with a high core power density, 100 MWth/m3, a core installed within a metallic primary pressure vessel, a Power Conversion Unit vessel connected to the core vessel by one single cross-duct. Decay Heat Removal systems based on natural convection. With these options, a first consistent set of reactor characteristics has been issued [Dumaz et al, 2005]. It was found out that this power level has significant drawbacks (very challenging fuel element in order to have a significant fraction of actinide in the core, questionable economic competitiveness). It was therefore decided to select a larger core power, 2400 MWth, compatible with the classical “economy of scale” viewpoint. It was also an opportunity for opening the reactor design options : energy conversion system, safety systems …. 3. CORE DESIGN STUDIES 3.1 General characteristics of the core Since the very beginning of the GFR project, the main study objective has been to design a core that will produce plutonium as much as it is burnt by fission, without fertile blankets (self breeding) with a reasonable initial plutonium inventory (less than about 10 t/GWe). Considering the possible fuel fraction in a gas cooled reactor, it has been decided to study as a first priority dense fuel compounds (mixed carbides and nitrides). On the other hand, to get an easier safety demonstration, other significant design specifications have been taken into account: a low core pressure drop (about 0.5 bar) and a low maximum fuel temperature (about 1200°C in nominal operating conditions). The proposed 2400 MWth core is based on a plate fuel element. Its design principle is illustrated by the figures 1 and 2. Basically, two ceramic plates enclose the honeycomb structure which contains pellets of the elementary fuel compound. The initial material choices are a mixed carbide (U,Pu)C ceramic for the fuel compound and a silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic for the structures. The coupling of the core neutronics (self breeding objective) and the core thermal-hydraulics (temperature, pressure drop) constraints can be examined in a core height over diameter ratio versus helium fraction diagram (figure 3). For a given core power density, the following lines can be drawn: the thermal-hydraulic curve: the maximum fuel temperature (1200°C) will impose a hydraulic diameter (in order to have a sufficient heat transfer coefficient); then, having a hydraulic diameter, the pressure drop limitation (about 0.5 bar in normal operation) will lead to a maximum height to diameter ratio (H/D). On this line, the maximum fuel temperature and the core pressure drop are equal to the criteria considered (1200°C and 0.5 bar). the neutronic curve: it is obvious that having all the core content defined (He coolant, fuel), the self-sustaining condition imposes to have compact core in order to limit the neutron losses (a key phenomenon in fast neutron reactors), then a minimum and a maximum H/D can be obtained (in most cases, only the minimum value is used, the maximum being above the thermal-hydraulic limit). On this line, one has a zero breeding gain. These analyses have been conducted with the ERANOS computer code for the neutronics [Rimpault, 2002] and the COPERNIC tool for the thermal-hydraulics [Haubensack et al, 2004]. Various cases were investigated in term of power density (50 and 100 MW/m3), fuel element arrangement and fuel materials. For the proposed (U,Pu)C-SiC plate fuel element, the results are shown in the figure 4. The chosen design (so-called “06/04” design) is characterized by a core height over diameter ratio of 0,35 and a 7 mm plate fuel thickness. The main core characteristics are summarized in the table 1. It is worth noting that the neutronic characteristics are related to the first core (initial reactor start-up with plutonium only): The performances of the “06/04” core design were thought to be in good agreement with the high level objectives : despite the first cycle breeding gain is found to be slightly negative, it has been shown that the breeding gain increases for the multiple (Pu + Minor Actinides) recycling and finally becomes slightly positive. The core is implemented in a metallic reactor vessel (figure 5) with an internal diameter of 7.3 m. The 9CrMo steel reactor vessel thickness is about 0.19 m. It can be noticed that an upward helium flow cools the reactor core, a choice which was initially made to ease the natural convection start-up during accidental transients. The fuel handling is made by an articulated system in the upper plenum. In consequence, the control rod mechanisms are implemented in the bottom of the vessel. It is worth noting that the absorber rods are located above the core in normal operation in order to have a gravity driven control rod insertion in case of scram. 3.2 Complementary core thermal-hydraulic studies The core characteristics have been obtained with very simple models (COPERNIC tool) using available correlations. Considering the importance of a good prediction of the core pressure drops, some CFD calculations of the sub-assembly thermal-hydraulics have benn done using the STAR-CD code. STAR-CD is based on a finite volume discretisation, the models used here are the k-ε High Reynolds model for the turbulent zones and the laminar model for the low Reynolds zones. Due to the sub-assembly complexity (Figure 6), the straightforward meshing would have led to a large number of meshes, hence a prohibitive computation time. Several calculations have been done : subassembly inlet, bottom reflector, fissile zone, upper reflector, to have the overall pressure drop. Three cases have been considered: the nominal regime under full power at the design pressure of 70 bar, a first Decay Heat removal regime (at 3 % of the nominal power) at 70 bar, a second Decay Heat removal regime (at 3 % of the nominal power) at 10 bar. The STAR-CD results and the comparisons with COPERNIC are given in the tables 2, 3 and 4. As far as the global sub-assembly pressure drops are concerned, the comparisons are quite satisfactory. The maximum pressure difference between STAR-CD and COPERNIC is indeed about 10 %. The major difference, noticed in the assembly head, is explained by the fact that COPERNIC but not STAR-CD takes into account the real broadening at the sub-assembly outlet between the upper head and the upper plenum. This study confirms that the sub-assembly pressure drop is close to the 0.5 bar objective. 4. GENERAL REACTOR ARRANGEMENT AND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM The type of reactor arrangement considered here can be called “loop type” : the metallic vessel containing the core being connected by primary loops to the main energy removal system : turbomachinery for direct cycles, intermediate heat exchanger for indirect cycles. Considering the size of these latter and the priority given to metallic vessels (instead of concrete vessels), the “integrated option” appeared to be an unrealistic way. The general reactor arrangement is driven by the choice of the energy conversion system : direct or indirect cycles ? A significant effort has been made to compare various solutions. In term of thermodynamic efficiency, for a given core outlet temperature (here 850°C) and a good heat sink (sea temperature of 15°C) the differences are not so significant (see the table 5 for few cases). In addition, the relationship between the efficiency and the investment cost has to be investigated more deeply. After having chosen the direct Brayton cycle for the 600 MWth case, we made the choice of the indirect-combined cycle for the 2400 MWth case, four main reasons explain this choice : - its efficiency (45 %) seems low compared to the direct cycle, but in fact significant efficiency improvements are expected, in particular by using a supercritical steam cycle (about 2 to 3 % of efficiency is expected from 150 to 300 bar) On the other hand, the direct cycle efficiency is based on component efficiencies which are really challenging and require a significant R&D; the maximum efficiency of this cycle is obtained with a “low” core inlet temperature : 400°C (versus 480°C or more for the direct cycle). This feature greatly simplifies the reactor vessel design (no thermal insulation required between the inlet gas flow and the vessel wall) ; the primary system is much more compact than one for the direct cycle, thus, it is much easier to design the “guard containment”, a quite interesting design option considered (see the Decay Heat Removal discussions) ; an indirect system allows the use of a helium nitrogen mixture on the secondary side ; the physical properties of this mixture are sufficiently close to those of air to allow the use of existing gas turbine technology, which reduces dramatically the turbomachine development cost and the technological risk ; Moreover it is interesting to note that AREVA made a similar choice for its ANTARES VHTR project [Petit et al, 2005]. The main characteristics of the chosen energy conversion system are given in the figure 7. It is worth noting that the inherent electricity needs (primary circuit blower of 22 MWe, steam cycle pumping of 10 MWe and other auxiliary systems) are taken into account for the calculation of the net efficiency. For this indirect-combined cycle, an IHX concept (Intermediate Heat eXchanger) including the primary helium blower has been studied. With this IHX module and the decay heat removal loop design, an integration of the primary circuit into the metallic guard containment has been done. A spherical containment with a diameter of 30 m has been chosen (figure 13). Its thickness is 38 mm in order to avoid any thermal treatment after welding. The containment size is consistent with the decay heat removal requirements (free volume of 8600 m3 to obtain the 10 bar pressure after a large break LOCA, see the next section). 5. DECAY HEAT REMOVAL STUDIES Within the framework of GFR studies, safety constraints are addressed as far as possible at the earliest phase of conceptual design. Due to the low He thermal inertia, one of the major GFR design issues, which impacts the overall system architecture is the Decay Heat Removal. Therefore, the Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) is a key transient to be considered. In the pre-existing solution, coming from the 600 MWth GFR studies, the decay heat was removed by means of a fully passive natural circulation system, system which requires to keep the reactor, in all cases, at high gas pressure. This pressure is called the back-up pressure. Similarly, for the GFR2400 case, a back-up pressure of 30 bar is required to have enough natural convection few minutes after the reactor scram. Such a pressure can be obtained with a heavy pre-stressed concrete “guard containment” which encloses all the primary system, and which has to be kept pressurized during normal operation. This solution - called the “high back-up pressure strategy” - was not retained for the 2400 MWth case due to the significant investment cost of such “guard containment”. An alternative is to have a very large containment, as for the PWR. In such a case, the pressure after a LOCA cannot be very different from the atmospheric pressure. In these conditions, it is not possible to use natural convection; forced convection systems must be implemented with a very significant pumping power (more than 1 MW). For such powers, only active systems seem usable. This way, called “low back-up pressure strategy” has not been chosen for the design presented here. Another alternative for the LOCA management, is the implementation of a “medium back-up pressure strategy”. In fact, for laminar flow conditions, and for a given mass flowrate, the pumping power is almost inversely proportional to the square of the gas pressure. This means that the pumping power decreases very significantly when the pressure increases. At 10 bar, about 15 to 20 kW are required a few minutes after the reactor scram instead of more than 1 MW at 1 bar. For such a low pumping power diverse passive or “semi passive” energy sources are available, like batteries. In addition, keeping such medium back-up pressure leads to recover natural convection after about 24 hours, due to the decay heat decrease. Finally, such medium back-up pressure can be coherent with the use of metallic guard containment. With this strategy, simpler and smaller decay heat removal means can be used. Therefore, in order to limit investment, operation and maintenance costs, the decay heat removal system has been designed based on this medium back-up pressure strategy. So, the system design proposed is based on (see the figure 8) : a metallic guard containment enclosing the primary system, not pressurised during normal operation, having a free volume such as the fast primary helium expansion gives an equilibrium pressure of 10 bar, three dedicated loops (3*100% redundancy) with secondary loops connected to an external water pool (the ultimate heat sink). Each of these loops can remove the decay heat : o for high pressure transients (blackout typically) : by natural convection, o for loss of pressure transients (large break LOCA typically) : by forced convection (in this case the pressure is equal to the chosen back-up pressure : 10 bar); forced convection is obtained by a blower driven by an electrical motor. For the medium pressures obtained in case of LOCA, due to the limited pumping power, the energy required by this electrical motor can be supplied by batteries for at least 24 hours after the reactor SCRAM. The required pumping energy is about 1800 MJ (500 kW.h). Assuming a conversion ratio of 80% and a battery specific volume of 50 W.h/l (classical lead-acid battery) the required battery volume per loop would be about 12.5 m3. This volume seems quite reasonable. After these 24 hours and if necessary, it is possible to use natural convection only due to the significant decrease of the decay heat (maintaining a pressure of 10 bar). A set of CATHARE calculations support this design. CATHARE is the French best-estimate code used for safety analysis of Light Water Reactors. Two-phase flows are modeled using a two-fluid 6-equation model in 0-D, 1-D and 3-D modules. Since the year 2000, significant efforts have been made to extend the range of CATHARE applicability to helium cooled reactors. The efforts made include the modeling of very specific components like turbines and compressors. The CATHAR2 v2.5 version was used. 5.1 CATHARE modeling The CATHARE model dedicated to decay heat removal system design verifications is composed of the primarysystem, including : the main vessel comprising the core which is consisting of plate-type assemblies, the main primary loops connected to boundary conditions to simulate the connection to the “IHX - main blower” vessels (not modeled here), three dedicated decay heat removal primary loops. Each loop has its own water-filled secondary and pool-type ternary circuits. The reactor core is modeled by six one-dimensional thermal-hydraulic modules (table 6). The decay heat coming from DARWIN code calculations (run with 2 wt% of Minor Actinide loading and at a burn-up of 10% FIMA : Fissions per Initial Metal Atom). To have a better prediction of the core pressure drops, the detailed geometrical of the sub-assembly (inlet nozzle, neutron shielding, reflector, …) is used . 5.2 Design for the forced convection at medium pressure (10 bar) The design situation has been assumed to be a large break LOCA leading to a rapid loss of the primary pressure. The calculation conditions selected are therefore: t=0s, from nominal conditions to primary pressure = 10 bar and primary mass flow rate = 0 kg/s in 0.01 s (no inertia of the primary flow) ; Shutdown rods fully inserted (-10 $) : 0.5 s, then decay heat law ; decay heat removal loop valves fully opened : 2 + 10 s (opening period), then startup of the blower (with a constant rotating speed, typical of asynchronous motors). The calculation is run during 600 s of real time, due to the decay heat decrease and the significant decrease of the core temperatures (see the Figure 9), there is no need to prolong the calculation (the only issue being the ultimate heat sink, which is assumed here to do not be a concern). Finally, to respect the design criteria selected, we obtained the following maximal characteristics for the decay heat removal loop : a primary mass flow rate of ~ 21 kg/s ; a heat exchanger capacity of ~ 100 MWth. It is worth noting that for this forced convection design, the difference of elevation between the core and the heat exchanger does not affect the results, this parameter must be determined by natural circulation cases. The decay heat removal blower mass flowrate remains almost constant (figure 10). As it has been assumed that the blower rotating speed is kept constant, the slight flowrate increase comes from the gas temperature decrease in the system, leading to lower system pressure drops (decrease of the helium dynamic viscosity). That behavior also explains the evolution of the blower power, about 21 kW, slightly decreasing. 5.3 Design for natural convection at high pressure (70 bar) For natural convection at 70 bar, the design situation has been assumed to be a rapid and total loss of forced circulation capabilities (the primary pressure remaining close to the nominal pressure). Given margins were expected in this situation, the objective was mainly to identify the minimum driving heights required (for integration considerations, the maximum value is about 15 m, measured between the core mid plane and the decay heat removal exchanger mid plane) and the corresponding heat exchangers designs and then to provide interesting informations on optimization capabilities related to integration viewpoint. The calculation conditions selected were : t=0 s, from nominal conditions to : primary mass flow rate = 0 kg/s in 0.01 s (no inertia of the primary coolant flow) ; Shutdown rods fully inserted (-10$) : 0.5 s, then decay heat law ; decay heat removal loop valves fully opened : 2 + 10 s (10 s of opening time). The calculation is run during 600 s of real time, due to the decay heat decrease and the significant decrease of the core temperatures (see Figure 11) there is no need to prolong the calculation. With the heat exchanger designed in forced convection, the final parameters selected are : a primary driving height = 9 m, a secondary driving height = 5 m. 5.4 Possible swing from forced to natural convection at 24 hours It has been explained that the choice of a backup pressure of 10 bar gives the possibility of recovering the natural convection about 1 day after the reactor SCRAM. This has been checked with one of the previous CATHARE calculations extended up to 100000 s. During the first 86400 s (1 day) we let the decay heat removal blower in operation, then, the blower is switched off. In this calculation, the blower rotating velocity is kept constant. The fuel temperatures evolutions can be seen in the Figure 12. During the first day, given the constant blower velocity, the forced convection mass flow rate keeps staying constant. Due to the decay heat decrease, the fuel temperatures are significantly reduced down to 300°C (the gas temperature being very close, about 280°C). Due to the blower switch off, a significant decrease of the flow rate is observed : from 28 kg/s down to 5 kg/s. This leads to an increase of the fuel temperature up to 1100°C for the maximum. A new quasi steady-state is obtained after, the decay heat being removed by natural convection only. This calculation confirms the capability of the decay heat removal system to recover the natural convection operation after one day. 6. CONCLUSIONS In comparison with previous CEA studies where the energy conversion system was similar to the one used in the GT-MHR project (case of a 600 MWth reactor) a much significant design effort has to be made to obtain the poroposed system (figure 13). For all these new components : blowers, IHX, … pre-sizing has been made. With a CATHARE model, the decay heat removal issue has been studied with a special attention. It is showed that the loss of the primary coolant flow is well covered by the natural convection in the decay heat removal system. As far as the LOCAs are concerned, the calculations conducted to design the decay heat removal system give very good hope about the system resistance to such initiating events. Other types of initiating events and transients have to be analysed, however, the very significant analyses achieved for the 600 MWth GFR did not raise unsolvable issues. The GFR system arrangement as described above is the new CEA reference for further studies on the GFR. A significant effort has been made to have studies as comprehensive and consistent as possible. This reference presents new options and it is thought that the GFR can reach the safety requirements of generation IV systems. These options will have to be consolidated by detailed studies leading to a previability of the GFR design by the end of 2007. REFERENCES J.C. Garnier et al, "Contribution to GFR design option selection", ICAPP’06 conference, Reno, USA, June 4-8 (2006) P. Martin, N. Chauvin, “Gas cooled Fast Reactor system : major objectives and options for reactor, fuel and fuel cycle”, GLOBAL’05 conference, Tsukuba, Japan, Oct. 9-13 (2005) P. Dumaz et al, “The thermal-hydraulic studies in support to the GFR pre-conceptual design”, NURETH11 conference, Avignon, France, October 2-6 (2005) D. Haubensack et al, “The COPERNIC/CYCLOP computer tool, the pre-conceptual design of Generation IV nuclear systems”, 2nd International Topical Meeting on HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTOR TECHNOLOGY, Beijing, China, September 22-24 (2004) D. Petit et al, “Overall simulation of a HTGR plant with the gas adapted MANTA code”, NURETH11 conference, Avignon, France, October 2-6 (2005) C. Poette et al, “Advanced gas cooled fast reactor preliminary design – 300 MWe – Project status and trends for a higher unit power selection”, Proceedings of ICAPP ’04 Pittsburgh, PA USA, June 13-17, 2004 Paper 4071 G. Rimpault, "The ERANOS Code and Data System for Fast Reactor Neutronic Analyses", PHYSOR2002 Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 7-10 (2002) List of figures : Figure 1: Design principle of the plate fuel element Figure 2: Schematic of the sub-assembly Figure 3: Schematic of the combination of thermal-hydraulics and neutronics constraints Figure 4: Core feasibility diagram Figure 5; Schematic of the reactor vessel (including two of the three loops dedicated the Decay Heat Removal, see the section 5) Figure 6; Overview of a fuel sub-assembly Figure 7: Schematic of the indirect-conbined cycle Figure 8: Schematic of the DHR system Figure 9: Maximum fuel temperatures (°C) under forced convection operation Figure 10: DHR blower behavior Figure 11: Maximum fuel temperatures (°C) under natural convection at 70 bar Figure 12: Fuel temperatures (°C) for different sub-assemblies versus time and during a 100000 s (28 h) transient at a back-up pressure of 10 bar Figure 13: Schematic of the reactor building Figure 1: Design principle of the plate fuel element Figure 2: Schematic of the sub-assembly H/D max (thermal-hydraulics) Height/Diameter Possible solutions H/D min (neutronics) He fraction Figure 3: Schematic of the combination of thermal-hydraulics and neutronics constraints 1,50 1,40 1,30 CerCer (U,Pu)C - SiC 50% vol. Neutronic Neutronic linecurve Burn-up = 10 FIMA 1,20 H/D ratio 1,10 1,00 0,90 P=0.8 P= -0,8 barbar 0,80 0,70 P= -0,7 bar P=0.7 bar 0,60 P= -0,5 bar bar P=0.5 0,50 0,40 fisssile Thermal-hydraulic lines curves Thermal-hydraulic 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 25 30 35 40 45 Core He fraction Figure 4: Core feasibility diagram 50 55 Figure 5; Schematic of the reactor vessel (including two of the three loops dedicated the Decay Heat Removal, see the section 5) S/A head Reflectors Neutron shielding Fissile zone S/A bottom Figure 6; Overview of a fuel sub-assembly Figure 7: Schematic of the indirect-conbined cycle pool DHR-HX2 3 DHR Loops (3x100%) water DHR-HX1 Emergency blowe r Guard containment He He 20wt% + N2 80wt% IHX Main blowe r 3 Main Loops (3x800 MW) Bypass line water Steam generator Figure 8: Schematic of the DHR system CATHARE V370: GFR2400 - 06/2004, Tin=400°C, Equ, Het, Darwin, Lam LOCA (7 to 1 MPa in 0,01s, Q=0 in 0,0 1s, Scram at 0,5s), 1 DHR blower (at 2+10s) 1450 1350 1250 1150 1050 C ore hot assembly Core mean assembly CORE1 mean assembly inner core CORE3 hot assembly outer core CORE4 mean assembly outer core CORE5 cold assembly 950 850 750 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 time (s) Figure 9: Maximum fuel temperatures (°C) under forced convection operation CATHARE V370: GFR2400-06/2004, Tin=400°C, Equ, Het, Darw in, Lam 31 24 29 22 27 20 25 18 23 16 21 14 Mass flow rate 19 12 Pumping pow er 17 10 15 8 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 time (s) Figure 10: DHR blower behavior 540 600 Blower pumping power (KW) Blower mass flow rate (Kg/s) LOCA (7 to 1 MPa in 0,01s, Q=0 in 0,01s, Scram at 0,5s), 1 DHR blow er (at 2+10s) CATHARE V370: GFR2400-06/2004, Tin=400°C, Equ, Het, Darw in, Lam BLACK-OUT (P=7MPa, Q=0 in 0,01s, Scram at 0,5s), 1 DHR loop (at 2+10s) maximum fuel temperature (°C) 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 Core hot assembly Core mean assembly CORE1 mean assembly inner core CORE3 hot assembly outer core CORE4 mean assembly outer core CORE5 cold assembly 950 900 850 800 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 time (s) Figure 11: Maximum fuel temperatures (°C) under natural convection at 70 bar Figure 12: Fuel temperatures (°C) for different sub-assemblies versus time and during a 100000 s (28 h) transient at a back-up pressure of 10 bar Figure 13: Schematic of the reactor building List of tables : Table 1: Core characteristics of the 2400 MWth case Table 2: Sub-assembly pressure drops at nominal conditions Table 3: Sub-assembly pressure drops at for Decay Heat Removal conditions (70 bar) Table 4: : Sub-assembly pressure drops for Decay Heat Removal conditions (10 bar) Table 5: Energy conversion cycles comparison Table 6: Radial modelling for the core Pressure (bar) 70 -3 Power density (MW.m ) 100 Core inlet / outlet temperature (°C) 400 / 850 Core height / diameter (m) 1.55 / 4.44 Maximum fuel temp. BOL (°C) 1260 Number of fuel S/A 387 Number of plates per S/A 27 Plate element thickness (mm) 7 (U,Pu)C fuel / Coolant volume fractions % 22.4 / 40. TRU content (%) 15.2 Pu inventory (t/GWe1) 8.2 Core management (eq. full power days) 3 831 = 2493 Breeding Gain* -0.07 / -0.04 Doppler Constant* (pcm) -1872 / -1175 He depressurization* (pcm) 212 / 253 Delayed neutron fraction* (pcm) 388 / 344 * Beginning Of Life / End Of Life Table 1: Core characteristics of the 2400 MWth case STAR-CD Pressure drop (Pa) Tin = 400°C COPERNIC Relative difference Tout = 850°C Friction + Pressure drop (Pa) (%) Gravity P=70 bar acceleration S/A head 860 3.5 2395 63 Neutron shielding 2574 15 Reflector 8220 14 11401 5 Fissile zone 19892 58 21838 8 .6 Reflector 4780 23 Neutron shielding 1470 25 6818 7.6 S/A bottom 353 33 390 1 Total 38149 Pa 171 Pa 42842 Pa 10.5 % Table 2: Sub-assembly pressure drops for nominal conditions STAR-CD Tin = 330°C Tout = 1530°C P=70 bar S/A head Neutron shielding Reflector Fissile zone Reflector Pressure drop (Pa) Friction + acceleration 0.3 1.5 4.8 47 1.1 Gravity 2.2 9.5 8.6 47 25.6 COPERNIC Pressure drop (Pa) Relative difference (%) 4 37 22 82 55 -10 -12 0 Neutron shielding 0.33 28 S/A bottom 0.044 36 33 -9 Total 56 Pa 156 Pa 196 Pa -8 % Table 3: Sub-assembly pressure drops for Decay Heat Removal conditions (70 bar) STAR-CD Pressure drop (Pa) Tin = 330°C COPERNIC Relative difference Tout = 1530°C Friction+ Pressure drop (Pa) (%) P=10 bar acceleration Gravity S/A head 2 0.3 7 67 Neutron shielding 10 1.3 Reflector 34 1.2 32 -45 Fissile zone 253 7 245 -10 Reflector 8 3.7 Neutron shielding 2.2 4 18 0 S/A bottom 0.3 5.3 6 6 Total 319 Pa 23 Pa 308 Pa -11 % Table 4: : Sub-assembly pressure drops for Decay Heat Removal conditions (10 bar) Cycle Net Primary (secondary) inlet/outlet efficiency temperatures and Pressures 48.2% 480 - 850°C, 70 bar He Direct Brayton cycle Indirect, Nitrogen Brayton cycle on the secondary 46.8% side 45.1% He-N2 He 480 - 850°C (444 - 820°C) 70 bar (65 bar) 400 - 850°C (364 - 820°C) 70 bar (65 bar) Steam Pressure = 150 bar H2O hp Indirect-combined cycle Nitrogen/helium on the secondary Steam on the ternary Table 5: Energy conversion cycles comparison CORE 0 Sub-assembly represented Number of Sub-assemblies Equivalent radius (m) Normalized power profile CORE 1 CORE 2 7 169 17 CORE 3 “Hot” for high Pu content core zone 17 0.295 1.480 1.550 1.617 2.152 2.192 0.9971 0.9254 0.8509 0.9391 0.7680 0.5673 “Hottest” Mean for low Mean for the SubPu content whole core assembies core zone CORE 4 Mean for high Pu content core zone 162 CORE 5 “cold” for high Pu content core zone 14 Table 6: Radial modelling for the core