NAME: DATE: PERIOD: STREAM EROSION TOP VIEW: CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW: 1. At which point would the stream’s velocity most likely be the greatest? Why? 2. On which bank, the northern or southern, would the velocity of the stream be greater at location D? 3. On which bank would erosion be greater? 4. If you were looking downstream from location D, what would a cross-section of the stream look like? 5. a. At which point would the stream’s potential energy be the greatest? ___________ b. At which point would the stream’s kinetic energy be the greatest? ____________ c. At which point would the stream’s potential and kinetic energy be lowest? _________ d. Since energy cannot be destroyed, what happened to it between points A and E? 6. Where would sedimentation (deposition) be the greatest? ________ 7. Is the stream’s kinetic energy high or low here? _________ 8. Compare the size of the sediments found at E to those farther out at F. NAME: DATE: PERIOD: Stream Erosion Refer to Page 6 of your ESRT: Relationship of Transported Particle Size to Water Velocity 1. What is the minimum stream velocity needed to carry the: a. Smallest boulder (25.6 cm in diameter) _____________ cm/s b. Smallest cobble (6.4 cm in diameter) _____________ cm/s 2. If a stream has a velocity of 200 cm/s, what size particles will it be able to transport? List all. 3. What is the minimum stream velocity needed to carry the following sediment?: Sediment name _____________ Velocity __________ cm/s Sediment name _____________ Velocity __________ cm/s 4. What type of sedimentary rock would form from sediment 0.0002 cm in diameter? 5. As a stream loses kinetic energy, what happens to the stream’s ability to carry sediment? 6. Which particle size will settle first if a stream loses kinetic energy? 7. How does a river carry dissolved material? To what is the dissolved material referred? NAME: DATE: PERIOD: Stream Features Label each feature with an O for OLD AGE, an M for MATURE, and a Y for a YOUTHFUL stream. Note a feature could be found in more than one stage. ________ 1. Steep slope ________ 2. Oxbow lake ________ 3. V-shaped valley ________ 4. Gentle slope ________ 5. Waterfalls ________ 6. Meanders ________ 7. Flood plain 8. The beginning of a river is called the __________________. 9. The place where the river empties into the ocean or lake is called the ______________. 10. The triangular wedge of sediment deposited where rivers open into large bodies of water is called a(n) _____________________. NAME: DATE: PERIOD: Stream Velocity: Erosional and Depositional System 1. Stream velocity is greatest at: __________________________ Velocity is slowest at the sides and bottom. 2. How does stream discharge (volume) affect stream velocity? 3. Based on the diagram below, where does the greatest current velocity occur? Circle A or B? 4. If the velocity at B is 72 cm/sec, what is the largest sediment size that can be carried by the river? 5. What is the general relationship between stream velocity and the size of sediment a stream can carry? C 6. Based on the diagram at right, which letter(s) represents area(s) of greatest kinetic energy? A E D 7. Draw a cross sectional view of the general shape of the stream bottom between points C and D. C surface water D B F